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Out of the darkness...


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...and into the light,

Sparks fly everywhere in sight

From my double barrel, 12 gauge,
Can't lock me in your cage...

Pantera awesomeness aside, I've been lurking here for about 3 months now and this is just the second time I've actually bothered to post something. I guess I'm just lazy or something, I kept meaning to actually join in discussions but then I'd just forget or go do something else.

I'm 20 years old, which is weird as all hell because I've been calling myself a teenager for the last 7 years and now suddenly I'm meant to be an adult. At least I'm not in the US though, so I can still go out and buy my own beer legally (thank god we got something right on this side of the pond). I'm also a hockey (can't believe I'm stuck in a country where we actually have to call it ice hockey) goalie and a Physics student. Any NHL followers who want to compare me to Bryz are welcome, for I too have a humongous big five-hole.

Pokemon-wise: I've played pretty much everything in the main series: I've been at this since 1998 and it doesn't look like I'm gonna stop any time soon (ignoring my mid-teens hiatus when I was too cool to play pokemon :P ) Got into Reborn through a friend from uni and got hooked pretty fast. Then I made an account here and waited 3 months to post. 3 cheers for procrastination... later on. I also think I'm one of the few people who beat Serra in E9 first time (I run an ice gym team too so I kinda new how what to expect from her) which is pretty cool. Hopefully once I get onto half-decent internet I can download Episode 10 and Pokemon Online again and hopefully that'll happen in time for the Reborn League being up and running since it sounds a great way to avoid actually studying like a lot of fun. Oh yeah, congrats to Ame on making such a great game. Also, that Applesauce thread is one of the best things I've ever read.

Also, I need somewhere to put what's left of my sanity, we don't happen to have access to an Aperture Science Emergency Intelligence Incinerator do we? That'd be useful.

Err, games. Who likes games here? I like games. I play bits of just about everything, Borderlands 2 (if you read this Ame, thank you so much for the Tina reference in Apophyll), the Persona series (and the Arena spin-off), Portal, and a load of others that I kinda gave up on listing because lazy.

Anyway, I'm gonna try and stick around. And not do that whole lurking thing anymore. Please be gentle... or don't, if that's your thing.

PS: Don't be too hard on the avatar, I made it in paint in about 20 minutes :D Can you believe I couldn't find an image of Walrein in a Santa hat? What is wrong with the world?

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Aye, a fellow hockey player.

From Scotland, too!

Anyway, you can leave your sanity at the metaphorical window, which is what most other people have done.

There's a fair amount of us that play Borderlands, and a few (ahem Mael / Dominus) who are really into it. Also just as many if not more people who play Persona or (insert SMT game here).

And hell no, I won't compare you to Bryzgalov. I wouldn't do such a thing to any goaltender, not even my brother. :P

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Aye, a fellow hockey player.

From Scotland, too!

Anyway, you can leave your sanity at the metaphorical window, which is what most other people have done.

There's a fair amount of us that play Borderlands, and a few (ahem Mael / Dominus) who are really into it. Also just as many if not more people who play Persona or (insert SMT game here).

And hell no, I won't compare you to Bryzgalov. I wouldn't do such a thing to any goaltender, not even my brother. :P

Good to see another player, gonna guess you're a Leafs fan given you're from Toronto. In that case, the Winter Classic may decide whether or not we can be friends :P

I have BL2 on the Xbox and PC, but my laptop has been out of action since August so I've not played much of the PC version. Any 360 gamers who want to play sometime can add me, GT: Buddha 217 (I swear there was a story behind the numbers at the end but I can't even remember now).

I also have a 3DS, PSP and a Wii sitting around somewhere. I play/played a LOT of Monster Hunter so if I ever manage to get a Wii U I know the first game I need for it. Any other hunters here though? Sharing stories is always fun.

I guess the paper shredder will do fine. I'd feel safer if it were properly incinerated like the companion cu-WHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY?! But I guess it'll do for now.

Thanks for the welcomes too, appreciate it.

Edited by Ullas
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Right now, I'm mostly on BL2 or Arena but I'm probably gonna try to pick up GTA5 at some point in the near future if I can. I've also got Battlefield 4, but I'm gonna wait for it to get a little less buggy before I play a lot of it.

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