Cyphre Posted November 13, 2023 Share Posted November 13, 2023 Alright so few disclaimers: №1: I didn't bother with explanations or examples in cases where crests simply increase stats or do minimal changes. №2: Of course stated uses are not the only ones, it's fricking pokemon, you can train them however, but it's obvious how most crests were intended to use so here we are. №3: Order is alphabetical for simplicity (for the most part). Honestly it took a ton of work to compile, write, theorycraft and try various combinations, run between moves tutors all around, checking all my TMs for what they can learn, pretty up and whatnot, so i hope it will be helpful to at least someone. 1) Aevian Ampharos crest: "Move in first moveslot is boosted by 50%, 20% if STAB. Take 30% less damage from Super Effective moves." 255 defense, 255 sp. def EVs Ability: Filter Quiet nature Equip the crest. Enjoy Sheep the Immortal, Herald of Zumi. A) Bolt/Beam, Focus Blast, Thunder Wave/Zap cannon B) Bolt/Beam, Rest, Sleep talk 2) Ariados crest: "Ariados's speed is increased by 50%. Deals critical hits against slowed or poisoned targets". 255 atk, 255 speed EVs Ability: Sniper Jolly nature Equip the crest, send Sticky Web user first, enjoy critical hits stronger than Storm-9. Fell stinger, Poison Jab, Sucker Punch, Pin Missile 3) Bastiodon crest: "Attackers take 50% of the damage they deal as recoil, and the wearer is healed by the same amount." He still feels like a buggy mess to me but here we go. 255 attack, 255 sp def EVs Ability: Sturdy Brave nature Equip the crest, enjoy the Bullshitdon. Endure, Iron Defence, Iron Head, Stone edge/Earthquake 4) Boltund crest: "Gain a 1.5x boost to biting moves if Boltund moves before target". 255 attack, 255 speed EVs Ability: Strong Jaw Jolly nature Equip the crest, get the biting moves out, enjoy the good boy biting stuff. Thunder fang, Crunch, Psychic fangs (whenever it's available)/Play rough, Fire fang 5) Castform crest: "Castform uses the first weather move he knows. It's forecast forms also become empowered". Too versatile to reasonably describe, put a weather move in the first slot (Sunny day or rain dance for example), then do the rest of the moveset from there. 6) Cherrim crest: "It forces Cherrim into it's sunshine form and activates Flower Gift regardless of weather". 255 attack, 255 speed EVs Jolly nature Ability: Flower gift Equip the crest, send forth, enjoy the killer plant. Bullet seed/slash and burn, Play rough, Helping hand, Sword dance (when it will be available) 7) Cinccino crest: "All moves turn into multi-hit moves (2-5 hits at 30% of BP)". 255 attack, 255 speed EVs Jolly nature Ability: Skill Link Equip the crest, tweak the moveset to utilize the crest, have a superpowered rat. 2 ways to go about moveset, focusing on secondary effect like Poison Sweep or pure power. Stacking shot, Return/Facade/Giga impact, Gunk shot, Rock blast/Bullet seed/Aqua tail 8) Claydol crest: "Claydol's special attacks use it's Defence stat. The power of beam moves is increased by 50%." 255 defense, 255 speed EVs Bold nature Ability: Levitate Equip the crest, get beam moves, enjoy deadliest and tankiest disco doll. (especially well paired with Sun setter) Psybeam, Hyper beam, Ice beam, Charge/Solar Beam 9) Cofagrigus crest: "It increases Cofagrigus's Sp. Def and Sp. Attack by 25%". Self explanatory, just minor stat increases. 255 special attack, 122 defense, 122 sp defense EVs (alternatively 255 def/sp def) Ability: Mummy Quiet nature Equip the crest, enjoy if you like Cofagrigus. Will-o-Wisp, Shadow ball/Ominous wind, Energy ball/Grass knot, Toxic spikes/Memento/Curse 10) Crabominable crest: "Powers up moves by 50% if holder takes damage before using them. Defenses raised by 20%". Honestly it's so bad even with crest i can only offer my condolences if you wanna use it but oh well. Will be much better when you will be able to equip Assault Vest. 255 defense, 255 sp defense EVs Ability: Iron Fist Brave nature Equip the crest, enjoy The Fisting Crab. Drain punch, Ice punch, Thunder punch, Iron head 11) Cryogonal crest: "Increases Cryogonal's Sp. Def by 20%, then increases it's other stats by 10% of it's Sp. Def". 255 speed, 255 special defense EV Ability: Levitate Calm nature Equip the crest, enjoy superpowered Literal Special Snowflake. Ice beam, Ancient power, Flash cannon, Screens/Haze/Recover 12) Darmanitan crest: "Darmanitan is forced into Zen mode while holding this crest". Self explanatory, only puts him in Zen mode, just use as a normal Zen mode Darmanitan. 13) Dedenne crest: "Dedenne's physical attacks use it's speed stat rather than attack stat." 255 speed, 122 defense, 122 special defense EVs Ability: Cheek pouch i guess? They all suck. Timid nature Equip the crest, let the Thunder Slaughter Rat loose. Wild charge, Play rough, U-turn, Dig (i don't know if he can learn EQ in the future) 14) Delcatty crest: "The power of it's non-KO'd friends increases Delcatty's stats by 10% each". Self explanatory, send it first every fight and Delcatty will make your enemies not so pretty. Insanely increased all stats. 15) Druddigon crest: "Heals in the sun and from Fire moves. Fire and Dragon moves get boosted by 30%". Self explanatory, just do a normal Druddigon in the sun and give him a fire move. 16) Dusknoir crest: "It increases Dusknoir's attack by 20% and boosts weaker moves". 255 attack, 122 defense, 122 special defense EVs Ability: Irrelevant, both suck Brave nature Equip the crest, watch Shadow Sneak split up the earth like Moses, make Jan a happy man. Shadow Sneak, Rock Tomb, Brick Break, Will-o-wisp/Curse 17) Electrode crest: "The target's defence stat is halved when Electrode is attacking". Self explanatory, only affects enemy defence, do a normal Electrode. 18) Empoleon crest: "Empoleon's Ice-type moves are boosted by 50% and Speed is doubled in Hail and on Ice fields." 255 speed, 255 special attack Ability: Competitive Timid nature Equip the crest, pair with Hail setter (Abomasnow or A-ninetales), enjoy ice STAB. Scald/Hydro pump/Surf, Ice beam, Flash Cannon, Air slash (Vacuum Wave when you will be able to) 19) Fearow crest: "Increases the power of stabbing moves by 50%. Increases critical hit ratio by 1". Self explanatory, just a normal Fearow with benefits. 20) Feraligatr crest: "First move has increased priority if it's damaging. Biting moves deal 50% more damage" 255 attack, 255 speed EVs Ability: Sheer Force Adamant nature Equip the crest, abuse increased priority, swap often (pair with Intimidate user for example) Ice Fang, Crunch, Waterfall, Superpower or Dragon dance (through breeding) 21) Furret crest: "Upon switching in, Furret loses 25% of it's max HP to create a substitute". Self explanatory, still a normal rat just with a Sub on switch in. Do a normal rat. 22) Glaceon crest: "It takes resisted damage from Rock and Fighting attacks". Self explanatory, normal best boy Glaceon, just resists Rock and Fighting. 23) Gothithelle crest: "Using Dark and Psychic moves swaps between respective types. Recovers HP". Option 1: 255 special attack, 122 special defense, 122 defense EVs Ability: Competitive Quiet nature Equip the crest, enjoy the Dark-Psychic-Protean goth loli. Trick Room, Psychic/Psyshock, Dark pulse, Thunderbolt Option 2: 255 defense, 255 special defense EVs Ability: Competitive Calm/Bold nature Calm mind, Psyshic/Psyshock, Dark pulse, Thunderbolt 24) Hypno crest: "It increases Hypno's Special attack and Accuracy by 50%". Self explanatory, just a normal Hypno with boosted special and accuracy. 25) Infernape crest: "Infernape's attacking and defensive stats are swapped. 1/16's of Max HP is restored every turn." No idea why you would use it but i actually don't know at which point he swaps his stats so what to invest in. Just don't, why would you ever use Mankey the Tankey. 26) Leafeon crest: "Leafeon takes resisted damage from Fire and Flying attacks". Self explanatory, just resist Fire and Flying, make a normal Leafeon. 27) Ledian crest: "Ledian punches four times at once. Secondary effects occur only on first 2 hits." You still aren't getting much out of him, fair warning. 255 attack, 255 speed EVs Ability: Iron fist Jolly nature Equip the crest, get ready to do ora-ora-ora-ora. Mach punch, Drain punch, any other punch you can get on him. 28) Luvdisc crest: "The base power of all damaging moves matches Luvdisc's happiness, capping at a Base Power of 250". Option 1: 255 special attack, 255 speed EVs Ability: Swift swim Timid nature Equip the crest, use in rain, i still won't but who am i to stop you. Hydro pump/Surf, Blizzard/Ice beam, Hidden power ground, Draining kiss i guess? It's movepool is atrocious. Option 2: 255 attack, 255 speed EVs Ability: Swift Swim Adamant nature Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Heart Stamp, Ice beam 29) Luxray crest: "Gains Dark-type STAB and resistances. Normal type moves are Galvanized." 255 attack, 255 speed EVs Ability: Intimidate/Guts. So for once two useful abilities, Intimidate got more defensive use and Guts with Flame orb will boost his attack into stratosphere. Jolly nature Equip the crest and use the Dark STAB + Galvanized normal type moves. Facade (it's not even funny how hard Galvanized + Guts Facade hits while burned), Crunch, Play rough, Quick attack (by breeding) *30) Magcargo crest: "It swaps Magcargo's defense and speed and increases Sp. attack by 10%". I'm not sure at which point it swaps it's Defence and Speed so will need help here. 31) Meganium Crest: "Meganium and it's allies take reduced damage and recover every turn." Self explanatory, just a normal Meganium with reduced damage. 32) Noctowl crest: "Increases Special defense upon being hit. Increases Defense by 20%". 255 special defense, 255 HP EVs Ability: Tinted Lens Modest nature Equip the crest, use as a specially bulky setup sweeper. Calm mind/Nasty plot, Moonblast, Air slash, Roost 33) Oricorio crest: "Increases Oricorio's Speed and Special attack by 25%". Self explanatory, just boost speed and special attack. Use a a normal Oricorio. 34) Phione Crest: "Phione is granted a 50% increase in defenses and Aqua Ring". 255 defense, 255 special defense EVs Ability: Hydration Bold/Calm nature Equip the crest, enjoy mega tanky happy blob. Scald, Ice beam, Charm, Knock off 35) Probopass crest: "Levitates. Mini-noses do 3-hit 20BP type-based damage after a damaging move". Self explanatory, normal boosted Probopass, just levitates. 36) Rampardos crest: "Rampardos will hang on with 1HP regardless of HP once per battle and does not take recoil." Self explanatory, normal Rampardos, just gets built in Endure and Rock Head. 37) Relicanth crest: "It increases Relicanth's Attack by 20% and Sp. Def by 30%". Self explanatory, just attack and special defence boosts. 38) Reuniclus crest: "Using Fighting or Psychic type moves swaps between respective types. Swaps attacking stats while Fighting type." 255 HP, 122 defense, 122 special defense EVs Ability: Magic guard Quiet nature Equip crest, enjoy ridiculous stat swapping Protean between psychic and fighting. Calm Mind, Psychic, Drain punch, any of the million coverage moves (elemental punches, energy ball, flash cannon, whatever you fancy) 39) Samurott crest (doesn't work on Hisuian): "Gains Fighting-type STAB and resistances. Slicing moves always result in critical hit." 255 attack, 255 speed EVs Ability: Shell Armor Jolly nature Equip crest, enjoy fighting STAB and cirts on slicing moves. Razor shell, Slash and burn, Aqua Jet/Swords Dance, whatever fighting STAB you can find 40) Sawsbuck crest: "Replace Normal-type with seasonal type. Normal type mobes become seasonal and get boosted by 20%". Too versatile to describe here, Normal type moves become seasonal and get boosted. In general... 255 attack, 255 speed EVs Ability: Serene Grace/Chlorofyll (in sun teams) Jolly nature Equip crest, enjoy the Killer Deer. Double Edge (change seasonal type), Horn Leech/Bullet Seed, Stomping Tantrum/High Horsepower, Zen Headbutt 41) Seviper crest: "It causes Seviper to hit harder against healthier foes. Speed increased by 50%". Self explanatory, snek is now faster. Do 255 speed EVs. 42) Shiinotic crest: "Drains 1/16 of Max HP from statused pokemon at the end of the turn. Draining effect recovery si boosted by 30%". 255 defense, 255 special defense EVs Ability: Effect Spore Calm/Bold nature Equip crest, enjoy this stall nightmare. Giga drain, Draining Kiss, Thunder Wave/Spore, Protect 43) Swalot crest: "Stockpiles gained after an attack. Belch always usable and followed by Spit up.". 255 HP, 255 defense EVs Ability: Gluttony Calm/Bold nature Equip crest, fully utilize now functional Stockpile mechanics, enjoy immortal blob. Swallow, Belch, Body Slam, Ice Beam 44) Monkey crests Self explanatory and same for all 3. Gain their weak element STAB and resistances (grass for water, water for fire, fire for grass), turn normal moves into this element and boost it. So Simipour becomes Water/Grass, Simisage becomes Grass/Fire, Simisear becomes Fire/Water. 45) Skuntank crest: "Nullifies damage and boosts Attack when hit by a Ground type move. Self explanatory, throw your skunk into every Earthquake you see, otherwise do a normal Skuntank. Increases Attack and Special attack by 20%". 46) Spiritomb crest: "Spiritomb becomes stronger for each defeated ally. Recovers health based on KO'd enemies." 255 attack, 122 defense, 122 special defense EVs Ability: Infiltrator Brave nature Equip crest, send him as the final sixth pokemon no matter what. Enjoy. Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Will-o-Wisp, Pain split (breeding) 47) Stantler crest: "It increases Stantler's and Wyrdeer's Attack and Accuracy by 50%". Self explanatory, simple attack and accuracy boost. Do a normal Wyrdeer or Stantler. 43) Thievul crest: "Decreases opponent's Special attack by 1 stage on switch, increasing Thievul's by 1 stage on switch." 255 special attack, 255 speed EVs Ability: Stakeout Timid nature Equip crest, switch in the fox on resisted moves (which isn't a lot). Snarl, Psychic, Mud barrage, Dark pulse/Grass knot 48) Torterra crest: "Torterra's resistances and weaknesses are swapped, retaining immunities. Attacks restore HP." Swapping resistances doesn't change anything about how you use it really, it just becomes a bit better. Also recover HP on attacks. 49) Typhlosion crest: "Typhlosion's Attack scale with Special attack and contact moves do an additional hit of damage.". 255 special attack, 255 speed EVs Ability: Flash Fire Hasty nature Equip crest, enjoy mixed attacks and Sash Burner. Eruption/Heat wave/Fire blast, Stomping tantrum/Earthquake, Iron head, Play rough 50) Vespiquen crest: "Attack order and Defense order grant a 50% boost to offenses or defenses, it switches around when another is used." Budget Aegislash, just don't. No amount of cresting can make Vespiquen viable. 51) Whiscash crest: "Nullifies damage and boosts Attack when hit by a Grass-type move. Increases Attack and Special attack by 20%". Self explanatory, throw the fish into every grass move you see. 52) Zangoose crest: "Zangoose become poisoned upon switching in, and restores HP while poisoned". 255 attack, 255 speed EVs Ability: Toxic boost Jolly nature Equip crest, launch top 3 strongest Facades on planet Earth. Facade, Quick attack, Knock off, Close combat 53) Zoroark crest (doesn't work on Hisuian): "Grants the Ability of the copied pokemon to the Unovan Zoroark. Additionally gives them STAB on copied types." Option 1: 255 attack, 255 speed EVs Ability: Illusion Jolly nature Equip crest, make sure there is an Azumarill with Huge power or Medicham with Pure power in your last slot. Enjoy strongest Sucker punches in history. Sucker Punch, Night slash/Knock off, Slash and burn, Brick break/U-turn Option 2: 255 special attack, 255 speed EVs Ability: Illusion Timid nature Equip crest, make sure Nidoking or Nidoqueen with Sheer force is in the last slot, enjoy Zoronuke. Night daze, Sludge bomb, Flamethrower, Grass Knot 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SoulN7 Posted November 13, 2023 Share Posted November 13, 2023 I think you missed Leafeon. Infernape can set up Calm Mind/Aura Sphere (if it has it here), but it's kinda pointless since Infernape is already an amazing starter, so I don't know why you should use that crest instead...? If I remember correctly, Reuniclus and Gothitelle have Priority ""Protean"" (they change types at the start of turn). Not sure about Hisuian Typhlosion and Samurott if they are better or not than their Crest versions, but if I remember correctly, the latter should learn Sacred Sword. Whoever designed Phione Crest and Dusknoir's crests has my respect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyphre Posted November 13, 2023 Author Share Posted November 13, 2023 4 minutes ago, SoulN7 said: I think you missed Leafeon. Infernape can set up Calm Mind/Aura Sphere (if it has it here), but it's kinda pointless since Infernape is already an amazing starter, so I don't know why you should use that crest instead...? If I remember correctly, Reuniclus and Gothitelle have Priority ""Protean"" (they change types at the start of turn). Not sure about Hisuian Typhlosion and Samurott if they are better or not than their Crest versions, but if I remember correctly, the latter should learn Sacred Sword. Whoever designed Phione Crest and Dusknoir's crests has my respect. Priority Protean sounds silly busted but will check it tomorrow, if so will need to correct Gothithelle. Most crests do not work on Hisuian versions, Typhlosion and Samurott ones do? Will check my dead Leafeon in a box somewhere too. Thanks for corrections o7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SoulN7 Posted November 13, 2023 Share Posted November 13, 2023 3 minutes ago, Cyphre said: Priority Protean sounds silly busted but will check it tomorrow, if so will need to correct Gothithelle. Most crests do not work on Hisuian versions, Typhlosion and Samurott ones do? Will check my dead Leafeon in a box somewhere too. Thanks for corrections o7 No no, my mistake: I wondered which version was better (Hisuian or "normal" + crests) Now that I'm checking, you missed Boltund, Cincinno, Swalot and Thievul too. To be honest, I understand why someone would forget about some. Then there is Beheeyem and Silvally, but they aren't playable, so yeah, they shouldn't be on list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyphre Posted November 14, 2023 Author Share Posted November 14, 2023 Prettied up, added missing crests i dug out from my dead pokemon from the depths of my boxes, added several ones i disregarded before, hope it will be helpful for someone in the long run because it was a ton of work to do honestly. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eggon Posted November 14, 2023 Share Posted November 14, 2023 I've been looking so hard for a list of new crests and what they do. THANK YOU FOR THIS. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VMeemes Posted November 14, 2023 Share Posted November 14, 2023 Oh what Noctowl doesn't give it Psychic STAB anymore? I mean I don't use Noctowl but it was a fun little niche use. Still this is a pretty good list of all the current crests and their effects. I find it a bit funny how Aevian Ampharos gets a crest that boosts filter more. Like they tried so hard to get A-Ampharos up to par and yet it still needed a boost because its still not fully up to snuff. Granted by the time you do get a 'Mon with filter I found that even super effective hits still KO so I can't fully blame them there. Just one of those little funny things really. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ClaraTheCriminal Posted November 15, 2023 Share Posted November 15, 2023 Crested Zoroark copying Nidoking would also be pretty strong, STAB Sheer Force Dark Pulse and Sludge Bomb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyphre Posted November 15, 2023 Author Share Posted November 15, 2023 9 hours ago, ClaraTheCriminal said: Crested Zoroark copying Nidoking would also be pretty strong, STAB Sheer Force Dark Pulse and Sludge Bomb Very true, edited it in, although with Night Daze instead of Dark pulse. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SakiSin Posted November 16, 2023 Share Posted November 16, 2023 Where did you find the flame orb for Luxray? I've been looking everywhere Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyphre Posted November 16, 2023 Author Share Posted November 16, 2023 13 minutes ago, SakiSin said: Where did you find the flame orb for Luxray? I've been looking everywhere You don't, cant exactly equip it while crested anyway. Statuses arent exactly rare, but you can change Facade for another normal move and go with Intimidate, sure. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedTyranitar Posted November 17, 2023 Share Posted November 17, 2023 On 11/16/2023 at 6:05 PM, Cyphre said: You don't, cant exactly equip it while crested anyway. Statuses arent exactly rare, but you can change Facade for another normal move and go with Intimidate, sure. Might take effort. But you culd always burn it with orb, then between fights switch to Crest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FaisLittleWhiteRaven Posted November 18, 2023 Share Posted November 18, 2023 Well this was a very fun read. Gave me lots of fun ideas to play with <3 Lots of handy ideas to play with though I think you might be sleeping on the Luvdisc crest's potential a bit, since if I'm reading its 'happiness = base power of attacks up to 250' effect correctly, then that means a very happy Luvdisc can use a 250 base power Aqua Jet, and if that's up in the Rain and before STAB... Is that a lot compared to stuff like a Weavile's Ice Shard? I honestly don't know, though under this logic Hydro Miss has no purpose being on that move list as the only thing it 'contributes' is low PP and terrible accuracy. The crest's whole concept seems to be going for 'making usually shitty moves with interesting secondary effects as usable as they hope this Luvdisc will be' and well, Luvdisc's movepool is terrible enough that Aqua Jet still might be the only part of it worth using but as it stands this section is clearly not how a crast wearing Luvdisc is meant to be used and I will not stand for it! XDD(Side note, if Aqua Jet is crested Luvdisc's main/only selling point then going all in on Attack is probably the way to go, with Hydration being used to prevent potential Aqua Jet damage being lost to Burn or Paralysis. Swift Swim's still got its use in 'allowing Luvdisc to attack with literally anything other than Aqua Jet' though so to each their own but I'd probably go for a revenge killer set consisting of: 255 Attack EVs, Hydration, and the moveset of Aqua Jet, Protect, Endure and Icy Wind that's meant to be partnered with a Burn/Toxic/Toxic Spikes user, either picking off already weakened targets or stalling until foes are in ideal KO range, with Icy Wind just there mostly because IDK there's still a 4th slot left and the speed drops and hitting two foes in Doubles might be handy. probably best only used with the Gen 5 weather password activated There's probably hopefully a better 4th slot option out there I just haven't thought of though, though damn its a shame the Luvdisc crest didn't also grant it a Whirlpool effect to symbolise foes getting sucked forcefully against their will into the 'shockingly swift and unrelenting horrors of love' or a usually shitty thing being used to horrific effect which I feel would be thematically on point for this little bugger XDDD aka max troll stall/trapping nastiness that's still completely walled by anything water immune). And er that all said, apologies all I have to say is a massive rant about how to win toxically with crest Luvdisc and nothing else. I tried going over the Ledian as well but yeah no that poor little guy's got nothing and I hope in the future its crest gets buffed at least a little more because right now it basically does nothing for it (still better off just attempting to set up screens before it dies ='C) and everything else looks pretty good to me Revenge/Avalance using Crabomnible maybe? Would need healing and screens support though so... Yeah! Thanks for letting me know my beloved Luxray can actually be the goodest of good bois still and hope my random babble of ideas was at least somewhat interesting even if in the end a Luvdisc is still just a Luvdisc at the end of the day~ XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyphre Posted November 18, 2023 Author Share Posted November 18, 2023 This is actually a good idea overall if it's working as intended, byt Hydration won't help it since Luvdisc dies if anything even looks at it wrong. I will add it however since i did calcs and in theory 250 base power Aqua jet even with 30 base attack is quite strong. (still doesnt make it very viable but you know) 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Launce Posted November 18, 2023 Share Posted November 18, 2023 Where are you getting knock off or Gunk shot for Crabominable? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyphre Posted November 18, 2023 Author Share Posted November 18, 2023 Knock off tutor is in East Gearen post restoration, Gunk shot is from the rightmost Marshadow in the Luck's Tent, don't remember after which badge he appears however. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Launce Posted November 18, 2023 Share Posted November 18, 2023 3 minutes ago, Cyphre said: Knock off tutor is in East Gearen post restoration, Gunk shot is from the rightmost Marshadow in the Luck's Tent, don't remember after which badge he appears however. No, what I'm saying is Crabominable can't learn Knock off at all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyphre Posted November 18, 2023 Author Share Posted November 18, 2023 5 minutes ago, Launce said: No, what I'm saying is Crabominable can't learn Knock off at all. That is very weird but thanks for correction, will fix it. Most movesets devs took from Gen 7, and in absolute most cases between gen 7 and 9 there weren't many changes, but Crabominable in gen 9 started to learn A LOT more moves, and for him i used Bulbapedia instead of in game Pokedex since i couldn't locate the guy among 30 boxes. That's my bad for sure, thanks again for pointing out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kibble Posted November 19, 2023 Share Posted November 19, 2023 I assume the TM for Ice Beam still isn't in the game yet. I'd love to have it for my Claydol, but alas... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyphre Posted November 19, 2023 Author Share Posted November 19, 2023 21 minutes ago, Kibble said: I assume the TM for Ice Beam still isn't in the game yet. I'd love to have it for my Claydol, but alas... Ice beam is there, i believe somewhere in the basement of Theolia tower, might be mistaken but it's somewhere in 13.5 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kibble Posted November 20, 2023 Share Posted November 20, 2023 11 hours ago, Cyphre said: Ice beam is there, i believe somewhere in the basement of Theolia tower, might be mistaken but it's somewhere in 13.5 Ohhh good to know, I'll have to have a look. Thank you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Riza Posted February 10, 2024 Share Posted February 10, 2024 (edited) One little thing I would like to mention concerning luvdisc it is to run Brine as your water STAB, since all of your moves have the same power 250 BP, brine keeps the double dmg boost on sub 50% HP targets Bubble as well because it hits both enemies and has chance to lower speed whirlpool too Edited February 10, 2024 by Riza forgot some details Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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