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Rejuv 13.5 QoL Mod Compilation Pack + Small Bug Fixes


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SWM - ChooseStarter has been updated:

  • You can now also reroll the starter you have. The efrects are the same as soft resetting and chosing again or selecting the same starter again.

You can download the updated mod individually on this post or download the updated pack which includes it on the main post.


Edit: Removed the download link on this post since the pack has a newer version.


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Learn_PreEvo_Moves has been updated:

- Fixes pesky bug that looks at a non-existing Moveset (and correctly points to the right one, affects, shellos, burmy, deerling, oricorio, and a bunch of others)


While Alemi is asleep, download the individual mod. IT IS NOT UPDATED IN THE PACK.

Alemi was awake.


Edit: Removed attachment due to confusion



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Fixed some errors of Learn_Egg_Moves and Learn_PreEvo_Moves

  • Pokémon with different forms can learn their preevo moves correclty
  • Egg Moves that are currently known don't appear in the list to relearn

You can download the updated mods individually on this post or download the updated pack which includes it on the main post.

Learn_PreEvo_Moves.rbFetching info...


Edit: Learn_Egg_Moves has been deleted from this post since there is a newer version available.

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Fixed another error of Learn_Egg_Moves but this one came from the base game related to relearning eggmoves even on unmodded game.

  • Pokemon with different forms and not specified defined eggmoves, like Basculin, can learn the eggmoves on all their froms now. Some Aevian Forms don't have eggmoves defined most likely by mistake since they are the new ones. Until some proper Egg Moves are added, they will have acces to relearn those of base form instead.

You can download the updated mod individually on this post or download the updated pack which includes it on the main post.


Edit: Learn_Egg_Moves has been deleted from this post since there is a newer version available.



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  On 11/14/2023 at 1:13 PM, Cyphre said:

Great stuff, thank you for making and compiling it, will there be Shared box like in the past that would allow transferring Pokemon between save files? 


I can try to look at it when I have time, but it certinly won't be able to pass mons between different versions of Rejuv or between Rejuv or Reborn like the old could. Basically the inner structure of mons is too different for that.

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  On 11/14/2023 at 1:17 PM, Alemi said:

I can try to look at it when I have time, but it certinly won't be able to pass mons between different versions of Rejuv or between Rejuv or Reborn like the old could. Basically the inner structure of mons is too different for that.


Sure, i meant only between different saves of 13.5 version since 13.0 and 13.5 are extremely different scripting wise. 

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  On 11/14/2023 at 1:21 PM, Cyphre said:

Sure, i meant only between different saves of 13.5 version since 13.0 and 13.5 are extremely different scripting wise. 


Done. It has been far easier than expected to port this properly.

  • SWM - SharedPC based on the one made by Waynolt for Reborn and adapted to Rejuv by Alemi.
    • This only works with Rejuv 13.5 save files.

You can download the new mod individually on this post or download the updated pack which includes it on the main post.

SWM - SharedPC.rbFetching info...

  • Thanks 1
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  • Separated out Egg Moves fix for various forms (FixEggMoves.rb) and the egg move relearn mod (Learn_Egg_Moves.rb). This is for people that want the egg moves fix but without wanting to learn egg moves in the relearner (I did this for me)

I don't have access to update the pack, so download individually for now. I have notified Alemi, however, so it'll be updated soon(TM). Happy Hunting, guardians.


Edit: Removed attachment due to confusion


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  On 11/14/2023 at 8:11 PM, Jarred B Dank said:
  • Separated out Egg Moves fix for various forms (FixEggMoves.rb) and the egg move relearn mod (Learn_Egg_Moves.rb). This is for people that want the egg moves fix but without wanting to learn egg moves in the relearner (I did this for me)

I don't have access to update the pack, so download individually for now. I have notified Alemi, however, so it'll be updated soon(TM). Happy Hunting, guardians.

Learn_Egg_Moves.rb 848 B · 0 downloads FixEggMoves.rb 972 B · 0 downloads


Modpack updated!

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Important update. Remove the SWM - ItemRadar mod from your folder when updating

  • Removed SWM - ItemRadar and related images and replaced by ItemfinderUnhideItems and its image on a separate folder you also need to add.
    • This is basically a different script giving a better result. No more popping of the hidden items or wird things on events.

Download the new version of the pack from the main post.

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Small update to ItemfinderUnhideItems.

  • The hidden items didn't allow to walk through them on the previous version but they should and it works as expected on this one.


Download the new version of the pack from the main post.

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Updated ItemfinderUnhideItems

  • Added a couple of exceptions to ItemfinderUnhideItems for events that are improperly named in-game to display properly.
  • One of them was fixed on Small Bug Fixes (Map 58), but that fix becomes unnecesary with this mod. For future game updates that Small Bug Fix won't be added to Small Bug Fixes since it is better using a script than replaxing a map.

Download the new version of the pack from the main post.

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  On 11/15/2023 at 7:54 PM, pock_01023 said:

Alola Dear Friend thx for the hard work but just a thing i would ask , to do you know if a randomizer mod work on the 13.5?




Check the Discord, I belive there was something like that there.


Updated the image file of ItemfinderUnhideItems

  • For some reason the name on the rar wasn't the one I had on my folder

Delete the old image when putting the new one, although it shouldn't matter.

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When I start a new game with ItemfinderUnhideItems I get the following error message:


Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `pbQuantity' for nil:NilClass
C:/Users/username/Desktop/Games/Pokemon Rejuvenation/Data/Mods/ItemfinderUnhideItems.rb:6:in `block in <top (required)>'
PBEvent:54:in `block in trigger'
PBEvent:49:in `each'
PBEvent:49:in `trigger'
Field:1572:in `pbOnSpritesetCreate'
Spriteset_Map:60:in `initialize'
AnimationSprite:42:in `initialize'
FL_SimpleHUD:277:in `initialize'
Scene_Map:29:in `new'
Scene_Map:29:in `block in createSpritesets'
Scene_Map:28:in `each'
Scene_Map:28:in `createSpritesets'
Scene_Map:63:in `main'
Main:40:in `mainFunctionDebug'
Main:24:in `mainFunction'
Main:72:in `block (3 levels) in <main>'
Main:71:in `loop'
Main:71:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
(eval):8:in `eval'
(eval):8:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
(eval):4:in `each'
(eval):4:in `block in <main>'
Section000:3:in `eval'
Section000:3:in `block in <main>'
Section000:3:in `open'


and the game goes to a black screen and I have to close it.

The only other mods I'm using are ModularInit and the Small Bug Fixes. I'm on the latest version. I put the ItemFinderUnhideBall in the Graphics/Characters folder and the ModularInit and ItemfinderUnhideItems mods in the Data/Mods folder.

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  On 11/16/2023 at 11:55 PM, RolaRoul said:

When I start a new game with ItemfinderUnhideItems I get the following error message:

and the game goes to a black screen and I have to close it.

The only other mods I'm using are ModularInit and the Small Bug Fixes. I'm on the latest version. I put the ItemFinderUnhideBall in the Graphics/Characters folder and the ModularInit and ItemfinderUnhideItems mods in the Data/Mods folder.


It seems that it indeed caused probrlems on new games due to the inexistence of a bag, which checks. The one I attached to this post should work well though. I am going to update it on the main post now. Go to the main post to downlaod the mpdpack again, it included the fixed script.


Updated ItemfinderUnhideItems

  • It caused problems when starting a new game.

If you have an old version you can update by downloading from this post. The rar in the main post will be updated soon.

Download the new version of the pack from the main post.



Edit: Updated the rar in the main post.

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  On 11/17/2023 at 5:22 AM, my364829 said:

Do you need the itemfinder in your bag in order for the mod to work? I have it installed, as well as the Png in the right place, but I'm not seeing anything.


Yes, you need it. That is the use of the item with the mod. There is also a mod in the pack that adds it to the AP Shop in the second floor of Chrisola Hotel so you can buy it early on with Achivement Points.

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  On 11/17/2023 at 10:43 PM, Nyxer said:

Just for clarification, you just drop the mod folder into the data subfolder correct? Rejuv doesn't have the mod folder anymore, or maybe it does and I'm just blind


The Mods folser goes in Data folder, but the rar already have the folder structure made so you just need to drag everything on the main folder and the files will end up where they need to be.

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