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Pokémon Reborn Yang Mod


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I was looking through the spreadsheets because I’m considering transitioning to this game from allgen due there being eventual plans to update this to the 19.5 reborn (and thus far I haven’t seen any evidence that allgen will be updated). But I have a few questions first.


looking at the spreadsheets, I see a few gen 8 and gen 9 pokemon without locations. Are flutter mane, walking wake, the ruinous legends, the gen 8 legends (except for the galar birds, I do see ways in which to get those) in this mod? Are the gen 9 dlc pokemon in this mod? 

Finally, is it possible using one of the pc sharing modular mod packs noted your original post to be compatible with Yang to transfer Pokemon between saves? For example can I transfer my team from. Base reborn pre-19.5 save to this game or even from my allgen save to this game using the compatible modular pc sharing mod noted in your OP?



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game crashes in JOIPLAY whenever i try to to start a fight with a non starter pokemon anyone have a fix?
i can use the pokemons if i switch them in. i choose cyndaquil as starter fights will start only if i have cyndaquil as first pokemon. otherwise it crashes when the
FIGHT BAG FLEE POKEMON UI is supposed to appear. i know that maybe i m not even supposed to write this here but if you can help please.

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On 11/9/2024 at 12:13 AM, Lanier said:

I was looking through the spreadsheets because I’m considering transitioning to this game from allgen due there being eventual plans to update this to the 19.5 reborn (and thus far I haven’t seen any evidence that allgen will be updated). But I have a few questions first.


looking at the spreadsheets, I see a few gen 8 and gen 9 pokemon without locations. Are flutter mane, walking wake, the ruinous legends, the gen 8 legends (except for the galar birds, I do see ways in which to get those) in this mod? Are the gen 9 dlc pokemon in this mod? 

Finally, is it possible using one of the pc sharing modular mod packs noted your original post to be compatible with Yang to transfer Pokemon between saves? For example can I transfer my team from. Base reborn pre-19.5 save to this game or even from my allgen save to this game using the compatible modular pc sharing mod noted in your OP?





The gen 8 and gen 9 Pokémon with missing locations are due to them being Pokémon which will be obtainable in post-game which has not been edited yet. Post-game content is planned for 4.0! For the Gen 9 DLC, as Yang was created beforehand, all Teal Mask and Indigo Disk content is being added in 3.0 alongside the update to 19.5! So, currently they're unobtainable.

Using the PC sharing mod packs, I have not personally tested nor seen anyone else try to move Pokémon from savefiles from different versions of the game. I know for definite an All Gen save will not work due to the Pokédex numbers being different, however, for a pre-19.5 I imagine there could be a possibility it would work, I would just keep a backup save in case!

Hope this helps :)


On 11/12/2024 at 11:45 PM, nikanikanomi88 said:

game crashes in JOIPLAY whenever i try to to start a fight with a non starter pokemon anyone have a fix?
i can use the pokemons if i switch them in. i choose cyndaquil as starter fights will start only if i have cyndaquil as first pokemon. otherwise it crashes when the
FIGHT BAG FLEE POKEMON UI is supposed to appear. i know that maybe i m not even supposed to write this here but if you can help please.

This sounds like a similar problem to something people experienced on v2.6 when catching wild Pokémon. If you are on v2.6, please update to v2.7. If you are already on v2.7, you should revert to a save before catching the Pokemon which are having errors or forcibly release them using debug! If this does not help your issue I'll get back to you asap!

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 1/2/2025 at 6:45 PM, WesItUp said:

Is there a way to get Shroodle or Grafaiai after the renovation?



That is a good catch! Once you do the railnet renovation there actually is no location to get Shroodle nor Grafaiai. This is an oversight and will be amending in 3.0!


On 12/16/2024 at 10:25 AM, Dangerr said:


I think I found a bug.

Samson is missing so I am not able to go into the glitch area to battle terra.


Can't say I've ever seen anything remotely similar to this... possibly a debug issue? If you could explain what happened that led to this (any unsual pathing or choices) that would be great, thanks!


On 11/24/2024 at 9:57 PM, Wintergem said:

Does Hail boost Ice Types defense since Snowscape is basically rototiller?


It does not. I did not want to give Ice the Defense boost due to how strong it is, let alone the chip and Defense boost. It still does on a few fields and in the future I will probably shift it over to Snowscape fully... maybe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. I've just defeated Luna and gotten the crystal keys. I was thinking I would need the crystal keys to get the glimmet encounter in the Chaorite Grotto, but the key isn't working. I don't know how to get the glimmet or navigate certain parts of the grotto, could someone help? What am I missing?

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  • 3 weeks later...

This may seem like a dumb question. But if I were to apply Yang to Reborn, would I still be able to open and operate Reborn from the initial .exe file or would I have to start it from the file in the Yang folder? Is that effectively trying to boot up vanilla Reborn even though it won't work because of Yang?


Would it also even be possible to have both vanilla and Yang at the same time? Like, two different windows with one being Yang and the other vanilla? I'm asking just in case I ever want to go back to the vanilla version for whatever reason.

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