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Hi there!

After some browsing through the site and playing Pokemon Reborn, I felt a desire to register on the forums and be a part of this community, which at first glance seems to be quite a friendly and helpful one.

So, my name is Eliskae (not really), and while I am admittedly new to Pokemon Reborn, I am quite experienced on the competitive side of Pokemon. I started playing Pokemon about fifteen years ago when I was very young, and gradually began taking it seriously (or rather, as serious as you can playing Pokemon) about six years ago.

I really look forward to hanging out with you guys on this forum, and I must say the developer and writer of the story for this game is quite talented and what got me to try it, so kudos to you Amethyst!


Edited by Eliskae
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Welcome to the forums. I feel obligated to point you to downloading PO as well, because a LOT of Reborn community action happens on the server, and as a competitive player, I'm sure you'd like to test your skills against all the people that use the program for battles with people who know what they're doing. Most of 'em do, anyhow.

So yeah, welcome, have fun, leave your soul on the desk in the corner, and I'll see to it in the morning.

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Hahaha, indeed Hazama is present within me. It's a pleasure to meet you all, and thank you for such the warm replies!

I do have PO, however, just to make sure, Reborn currently doesn't support Gen 6, or is this a mistake on my part?

And Merry Christmas to you all :)!

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Hahaha, I find quiet types have the most to offer in terms of wisdom and insight on a lot of life decisions. Unfortunately, my head is in the clouds a lot of the time, so its that kind of person that complements me in a social situation.

Maybe that explains my ghost/flying type...:P

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Hehe... Well I'll tell you a story, you're right about having wisdom to offer. I brought a guy from suicide and almost got him a girlfriend through some words I put together from my heart (something that's hard to crack) and even then people don't like me. Not sure why though. I've been called mean and I've been called the darkest 13 year old anybody has ever met for my views on life. Which are pretty dark views. And from your description of your personality you sound like you need somebody down to Earth. If you ever need any help send me a message by clicking on my name and send me one, I'll get it and respond to it.

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> quiet

> down to earth

>> my laughter is punctuated by tears right now.

Reborn's server DOES support gen6, however the tiers aren't fully implemented yet. Once they are, any laddering done will be reset, but you'll at least have some time to practice with what you're probably gonna play with.

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Maelstrom, this is the only time of year I'll ever post a whole bunch and be happy. Don't expect this personality for another 365 days, k? You're what I call a happiness buzzard. Tomorrow I'll be back to one word posts of my normal sort, so come off your annoyance cloud for Christmas for one day please? Maybe without annoying somebody for a day? I try to greet somebody on Christmas and already look who's on me... If you want to laugh go back to the standup stage. Christmas Day is a bad time to mess with anyone, especially me. So if you'd please, stop before I ruin Christmas because you got me into my bad mood. Being 13 doesn't mean I'm always happy like a little kid. And yes i am normally quiet and down to earth, Christmas hype is normal, so lay off k?

Edited by Absol-lutelty awesome!
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