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Rejuv 13.5 QoL Mod Compilation Pack + Small Bug Fixes


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7 minutes ago, Discovery said:

How do I select Hisuian Zorua with the all starters mod?

I actually forgot to enable Hisuian forms... updated the pack with the fix.


  • Fixed SWM - Choose Starter to allow choosing Hisuian forms.
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2 hours ago, Alemi said:

It is more likely that is a joiplay compatibility issue since the base game isn't supported for joiplay, and clearly, the mods aren't either. I have never used joiplay nor I plan to, so I can't help with issues that happen there. No one reported any issues with the mods on joiplay until now though.

Hey. I tried on pc and it seems it works. So the problem is definitely on Joiplay. Another thing I noticed is the day and night cycle doesn't show on Joiplay either. Sorry for your time 

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31 minutes ago, JackTheRabbit said:

Hey. I tried on pc and it seems it works. So the problem is definitely on Joiplay. Another thing I noticed is the day and night cycle doesn't show on Joiplay either. Sorry for your time 

Don't worry, but yes, this game isn't compatible with joiplay, so unexpected error like that may happen. Probably anythign related to day/nigh isn't working there.

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20 minutes ago, glitchedcat said:

are the mods still working ok for 13.5.6?

Yes, they didn't break. They are made to be as update-proof as possible, so luckly they all survived the update. I have it written on the main post that they work with 13.5.6 though.

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9 hours ago, AsNKrysis said:

To successfully uninstall the mod, you'll need to do some work on your part to fix it, but it's pretty simple:


First, follow haru's Modding Tutorial here to get the console up and running: 


Only the 1st step is necessary, the one that details how to activate the console in the game in order to run commands.


Next are 2 methods that will clear out the invalid IDs that are causing the freezing issue with your save:


1. The first way is to go pull up the commands (F6) and type $Trainer.pokedex.dexList.remove(:NEWPOKEMONID) (with NEWPOKEMONID being the numerical IDs of the Pokemon added by my mod) and removing them 1-by-1 until all 3 evolutionary lines have been removed from the dex.


2. The second (and slightly faster) way is to download this file and place it in your Mods folder:

PokedexCleaner.rb 1.44 kB · 1 download


Then go into game and type in the command $Trainer.pokedex.cleanDexList() which should clean up the dex list of all invalid IDs.


After, it should cease the freezing occurring at the start and in-game menus and such with your save file.


I'll be sure to detail this in my own mod thread as well once I update it accordingly for v13.5.6.


Also, huge shoutout to @TayroWinters for providing the solution as well as the PokedexCleaner.rb file to remedy this issue!



Huge thanks for this. I was worried I'd have to rush to beat karma files and then abandon this file entirely because of all the pauses but it's salvaged now.

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Hmm. The itemfinder unhide mod doesn't seem to be working in Terajuma island at all for some reason. 

Well ended up defaulting back to the version 12 modpack itemfinder mod, with the return line deletion and line 18-21 fix, that one seems to work in Terajuma so far


Edit 2:

Ok so I learnt that when the timer is gold the game is set in those specific times, which explains unreal time not working in Terajuma. But the itemfinder mod not working still is mysterious to me

Edited by Falltear
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6 hours ago, Falltear said:

Hmm. The itemfinder unhide mod doesn't seem to be working in Terajuma island at all for some reason. 

Well ended up defaulting back to the version 12 modpack itemfinder mod, with the return line deletion and line 18-21 fix, that one seems to work in Terajuma so far


Edit 2:

Ok so I learnt that when the timer is gold the game is set in those specific times, which explains unreal time not working in Terajuma. But the itemfinder mod not working still is mysterious to me

I have just tested, and the hiddenitems are showing perfecly on Terajuma for me with the current mod.

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3 minutes ago, Alemi said:

I have just tested, and the hiddenitems are showing perfecly on Terajuma for me with the current mod.

Dang... I must be in a weird state of Terajuma then, maybe the story parts of Terajuma at the beginning messes with the mod somehow. I didn't change anything and the mod isn't broken or anything so I have no idea what other explanation there could be...

Also I wanted to ask if there was a way to change the designated box sharedpc picked. I had mons in my box 47-50 and when I put sharedPc in for the first time it picked box 46 as my shared box..... Annoying, I looked at the code but it's too complicated for me to touch anything..

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5 minutes ago, Falltear said:

Dang... I must be in a weird state of Terajuma then, maybe the story parts of Terajuma at the beginning messes with the mod somehow. I didn't change anything and the mod isn't broken or anything so I have no idea what other explanation there could be...

Also I wanted to ask if there was a way to change the designated box sharedpc picked. I had mons in my box 47-50 and when I put sharedPc in for the first time it picked box 46 as my shared box..... Annoying, I looked at the code but it's too complicated for me to touch anything..

The thing both mods check is the same, whether the name of the events it HiddenItem, so if one works the other also works. The difference is on how they show up. The old one used a bitmap updated on everystep, which can persist on some events being quite annoying. The new one changes the graphic of such events to the ball on the graphics folder included in the pack (if you don't add that, you won't see anything, which may be your issue). This is done on sprite creation, which is done each time you change maps or open the game, so it should always show correctly (you may need to change maps or close and open the game just after getting the Itemfinder though).

The shared box uses the last empty box, or the one named SharedBox like your 46 should be right now. Just rename another box to that name and should work, but be sure to only have one box names like that. Empty the box first and save and restart.

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32 minutes ago, Alemi said:

The thing both mods check is the same, whether the name of the events it HiddenItem, so if one works the other also works. The difference is on how they show up. The old one used a bitmap updated on everystep, which can persist on some events being quite annoying. The new one changes the graphic of such events to the ball on the graphics folder included in the pack (if you don't add that, you won't see anything, which may be your issue). This is done on sprite creation, which is done each time you change maps or open the game, so it should always show correctly (you may need to change maps or close and open the game just after getting the Itemfinder though).

The shared box uses the last empty box, or the one named SharedBox like your 46 should be right now. Just rename another box to that name and should work, but be sure to only have one box names like that. Empty the box first and save and restart.

Appreciate it! I will tinker with the itemfinder mod after I get off Terajuma again and see what I can do about that. And now you mention the rename SharedBox, I actually do faintly remember a comment talking about the rename thing before but definitely forgot about it till now. Can't believe it's that simple, thanks for the help!

well ok. the shared box didn't work I tried everything, renaming, emptying box, all that, reusing a sharedpc.rb all of it. The game is determined to make my box 46 my sharedPC box. 

Edited by Falltear
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31 minutes ago, Falltear said:

Appreciate it! I will tinker with the itemfinder mod after I get off Terajuma again and see what I can do about that. And now you mention the rename SharedBox, I actually do faintly remember a comment talking about the rename thing before but definitely forgot about it till now. Can't believe it's that simple, thanks for the help!

well ok. the shared box didn't work I tried everything, renaming, emptying box, all that, reusing a sharedpc.rb all of it. The game is determined to make my box 46 my sharedPC box. 

Did you empty the box you wanted to be? OTherwise it won't ever be chosen. Same as if any other box is already named SharedBox.


At worst. empty the box you want to be, rename the current SharedBox to something else, delete the rejuc sharedbox savefile while being sure the shared box is empty, start the game again (close the game, not soft reset).

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1 hour ago, Alemi said:

Did you empty the box you wanted to be? OTherwise it won't ever be chosen. Same as if any other box is already named SharedBox.


At worst. empty the box you want to be, rename the current SharedBox to something else, delete the rejuc sharedbox savefile while being sure the shared box is empty, start the game again (close the game, not soft reset).

I did empty it. The ingame Shared Box has a space in between the names. (I tried with no spaces just now as well) 

I emptied Box 50, Renamed current sharedbox to Box 48, Renamed Box 50 to Shared Box. Close PC, Save game, restart doesnt work. 

What do you mean by delete the rejuv sharedbox save file? I am confused at that part, what save file am I deleting exactly? 

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1 minute ago, Falltear said:

I did empty it. The ingame Shared Box has a space in between the names. (I tried with no spaces just now as well) 

I emptied Box 50, Renamed current sharedbox to Box 48, Renamed Box 50 to Shared Box. Close PC, Save game, restart doesnt work. 

What do you mean by delete the rejuv sharedbox save file? I am confused at that part, what save file am I deleting exactly? 

You should be able to find a folder called "Rejuv Shared PC" on the saved games forlder where the saves of games go. That is the save for the shared pc of rejuv.

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8 minutes ago, Alemi said:

You should be able to find a folder called "Rejuv Shared PC" on the saved games forlder where the saves of games go. That is the save for the shared pc of rejuv.

I found the folder, I found the files inside it. I deleted the folder many times, while I've had my game on, after I've saved after renaming the two boxes. I removed sharedpc.rb and mastercommand, deleted the folder, restarted, renamed the box shared box away. Moved sharedpc.rb back into mods, with no folder in sharedpc. And it's back to the same box again. I open the file and see Box 47 in the code. I change it to Box 50 and the game gives me error on start up. What am I doing wrong still..

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10 minutes ago, Falltear said:

I found the folder, I found the files inside it. I deleted the folder many times, while I've had my game on, after I've saved after renaming the two boxes. I removed sharedpc.rb and mastercommand, deleted the folder, restarted, renamed the box shared box away. Moved sharedpc.rb back into mods, with no folder in sharedpc. And it's back to the same box again. I open the file and see Box 47 in the code. I change it to Box 50 and the game gives me error on start up. What am I doing wrong still..

There is nothing on the sharedpc script with a 47... I don't even know what you re doing.


Edit: you mustn't touch things while your game is open. Game must close and open for changes to take effect. Being fully closed, not soft-reset. In fact, just have everything closed when touching things.

The delete must be done with the game closed, you are just recreating the same otherwise...

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7 minutes ago, Alemi said:

There is nothing on the sharedpc script with a 47... I don't even know what you re doing.


EDit: you mustn't touch things while your game is open. Game must close and open for changes to take effect. Being fully closed, not soft-reset. In fact, jsut have everything closed when touching things.

The delete must be done with the game closed, you are just recreating the same otherwise...

I am fully closing the game everytime. Everything you've said is done after closing the game and reopening, reusing the sharedpc.rb files, deleting the rejuv sharedpc folder I am literally closing the game after every step. I've tried everything but it's like my computer is hard remembering that exact box no matter what. I wish I show you my screen because I've literally followed all your instructions. 

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8 minutes ago, Falltear said:

I am fully closing the game everytime. Everything you've said is done after closing the game and reopening, reusing the sharedpc.rb files, deleting the rejuv sharedpc folder I am literally closing the game after every step. I've tried everything but it's like my computer is hard remembering that exact box no matter what. I wish I show you my screen because I've literally followed all your instructions. 

It makes no sense. Let's try this. With the game closed, delete the Rejuv SharecPc folder and the sharectpc script from the mods folder. Open the game, rename the boxes to their default names and have the box you want fully empty, and move to a different box that is unrelated in this whole issue. Save. Close the game. Put the mod again, start the game.


This should be enough. If this doesn't work either, most likely you need to load a backup save before you started using the mod having the mod out and use it for the first time in the save while having that box empty.

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12 minutes ago, Alemi said:

It makes no sense. Let's try this. With the game clsoed, delete the Rejuv SharecPc folder and the sharectpc script from the mods folder. Open the game, rename the boxes to their default names and have the box you want fully empty, and move to a different box that is unrelated in this whole issue. Save. Close the game. Put the mod again, start the game.


This should be enough. If this doesn't work either, most likely you need to load a backup save before you started using the mod having the mod out and use it for the first time in the save while having that box empty.

I've actually done exactly that already and it didn't work. So I am fully with you on the 2nd theory. Somehow my computer or whatever it is is keeping a log SOMEHOW of the box that is selected when I first used the sharedBox mod (idek if i have a save file from back then that wasn't affected with it already) but at this point the mod got it, the box wins, I surrender. I will deal with it not being the last box I guess. 

I truly appreciate the help, I know from the first comments that normally it should've been fixed already and I agree that the fact it didn't still makes no sense. I guess now I've learnt to never have a mon in the box I want when I use the sharedPC mod for the first time or something. 

yeah i reloaded the backup save before I used the save, moved my mons out of the last box (50), sharedpc worked on box 50, saved. Reloaded my current day save file, obviously back to the same box because it's not the same save file as the backup. So there's no way to salvage this unless I want to play from that old backup save long ago lol. 
Well this was a learning experience, all because I couldn't wait a few days for sharedpc mod to come out before I started playing 🤡

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3 minutes ago, Falltear said:

I've actually done exactly that already and it didn't work. So I am fully with you on the 2nd theory. Somehow my computer or whatever it is is keeping a log SOMEHOW of the box that is selected when I first used the sharedBox mod (idek if i have a save file from back then that wasn't affected with it already) but at this point the mod got it, the box wins, I surrender. I will deal with it not being the last box I guess. 

I truly appreciate the help, I know from the first comments that normally it should've been fixed already and I agree that the fact it didn't still makes no sense. I guess now I've learnt to never have a mon in the box I want when I use the sharedPC mod for the first time or something. 

yeah i reloaded the backup save before I used the save, moved my mons out of the last box (50), sharedpc worked on box 50, saved. Reloaded my current day save file, obviously back to the same box because it's not the same save file as the backup. So there's no way to salvage this unless I want to play from that old backup save long ago lol. 
Well this was a learning experience. 

The place of the box is different on each savefile, so on the backup it can be 50 without issues as it has never been affected, but that won't fix the main save. This is just allowing you to continue from the backup, but you certainly lose lots of progess depending from when that backup is.

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Just now, Alemi said:

The place of the box is different on each savefile, so on the backup it can be 50 without issues as it has never been affected, but that won't fix the main save. It is just allowing you to continue from the backup.

Yeah precisely, I can't seem to fix the main save anymore so that box is chosen by god and that's just gonna to be how it is I guess. 

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