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Suggestion to improve my team (first run)


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Hello guys, I'm new to the forum, and this is my first post. I'd like to ask if you could evaluate my team and provide suggestions for improvement.

I'm quite confident in the first three mons (Meowstic, Blaziken, and Sharpedo), and Magnezone is also decent, but I'm not entirely convinced about Archeops and Mega-Venusaur. I'm looking for something that could perform better. Can you please help me out?

I've just defeated the Elite Four and Champion Lin, and I'm at the beginning of the postgame first chapter.


Meowstic M (prankster) Light Clay


Light Screen

Misty terrain

Psychic/Shadow ball 


Blaziken (speed boostwide lens 

Flare blitz

High Jump Kick

Sword Dance  



Sharpedo (speed boost) Darkinium-Z



Destiny bond 



Magnezone (magnet pull) Lax Incense

Flash cannon 


Hidden Power (fire)

Magnet Rise


Archeops (Defeaistno item


Rock Slide

Earth power



Venusaur (Chlorophyll) Venusaurite

Sludge Bomb

Grassy terrain


Leech Seed

Edited by nicodigio
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Well, if you want almost the same tiping i'd suggest:


swellow (guts) flame orb instead of archeops



brave bird



Venusaur i think it's a good choice if you teach him sleep powder and someone sunny day it's good with blaziken too. 


Another think i'd do is to theach blaziken baton pass and change venusaur with a physical and tank grass pokemon like sceptyle (since you don't use megas) or flapple, abomasnow whatever you like most.

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6 hours ago, Motorteo said:

Well, if you want almost the same tiping i'd suggest:


swellow (guts) flame orb instead of archeops



brave bird



Venusaur i think it's a good choice if you teach him sleep powder and someone sunny day it's good with blaziken too. 


Another think i'd do is to theach blaziken baton pass and change venusaur with a physical and tank grass pokemon like sceptyle (since you don't use megas) or flapple, abomasnow whatever you like most.

Hi tnks for your reply 

I’ve already played with Swellow and I don’t really like him, i prefer Archeops with his Rock type STAB and Earth Power.

And I use megas, I have all megas stones, u can see that Venusaur has Venusaurite. 

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Something I've personally really liked doing with a similar team (the Meowstic-M + Speed Boost Blaziken combo) is putting up screens if the situation allows it and using Yawn, switching into Blaziken and setting up with Swords Dance while Speed Boost is also upping speed. So consider swapping Misty Terrain with Yawn?

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14 hours ago, Axelyx said:

Try mega aerodactyl, and from what I see you prefer offense so I recommend contrary serperior. If you want utility then maybe try amoonguss, ferrothorn or breloom!

HI tnks to everyone for your replies and suggestions. 

I was already thinking to try mega aerodactyl so I will do it, I will try contrary Serperior too tnks for your suggestion (can u please tell me a solid moveset for both of them please?)


13 hours ago, Lillietea said:

Something I've personally really liked doing with a similar team (the Meowstic-M + Speed Boost Blaziken combo) is putting up screens if the situation allows it and using Yawn, switching into Blaziken and setting up with Swords Dance while Speed Boost is also upping speed. So consider swapping Misty Terrain with Yawn?

Hi tnks for your reply, can u please tell me how can I teach Yawn on Meowsti M ?



I was thinking to play with my Nidoking (sheer force + life orb is really brutal on him) but I dont really know how to fit him in my team, can somebody help me please? 

Tnks to everyone.

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14 hours ago, nicodigio said:

Hi tnks for your reply, can u please tell me how can I teach Yawn on Meowsti M ?

You would have to either breed for it (compatible parents that learn Yawn can be found here)


Or, if I remember correctly, one of the main modpacks for Reborn (either SWM or AddOpt, forgot which one) has a mod that lets you teach a mon its egg moves with move relearner

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I’m not very familiar with m-aerodactyl, you can look it up on smogon. But for serperior, leaf storm, glare, hidden power and substitute/knock off is fine, its main job is a late game cleaner. I suggest you to also look it up on smogon though :)

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