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Unable to complete Legendary Titans Quest



Good evening,


Due to the sensitivity of my keyboard, I am unable to complete Danielle’s first set of Simon says (I can’t face my character in a direction without moving in said direction). Is there any way to skip this section or de-bug it so I can continue the postgame?



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One solution is to manage the sensitivity itself. You can go to to Pokemon Reborn/Scripts/, open the file called Game_Player_.rb and go to line 442:

      @waiter = ($speed_up ? 5 : 1) if @lastdir!=dir && Graphics.frame_count-@lastdirframe != 1

Here you can try increasing the values inside the parentheses (the 5 is for when you're in speed-up mode, the 1 is for when you're not) till you are able to turn without moving

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