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13.5 old save files backtracking (feel free to add!)


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While the devs have encouraged us to start new save files (and tbf I personally have) I'm sure there are plenty of us who have old save files from version 13 that put a lot of time into and still want to keep and continue on them.  Since 13.5 changed/added a lot of things I wanted to keep track of a few things I noticed while backtracking that may help others as well.  Biggest example is the quest with Florin and Flora in Tyluric Temple on Terajuma Island.  (arguably the most important one since the devs said this will only be available for old saves until version 14 comes out.)

Again, this is mostly for people with old save files from version 13 so they can backtrack and find things in old areas that were added in 13.5, with the assumption that they basically did everything in version 13.


As such, I also encourage for others to add anything they've noted as well!  

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  • Kristaline Odessa quest

          There's a mansion in Kristaline with a new quest featuring an npc named Odessa.  Reward for completion is a Phione crest.

  • Terajuma Help center egg
    If you completed all the help center quests talk to the clerks, 'April' will magically appear at the front door and give you an egg for an Aevium form pokemon!  If she doesn't appear try entering the room at the top left and coming back out after talking to the clerks.
  • Tyluric Temple.
    If you fixed the bridge, make your way to Tyluric temple and try to enter it to start a limited time quest with three people, two of which are Flora and Florin.
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  • (doubt these are, intentional)  If you haven't started the new stuff yet, you can go to the rotom room and get another stamp from the scientist even if you already retrieved it for that quest in previous versions.  You can also get another stamp for the gdc market from the lady at the front desk on the first floor.
  • Old move relearner is in mirage town, you'll have to head west past the waterfall where she is in a cave.
  • Holy is waiting next to the old storage (house?) close to valor shore, after the events there You can talk to the blade star professor guy at the kristiline help center.
  • You can do the new 'pokemon ranger' training in kakori gym but I wouldn't recommend this one, It puts the chapter 6 story mission in your lol seemingly permanently, hopefully it didn't break anything :X
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Speaking of April, it's gone for me now, but for a while you could find Rick in lover's bridge which leads to a cutscene with invisible April and a boss battle that leads to a black screen. Don't do it.

Another issue in the underground is being unable to complete Patricia's quest if you get to Damien's room after saving him from V and you already started the quest without completing it. 

EDIT: To be fair these sorts of glitches existed even without old save files on a new version. Like for example, if you went to the hospital after Lavender's mission to escape from there you randomly had her prompts. Similarly now going to the nightmare realm will have Aelita speak even if she's not there. 

Edited by Wolfofdoom3
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You can redo a good chunk of Angie's quest right up till the actual boss fight, you just get denied by an ice wall right at the end. I wonder if using debug to go through would make the game resume from that part of the story onward... or if it'll irrevocably break everything. Just escaping from Angie's palace without flying out also seem to put back Kristaline on ice.

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