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egglocke save file



Hey guys! i've been looking for an egglocke save file in the reborn community for a really long time and had no luck. So i took matters into my own hands and made an savefile. it took a while to create the save file full of eggs. To create the save file i used the SharedPc mod, sandbox mode mod and debug mode. 


-The eggs are legal with gen 7 egg moves

-There are not duplicates within the egg pool except for some except of for forms, splits like burmy, basculin, espurr, frillish (needed to  make a box full of 30 slots, not leave a single blank spot).

-All eggs are non legendary/ultra beast mons (with the exception of Type:Null and Poipole they're included in the pool since they're available in the main storyline and they can evolve + are <600 BST).

- The eggs are in between the Box 8 and box 19.

- I turned on 5 passwords: Nuzlocke, weather mod, easyhms, noitems and freeexpall. (i don't like the hardcap password, so i used the expall password instead, if u want more or less passwords just grab data chips from the debug mode and do it, make your own rules :D!)

-I added 15 xs exp candies, to make easier leveling up your first mon.


Also if u want a save file with the eggs with your own character and rules, try either using the sharedpc mod and manually transfer the eggs (yeah kinda a pain but better than nothing) or the debug mode.


i hope this save file helps the egglocke enjoyers out there


Edit: Added some missing mons and added "illegal" eggmoves to azurill and happiny (aqua jet and seismic toss, since i wont add marill and chansey that would be a dupe, i dont think a single move that only the middle stage via breeding; would fully justify their addition to keep everything "legal").




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