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Question about IV Judge Mechanics when Breeding


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I'm trying to breed perfect IVs, while using the IV judge in Lapis to check my eggs' IVs. I understand that the judge tells me which stat has the highest IV, but what happens when two stats tie for the highest? Will the judge tell me about both stats or will he just mention one? If he does mention just one highest stat, will he tell me the other highest stat if I ask him to check the same egg a second time? I looked up the judge mechanics for the official pokemon games, but I don't know which generation this judge is modeled after.

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The judge should mention all the highest stats if there is a tie, since its Gen V mechanics

After some breeding, I found evidence that proves otherwise. The judge told me that my Trapinch had perfect ( "flawless") Defense as it's highest stat, however an unexpectedly large percentage of Trapinch's eggs possessed perfect Special Defense as their highest stat. This was odd, because neither parent had a perfect IV in Special Defense according to the IV judge. So, I checked both parents' stats and entered them in an IV calculator. It turns out that this Trapinch had perfect IVs in both Defense and Special Defense! The judge did not mention anything about the perfect Special Defense.

I concluded that the judge will report only one highest stat in the case where there is a tie between two or more stats. This makes breeding harder, seeing as how you cannot fully determine a pokemon's perfect stats until you hatched the egg, leveled up the pokemon and run its stats through an IV calculator.

I'm thinking the game copies Gen 3's and Gen 4's stat judges who "randomly choose which one to mention." Oddly, the EV judge seems to mention a random stat when you present to her an egg, or any pokemon with zero EV's in each stat.

Edited by swiftstrike
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