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Rate my team please (new to harder fan games)


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just wanted some advice for the team, I'm not too great at teambuilding so anything is appreciated. I'm also only on gym 9 right now and I plan to properly EV train everyone on my team soon. Here's my team:


Noivern (Wide Lens) Infiltrator 

-Dragon Pulse



-Steel Wing


Alakazam (Twisted Spoon) Magic Guard


-Charge Beam


-Sleep Talk (Will replace when I get a better move) 


Gogoat (Big Root) Sap Sipper 

-Horn Leech

-Aerial Ace


-Leaf Blade


Arcanine (Charcoal) Justified 




-Flare Blitz


Empoleon (Mystic Water) Torrent

-Drill Peck 

-Water Pledge 

-Aqua Jet

-Steel Wing


Pangoro (Black Belt) Scrappy

-Bullet Punch

-Shadow Claw


-Hammer Arm

Edited by WehoK
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Overall nice team. For Noivern I would replace steel wing with boomburst and maybe run throat spray occasionally. Give Alakazam dazzling gleam in place of sleep talk. Gogoat is well built, but you might want to run swords dance over leaf blade so horn leech can do good enough damage to make it worthwhile in tandem with the big root. For Arcanine, I would recommend changing its ability to intimidate and running wild charge over heatwave. Give Empoleon flash cannon and blizzard over drill peck and steel wing. Pangoro is also well built, but maybe replace bullet punch with poison jab or gunk shot if you're feeling risky.

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I think this team has a lot of potential, and should be decent for the point youre at, but here's the changes i'd make:


Noivern: Agreeing that you should remove steel wing in place of boomburst, but id also reccomend removing roost for taunt/tailwind. Noivern unfortunately doesnt have the bulk where roost is effective, especially later on. If you want to run both taunt and tailwind, id drop hurricane/air slash unless youre heading into an area where those moves benefit from field/weather. And if you cant decide between taunt or tailwind, taunt is better if youre struggling due to hazards/reflect et al./opposing tailwind/status (bulkier teams) and tailwind is better youre struggling more with speed (more offensive teams), especially in doubles. Some item ideas could be sash, z-move, seed (best if it gives noivern a free turn via a protection effect like spiky sheid or stat buff), gem, or a generic boosting item.


Alakazam: Yeah zam does benefit from dazzling gleam though icr if its available at the 9th badge. Id reccomend any of the following in the meantime: grass knot/energy ball, thunder wave, shadow ball,hidden power (ice, ground, fire, fairy are usually the best if no other coverage options are available). Id also slap calm mind on that beast too. A good multipurpose set for later could be: psychic, d.gleam, shadow ball, calm mind with life orb (magic guard=no recoil!) focus blast is another good option, just be aware of the accuracy. Luckily zam has a good movepool so its easy to customize for upcoming battles.


Gogoat: Im gonna assume that youre not gonna breed a new gogoat with grassy terrain, so id reccomend something like horn leech, rock slide and/or earthquake, milk drink and/or bulk up with lefties or another recovery item if you dont want to use big root. If you do breed a new gogoat with grassy terrain because changing the terrain is very broken, do not run earthquake. Run stomping tantrum instead.

3 hours ago, Vranf said:

Gogoat is well built, but you might want to run swords dance over leaf blade so horn leech can do good enough damage to make it worthwhile in tandem with the big root.

Shockingly gogoat doesnt get swords dance??? bulk up is good though.


Arcanine: Arcanine can get away with a lot of sets but one I really like is intimidate with snarl. If you keep Pangoro on your team, you dont really need Arcanine running a strong dark type move like crunch. Snarl is here for mainly support. Id reccomend a general set like: Flare blitz, snarl, extreme speed, bulldoze/outrage/wild charge/will'o'wisp/crunch. You could do heat wave over flare blitz especially for doubles and if you went all bulk on the evs. A bulky set would be heat wave, snarl, and any of e. speed/will'o'wisp/bulldoze with a recovery item.


Empoleon: I have a lot of thoughts on empoleon cause it spends a lot of time waiting for its best moves to be available, so I find it a little annoying. However it does still get some nice tools and its typing is excellent. Before you get scald + flash cannon, I might go with stealth rock/knock off, aqua jet, hydro pump/surf, icy wind/knock off/mist (mist changes field, but only for like,,, 3 turns). Im not sure this set will be dishing out massive damage anytime soon but stealth rock and knock off are good additions to any team. When you do get some more options id suggest a late game set of scald, flash cannon/ice beam, aqua jet, hydro pump/knock off/stealth rock/icy wind. If you run hydro pump id run it as a z move to fix its bad accuracy, otherwise i reccomend a choice scarf/specs or lefties. If you wanna be funny heres a physical set: aqua jet, earthquake/rock slide, liquidation/rock slide, swords dance with defiant.


Pangoro: Take my thoughts with a grain of salt since pangoro disappointed me a little when i was recently playing deso. I would first change the ability to something other than scappy since Pangoro's dark STAB solves its ghost problem. Mold breaker is mostly situational, so id go with iron fist. Pangoros best move imo is parting shot, since it can take adavantage of its slowness and give a free switch to a teammate, while dropping both attack and sp. attack of the opponent.

4 hours ago, Vranf said:

Pangoro is also well built, but maybe replace bullet punch with poison jab or gunk shot if you're feeling risky

I disagree in getting rid of bullet punch. Pangoro needs a speedy option and its one of the moves it gets that benefits from iron fist too, though a poison type coverage is a good idea in a pinch. Get rid of shadow claw instead. Additionally, while hammer arm is stronger, the speed lowering doesnt do you any favours. Unless you have a crazy trick room strat Id just go with drain punch for the recovery. Lastly, Id also run knock off, though crunch is also good. (knock off is stronger than crunch if and only if the opponent holds an item). So something like parting shot, knock off, drain punch, poison coverage/crunch is good.


Overall: I like your team compositon - its very well rounded! You have the fire-water-grass core and alakazam does well paired with pangoro since it gets rid of ghost, dark, and steel types for it, and noivern and gogoat helps with both empoleon and arcanine being weak to ground. If i had to switch out a pokemon Id probably switch pangoro out for scrafty since it can do pretty similar things while also boosting with dragon dance, giving you a second intimidator, and giving you fake-out support too. Set for that: fake-out, dragon dance (these are egg moves!), drain punch/high jump kick, knock off/crunch. Id also say you should consider a pokemon that can check/counter fairy types more easily since pangoro and noivern are weak, and while arcanine can switch in, it cant threaten too much. Maybe consider an offensive steel or poison type that resists fairy.


Sorry if this was too long :/ good luck!

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Thanks for all the great advice, I really appreciate it. I just finished EV training the entire team and now am going for those TM's also trying to get a Gengar to switch as a backup member for a fairy type that could be dangerous. I'm totally down to build another Gogoat to increase the bulk for my team so I can make the Arcanine physically offensive. I've put Empoleon on hold seeing as I can't get stealth rock and knock off yet but plan to swap those in as soon as its available. I've put calm mind and grass knot on alakazam temporarily while I wait for shadow ball and dazzling gleam to replace grass knot and charge beam. With noivern I've decided to drop hurricane and roost for taunt and tailwind as you suggested, due to how often hurricane missed. I will also replace pangoro with scrafty, he was a bit disapointing in the battle againt Luna i just got through, where I expected him to do well due to his huge type advantage. I honestly wasnt aware that Scrafty was so tanky and got such good moves otherwise I wouldve made that change sooner, pangoro was basically a filler mon for his typing in the team anyway. 

Edited by WehoK
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1 hour ago, WehoK said:

Thanks for all the great advice, I really appreciate it. I just finished EV training the entire team and now am going for those TM's also trying to get a Gengar to switch as a backup member for a fairy type that could be dangerous.

Sounds awesome 👍 If you didnt get Gengar fom the mystery egg Magneton and Salazzle should be pretty soon.

1 hour ago, WehoK said:

I will also replace pangoro with scrafty, he was a bit disapointing in the battle againt Luna i just got through, where I expected him to do well due to his huge type advantage.

Yeah its criminal Pangoro doesnt get like mach punch close combat or sucker punch :(

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