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My "Epic" 6th Gen OU team

Epic C

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Through a bunch of testing. i've finally found a diamond in the rough for me. for Gen 6 OU.

So here it is:

Notice: I first made this on Pokemon showdown, meant mainly just to test synergy with Defensive M-Scizor and Tenta, therefore, the rest of the pokemon were randomly picked by myself. but this team does so well, that i just stuck with it.

The Team:




Ability: Iron Fist

252 Att+/252 Speed/4 SpD/-SpAtt


-Mach Punch

-Swords Dance

-Stealth Rock

-Fire Punch

Item: Focus Sash

Desc: Sort of a suicide lead, but sometimes, at some occassions, i'll swords dance to try and get an early sweep, but i havent been able to do so so far, anyway! Infernape's only job is to setup rocks, rarely do i ever call him back too. so really, he is kind of a suicide lead. Thats pretty much all i have to say...

Special Tank:


Ability: Liquid Ooze

252 HP/252 SpD+/4 Def/-Att


-Rapid Spin

-Toxic Spikes

-Sludge Bomb


Item: Black Sludge

Desc: Tbh, this is the first time i've used Tentacruel actually well, or even ever. Dang. is this thing have some much special bulk!, one of my 2 Hazard eliminators, I also sometimes will setup Toxic Spikes for my Hazard fun times! (unless they have very few, like, 1-2 pokemon, that are actually affected by it) Sludge Bomb can do nice amounts damage, and can be good for crippling other stuffs with that chance of Poison, and Surf for secondary STAB.

Physical Tank:v


Ability: Technician

252 HP/4 Att/252 Def+/-SpAtt


-Bullet Punch

- U-turn



Item: Scizorite

Desc:THAT base 150 Defense, so good! Defensive M-Scizor can take a TON of physical hits, and walls the heck out of both Variants of M-lucario (but ironically, mainly the special variant, but only if their not running Nasty Plot), and Azumarril and can still hit really hard to add to that! has great Synergy with Tentacruel; Tentacruel takes all the special fire type attacks for M-Scizor, while M-Scizor takes all the Physical attacks for Tentacruel! I can't praise these thing enough, its amazing, to simply put it!

THE Krow:


Ability: Moxie

248 HP/8 Att/252 SpD+/-SpAtt



-Sucker Punch

-Brave Bird


Item: Weakness Policy

Desc:Its THE Krow, looking all awesome with that Gen 5 Animated Sprite! Never have i realized how fun Honchkrow is! as hes FANTASTIC! Just FANTASTIC! Hes pretty much my cleaner, he comes in, then destroys stuff. that simple really, and since im running a bulky build on this thing, it can live a hit or two, especially SE, and when it takes one, Weakness Policy will activate and he'll get a free +2 Attack, and he can really kick start a Sweep!

The Wildcard bunny:


Ability: Huge Power (Ofc. Obviously.)

252 HP/252 Att+/4 Sp.Def/-Sp.Att


- U-turn

-Quick Attack



Item: Choice Band

Desc:Y'know, this fat bunny really was the only thing that i can truly say was randomly picked because i apparently couldn't think of anything else to use for the 5th slot, hes very self-explanatory, hes just a choice band user, except hes more bulky than fast, which has its perks, like the double powered Payback which can do quite good amount of damage, especially to Psychics (obviously), other than that hes also kind of a Revenge Killer, in a way, like Honchkrow- wait, i'm sorry. THE krow, my bad.

The Star Butterfly...thing:


Ability: Compound Eyes

252 Sp.Att+/252 Speed/4 SpD/-Att

-Quiver Dance


-Bug Buzz

-Sleep Powder

Item: Focus Sash

Desc:This thing. THIS THING. is Amazing. it stats maybe crappy, but let it setup and its GG, It has no trouble fighting Gliscors for one thing, and if you look at my team, besides Tenta, im VERY Gliscor weak, so thats a good thing. another thing is that its got Compound Eyes, which boosts Sleep Powder to approx. 95% acc, and Hurricane to approx. 90%, make them alot more worth it in the long run, not only that, but its Hurricanes can STING SO MUCH, that its practically its main move to use/main STAB to use. this thing is basically my sweeper of this team, usually/sometimes, i try to sweep early to atleast chip off some of the opposing team, like with Infernape, but sometimes, it can work for late game too. its like a better Butterfree Competitive wise. and Sash is pretty much the only thing you should ever run on this thing in singles.

Troublesome Pokemon:


Gliscor: Gliscor is such a pest, especially if Vivillon and Tenta are fainted, and even though it cant really touch M-Scizor, M-Scizor cant really touch it either.


Medicham: Not much of Norm medicham is troublesome as it is Mega Medicham, Mega Medicham can cause trouble, its HJK is ungodly powerful and even pierces through M-Scizor and cracks'em like a nut; 2-Shotting him instantly, and the only thing that can really take care of it is Vivillon, and if Vivillon is dead, i can only hope that i get a crit somehow.


Skarmory: Its clear why people would nickname Skarm, Skarmpiss. he can really piss you off. and using one against this team is no exception, it can roost spam while taking Surfs from Tenta, and unless Vivillon is able to setup on it before it awakens and whirlwinds, its just gonna keep on being a troublesome wall.

That's all i can really think of, point out any i couldn't think off in the comments!

That is all i have to say. this is also my first RMT ever (but you all probs know that so i just stated the obvious), i'd appreciate feedback anything else.

Also, give this team rating of from 1 to 10. 1 being Bad. 10 Being Good.

and do one for this whole RMT post itself. (though i dont expect an excellent rating)

Edited by Epic C
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Physical Tank (Fact: Can take anything a +6 Azumarril will try and throw at it):

+6 252+ Atk Huge Power Azumarill Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Tentacruel: 507-597 (139.2 - 164%) -- guaranteed OHKO

il use this as place holder and add more later

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+6 252+ Atk Huge Power Azumarill Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Tentacruel: 507-597 (139.2 - 164%) -- guaranteed OHKO

il use this as place holder and add more later

My Physical Tank is Scizor. not Tenta :I

Edited by Epic C
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+6 252+ Atk Huge Power Azumarill Waterfall vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mega Scizor: 360-424 (104.6 - 123.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

All in all not a bad team but will add more later

Suicide leads should not run swords dance or set up moves. Their role is to set up as much as they can as fast as they can and than hit as hard as they can. I think you should replace swords dance with close combat on infernape so it can do just that. Or maybe get rid of fire punch and give it flareblitz so it can hit harder before it goes down.

Tent set is good but i do not under stand why you have a rapid spinner and a defogger in your team.

If you are going to run a suicide lead than a defogger is completely pointless because it would also get rid of your own hazards.

Besides all that you have nothing against talon flame which is extremely common

overall i would say team is 4/10

You have a lot of good Pokemon but they don't really synergizes with each other. hope it helps c':

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+6 252+ Atk Huge Power Azumarill Waterfall vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mega Scizor: 360-424 (104.6 - 123.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

All in all not a bad team but will add more later

Suicide leads should not run swords dance or set up moves. Their role is to set up as much as they can as fast as they can and than hit as hard as they can. I think you should replace swords dance with close combat on infernape so it can do just that. Or maybe get rid of fire punch and give it flareblitz so it can hit harder before it goes down.

Tent set is good but i do not under stand why you have a rapid spinner and a defogger in your team.

If you are going to run a suicide lead than a defogger is completely pointless because it would also get rid of your own hazards.

Besides all that you have nothing against talon flame which is extremely common

overall i would say team is 4/10

You have a lot of good Pokemon but they don't really synergizes with each other. hope it helps c':

Well, this is a pokemon showdown team. and teams made from and tested on PS can differ from PO. and thats only if the Azumarril isnt running Aqua Jet. and as long as Rocks arent up, Vivillon can live with Sash and put Talon to sleep. then kill it with a +1 or +2 Hurricane.

Also it has Iron Fist, it'd make sense to give it something thats boosted by Iron Fist. Btw, what Stat calculator do you use?

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Well, this is a pokemon showdown team. and teams made from and tested on PS can differ from PO. and thats only if the Azumarril isnt running Aqua Jet. and as long as Rocks arent up, Vivillon can live with Sash and put Talon to sleep. then kill it with a +1 or +2 Hurricane.

Also it has Iron Fist, it'd make sense to give it something thats boosted by Iron Fist.

PS, PO same ting (I battle in both places a lot) ! Common azumarill set is bellydrum/Playrough/waterfall/aquajet so they do have aquajet with waterfall anyways that was never my point it was just to poke some fun when you stated it as a fact. Anyways with defog and rapid spin, chances are hazards wont be on your side but pretty much every time a talonflame switches in on one of your pokemon that is not tentacruel you will have to sacrifice a pokemon and if vilvions sash is broken from sandstorm or another pokemon than its pretty much gg unless tent still has above 80% hp.

Edit: forgot to mention some other thingsz

Iron fist does not make fire punch as strong as flareblitz

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PS, PO same ting (I battle in both places a lot) ! Common azumarill set is bellydrum/Playrough/waterfall/aquajet so they do have aquajet with waterfall anyways that was never my point it was just to poke some fun when you stated it as a fact. Anyways with defog and rapid spin, chances are hazards wont be on your side but pretty much every time a talonflame switches in on one of your pokemon that is not tentacruel you will have to sacrifice a pokemon and if vilvions sash is broken from sandstorm or another pokemon than its pretty much gg unless tent still has above 80% hp.

Edit: forgot to mention some other thingsz

Iron fist does not make fire punch as strong as flareblitz

PS is slightly different, your battling people who are more faithful to Smogon, plus, PO has a slightly different tiering to PS also.

And i just have been lucky in general.

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what the heck! Volcarona is far better than Vivillion!

And if you have troubles with gliscor, just replace the bunnelby by a life orb mamoswine. it will work far better than it.

i won't molest to do an integral analysis until you correct that huge mistakes.

Edited by SJMistery
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what the heck! Volcarona is far better than Vivillion!

And if you have troubles with gliscor, just replace the bunnelby by a life orb mamoswine. it will work far better than it.

i won't molest to do an integral analysis until you correct that huge mistakes.

oh why don't you suggest mega khan over scizor and talonflame + aegislash too?

this team isn't bad, if you're up against 6 wall mons. you entire team rely on that +1 or +2 to do something - sucide leads like aerodactyl can easily tear your team like tissue paper. you have focus sash on vivllion which could probably cut you one turn safe but let's be honest. priority is everywhere from gale wings to extremespeed, your one safe turn is actually not your favor at all. i can see this team dying against skarmbliss reallu really hard. you can also bluff yourself into thinking "oh this mon can tank this" but really your team has little recovery support- basically a snowball. if you lose one, you lose all.

i won't go into your mons cuz they're all super similar but your rmt probs deserve 6/10 cause it's never good to get a 5/10 or below.

i highly suggest throwing out some of your 100000 sweepers/tanks for a wall

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i can show you exactly why i commented that. just find me on Reborn and you will PRAY for a mamoswine. additionaly, a choiced earthquake is NEVER a good idea, anyone can think on a better bait for a gyarados sweep?

an mega khan, aegislash and talonflame also suck if they aren't on VERY expert hands, and even then, talonflame is iffy at best

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While your synergy is thought out, that doesn't make this a solid team. There are better SR leads, you're completely wasting Scizor by making him almost completely defensive EV wise, Volcarona > Vivillon, and finally Honch and Digger are unreliable. The only thing on this team that looks like it would work properly 100% of the time is Tentacruel.

Don't get me wrong, it's fine to be unique and have fun with your teams. It's good that this isn't a standard Copy + paste team from Smogon/where ever. However, this team is unreliable at best and needs a lot of work because it won't work when going against more standard sets if the opponent has any knowhow of going against it.

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You guys are hating on physical tank Scizor like it's artwork of the devil.
150 base Defense is 150 base Defense.
I mean, if you substitute the offensive moves for Bug Bite and Counter (I guess), you have one hell of a physical tank here, also noting that there's only one weakness, which in turn is easily sponged by Tentacruel and perhaps Infernape as well!

Gotta look at it that way.

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i can show you exactly why i commented that. just find me on Reborn and you will PRAY for a mamoswine. additionaly, a choiced earthquake is NEVER a good idea, anyone can think on a better bait for a gyarados sweep?

an mega khan, aegislash and talonflame also suck if they aren't on VERY expert hands, and even then, talonflame is iffy at best

my point

your head

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my point

your head


While your synergy is thought out, that doesn't make this a solid team. There are better SR leads, you're completely wasting Scizor by making him almost completely defensive EV wise, Volcarona > Vivillon, and finally Honch and Digger are unreliable. The only thing on this team that looks like it would work properly 100% of the time is Tentacruel.

Don't get me wrong, it's fine to be unique and have fun with your teams. It's good that this isn't a standard Copy + paste team from Smogon/where ever. However, this team is unreliable at best and needs a lot of work because it won't work when going against more standard sets if the opponent has any knowhow of going against it.

finally someone with common sense, thanks

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