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I'm getting ready to fight the elite four and I just want yall to check if my team is up to speed (litemode)


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It’s pretty difficult to give specific info without more detail. Two important questions that come to mind are:


1) Do you want to fight the League blind? Or do you know (or want to be told) what to expect? 
2) Do you play with items? 

I haven’t fought the League recently, and I haven’t played litemode at all, and I’m bad at this game, so I’m not very confident in my answer to your main question. But I think you will have a difficult time. 


(If you’re okay with spoilers, I can try to explain why in more detail.) 

Some advice:


0) Carry as many healing items (Potions, Revives) as you can. You’re going to need them. 

1) Get everyone to level 100. You need every inch of power you can. 

2) get rid of weak, redundant or otherwise useless HM moves (Fly, Rock Smash, Rock Climb, Strength). You don’t need them and they waste valuable move slots. 

3) is Icy Wind really the best idea on Simipour? Ice Beam sounds better. Simipour could probably use some speed too.  

4) I think Gyro Ball is a decent stab on Bronzong. I’m not sure that Metal Sound is as useful as a support move? 

5) Arcanine learns an excellent priority move (E Speed), it is worth using. 

6) at some point, perhaps more than once, you’re likely to end up against a mon that is simply too powerful for what you have. It might be worth having a way to neutralize such a mon (for instance, someone could know Toxic, then you use your potions and revives to survive while the poison does its job?). 

For slightly more revealing (but nothing big) information, I can tell you the following:


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  On 8/19/2023 at 6:03 PM, Aphelli said:

Some advice:





In addition to all this:


- since you're using Dragonium Z, it's almost always better to use Draco Meteor than Dragon Pulse, giving you both a stronger Z-move and a stronger follow-up the next 2 turns (2 Draco > 2 Dragon Pulse despite the spatk drop). Dragon Pulse is only better if you're staying in for 4 or more turns in a row (and clicking a Dragon move each turn). Fly can be dropped for Fire coverage, ideally Heat Wave


- since you're on litemode, Gyro Ball (as suggested above) isn't actually a great option on Bronzong, since opponents all have 0iv/ev in speed. Heavy Slam or Iron Head would be a better option. you could go with an Iron Ball (or another speed-dropping item) to use Gyro Ball but there are much better choices like Leftovers, type-resist berries, or Light Clay (if you teach it Reflect + Light Screen)


- items on your mons could use some work. they're not bad (besides the weird King's Rock on Arcanine), but at this point, you can get all the dept. store stickers and have full access to choice items, Leftovers, Life Orb, type gems, Rocky Helmet and Focus Sash.


- Mega Lopunny is a direct replacement for Persian if you're willing to train up another mon. it lacks Technician but makes up for it with much higher stats across the board and an unresisted STAB combo thanks to Scrappy. Return, High Jump Kick, Fake Out and coverage/utility of your choice is the usual setup


- similarly, Greninja is a direct replacement for Simipour, having much better speed and coverage and a broken ability. it does pretty desperately want Z-moves though so you'd have to consider alternative item options for Noivern. moveset is whatever you need to get through a fight, but generally I'll have Ice Beam/Dark Pulse/Gunk Shot/Surf, and throw the appropriate Z-move on depending on what I need Greninja to OHKO


- Klefki is a potential shout over Bronzong, trading raw bulk for Prankster and a vastly superior typing. Dazzling Gleam, Reflect, Light Screen, and your choice of Flash Cannon, Foul Play, Thunder Wave, Toxic, and Spikes for the last slot


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despite all the talk about replacements, you should be able to win just fine with your current team with good item use and some move changes. good luck :)

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