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Please can you rate my team?


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Hello everyone, how are you doing? It's been a while last time i played Pokémon Reborn and decided to do another run, specially to see the endgame part. So, because of that, i thought of making a all-around balanced team, where each weakness is covered by an ally. So, let me show them to you:


Delphox (a.k.a. Houdini)

Ability: Blaze

held item: Firium Z or Choice Scarf

Nature: Timid or Modest

EV: Speed + 252, Sp. Attack + 252, HP +6

Move set:

- Mystic Fire

- Psychic

- Grass Knot

- Fire Pledge


Crobat (a.k.a. Nightwing)

Ability: Infiltrator

Held item: choice band or nothing

Nature: Adamant 

EV: Attack + 252, speed +252, HP + 6


- Cross Poison

- Roost

- Acrobatics / Fly

- Brave Bird


Primarina (a.k.a. Opera)

Ability: Torrent

Held item: Choice Scarf

Nature: Modest or Timid

EV: Sp. Attack + 252, Speed + 252, Hp + 6


- Water Pledge

- Psychic

- Sparkling Aria

- Moonblast


Scrafty (a.k.a Mohawk)

Ability: Moxie

Held item: Leftovers

Nature: Jolly

EV: HP + 252, Attack + 252, Speed +6


- Drain Punch

- Dragon dance

- Crunch

- Iron Head / Poison Jab


Galvantula (a.k.a. Tesla)

Ability: Compound Eyes

Held item: 

Nature: Timid or Modest

EV: Sp. Attack +252, Speed + 252, HP +6 


- Buzz bug

- Thunder wave

- Energy Ball

- Thunder


Garchomp (a.k.a. Smaug)

Ability: Rough Skin

Held item: Garchompite

Nature: Jolly

EV: Attack +252, Speed + 252, HP + 6


- Earthquake

- Outrage

- Iron Head / Poison Jab

- idk



So, the idea of this team is that each Pokemon has its weakness coevered by some other member (like Delphox is weak to water and i have a Galvantula to super effectively hit water, and so on). Also, for double battles i plan on having Primarina and Delphox to create and abuse of Rainbow field, as they seem to have some interesting moves that a upgraded.


Anyway, what are you guys' opinion on my team? Please, i would like to know your opinion on this. Thanks

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Galvantula can use sticky web as a lead instead of thunder wave, then you can switch choice scarf for something else for primarina. Garchomp can use swords dance, and unless you need the raw power, people don’t usually mega evolve garchomp cuz of the speed drop. Maybe rocky helmet is better to punish physical attackers. And finally because reborn is very speed oriented, usually I only run max speed natures. That’s just my opinions, but otherwise it’s a very solid team!

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What @Axelyx stands. Speed is CRITICAL. Max speed Galva with stick web helps a lot. Most of the coverage you have is great, I would suggest having a rotation to swap in when you're having issues, cause with 6 'mons, it'll happen. Roserade, Sceptile, Archeops, Hydriegon, Charizard, Greninja are some of the few I recommend seeing where you could fit them in. Anything with speed-boosting setup sweeps also works. I know it's late game, but Eevee Z-move is BUSTED with stored power. D-Dance and Q-Dance are good options to throw in anywhere. otherwise, not a bad start.

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