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Some Mistakes Found In the Game (Episode 10)


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I found a few errors within the game while wandering around, and I thought it would be helpful if I post the problems. This isn't to be picky or anything, it's only meant to polish episode 11 when it comes out. :)


I can walk down the hill right here...

-I don't have an image, but when you go to collect Lillpup he is standing on the street light.

-Dr. Sigmund is a little difficult when you first have the option to fight him, especially his Electivire.

-Also, in double battles with your own pokemon and not an NPC you can press x after using a potion to go back to your previous pokemon and use potions over and over again and still attack with both pokemon....and I admit to abusing this glitch.

There's no make-out scence between Cain and the protaginist. Make it happen. :Kappa:

I hope I posted this in the right spot.

Edited by Rimmintine
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I don't think the Electivire battle is a "mistake in the game" that should be fixed. Like with all the characters in the game, you require luck and a well balanced team. I think it took me a couple of tries to beat Sigmund (first try was to scout out the team and second to mop the floor with him). It may be hard to beat him, but it's still possible. All the battles in the game don't need to change IMO

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* This place is fine

* Fixed the wasteland thing

* I'm looking at lillipup, but I don't see that he's on a street light... It should be behind the street sign though. Is that not so?

* Noted

* Story's not over yet.......

Also, what's going on in your uh, avatar? o-o

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My avatar? That was just made for the lol's :P

And I was just done looking at the super smash bros trailer for the wii u :D

If someone has a picture of the floating lillipup that would be helpful. But it's not really a big deal if there's still a floating lillupup. Maybe it's a cattipup. :Kappa:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think this thread should be changed to the mistake thread or something.


Also, you can walk on some of the computers in the Nature Center. I don't know which floor it was on. Maybe it was all of the computers.

I notice this stuff because I make a lot of these mistakes myself >.<

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I downloaded and started playing Episode 10 and i noticed one thing im confused on, in the Coral Ward there is a builden you can enter and there you can take the Coral Ward quiz. The door is locked post-45907-0-37014900-1389309663_thumb.png and i'm stuck to what im suppose to do now, can anyone help please?

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  On 1/9/2014 at 11:21 PM, Rina said:

I downloaded and started playing Episode 10 and i noticed one thing im confused on, in the Coral Ward there is a builden you can enter and there you can take the Coral Ward quiz. The door is locked attachicon.giffdr.png and i'm stuck to what im suppose to do now, can anyone help please?

You can go in a certain day. That's Tuesday and answers the questions and win an egg.

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