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PBS Files Like Reborn and Rejuv?


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If I remember correctly, Desolation doesn't use PBS files, it handles stuff differently. I think most of the relevant files are in the Scripts folder and the Deso (or Desolation) folder that's inside the scripts folder.

So instead of editing PBS files and then compiling, you just change the relevant scripts straight away and don't need to compile.

I might be wrong, but that's what worked for me and how I understood it.

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Hiya Dev here,


So as of EP6, Desolation (alongside Rejuvenation and Reborn) now run on a new codebase, what this means is we don't use "PBS files" anymore moving forward, if you wish to do some edits for modding and such, you'll find the files in the "Scripts" folder in the game folder!

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3 hours ago, Posty said:

Hiya Dev here,


So as of EP6, Desolation (alongside Rejuvenation and Reborn) now run on a new codebase, what this means is we don't use "PBS files" anymore moving forward, if you wish to do some edits for modding and such, you'll find the files in the "Scripts" folder in the game folder!

Interesting okay I'll try to edit it through that when I play. Thanks!

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