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[Help] Double battle Erin+Melia (in Past Sheridan Village, after 11th badge)


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does anyone have a suggestion how to deal with this double battle, namely the crest Zangoose?

I can deal with the other 'mons just fine: my Drapion sets up a double layer of toxic spikes + toxic's the flying 'mons. Some potions, ta-da. No problem.

But this [insert very rude cursing] crest Zangoose! It smokes my whole team! And I am kinda baffled on how to win against that because it's just great set-up. It's already poisoned (so no status changes possible), the crest will re-poison it (no heal bell or anything the likes), and with only three 'mons I can't really do a type change (like soak) or a change of its ability (like simple beam). Afaik there's also no way to change the environment. And ghost type pokemons are OHKO with Zangoose's night slash, too.

And yeah, I have noticed the irony that a fight-type pokemon would easily take care of the situation, but Aelita's 'mons are usually quickly taken out before, so it's just mine by the time Zangoose rolls around.

If I'd have to train up a new 'mon - could I still travel in time ("back to the future", so to speak) for some Audino trainers?


Cheers for any help,



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In case anyone else struggles too: I changed my team to:

- Nidoking Lvl 72 w Poison Jab, Toxic Spikes, Sludge Bomb, Sucker Punch

- Drapion Lvl 72 w Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Crunch, Bug Bite (or was it Bug Buzz?)

- something else (iirc Masquerain Lvl 72 w Discharge, Air Cut, Ice Beam, Bug Buzz)

I only needed the first two, tho. And some potions to fix the Nidoking up. Actually this team worked on my first attempt with these three! I was surprised and happy by that, too.

The cursed Zangoose was OHKO by Aelita's Hawlucha :3 and ohhh boy was that satisfying



Audino trainers weren't necessary; my Nidoking was mostly up to level, so it only took some Exp. candies.

I didn't set up Toxic Spikes, just Poison Jab'ed the mons, healed the Nidoking as necessary. At some point it got knocked out, so it was up to Drapion. Worked surprisingly sweet!

Edited by vampirevulpix
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