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Mega forms for current nonMega Pokemon


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This is for creating New Mega Pokemon for Pokemon with no Mega forms currently.

For the first I was thinking about one for Golurk.

I was thinking maybe his mega can be based on Golurk's ability to Fly without being a Flying Type or having the ability Levitate, yet also basing off his tankish power.

I was thinking for starter it can change from Ghost/Ground to either Ghost/Flying or Flying/Ground, then maybe what if it got extra Arms (maybe a total of 6 I was thinking it would look cool with arms like this [http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/184/a/e/asura_the_destructor_by_putleadinurhead-d55wbds.jpg] maybe). Had Iron Fist ability still, and is Attack, Defense, and Speed got a bit of an increase.

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I think it would be cool for Dragonite to get one and become a Dragon/Fairy type and keep Multiscale. Dragonite was always the cutest of the Dragons aside from like, Altaria and now I guess Goodra? A speed boost and defense as well as special defense would be nice for a Mega Dragonite. Design wise I think it would be pretty sweet if it went back to being blue, and maybe became a little thinner with larger wings.

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Increased SpD, SpA and Def. Typing changes to Fairy/Dragon and ability is Multiscale. Looks like one of these three:





Increased Atk and Def. Typing changes to Dragon/Steel and ability is ?. It makes cutting based moves twice as powerful. Looks like:





Increased Atk and SpA. Ability is Shadow Gaurd. Works like thick fat for Dark/Ghost. Credit to Secendum. Looks like:



Increased Atk and SpA. Type changes to Dragon/Fire?. Ability is Moxie/Intimidate. Has fire, turns predominately red, gains more armor, and looks... sharper.


Increased Spd and SpA. Type Changes to Dragon/Grass. Ability is Chlorophyll. Looks like:





Increased Def and SpD. Ability is Intimidate. Looks like:




Increased SpA and Atk. Ability is Swift Swim. Looks like:




Increased Def. Ability is Sturdy. Looks Like:



Increased Atk and Spd. Ability is Levitate. Looks like:


I'll post more if I think of them.

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  On 12/30/2013 at 10:56 PM, akaFila~ said:


~Mega Persian~

Type: Normal

Ability: Normalize


Significant Boost -> +Speed

Other -> +Atk , +Def , +SpA

I'm sorry, but. . . Normalize? Why? Normal-type's only virtue offensively is the strong normal moves that you get STAB on, otherwise it's terrible. . .

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  On 12/30/2013 at 11:57 PM, KingMurdoc said:

I'm sorry, but. . . Normalize? Why? Normal-type's only virtue offensively is the strong normal moves that you get STAB on, otherwise it's terrible. . .

Sure, if you solely look at it from a competitive perspective. Seemed like a fitting enough ability for the design/concept.

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Increased Spd, Atk. Ability is Guts/Levitate with wings. Looks like:




Increased Atk, SpD, Def. Type changes to Dragon/Ground. Ability is Sheer Force/Levitate with wings. Looks like:




Increased SpA. Changes to Dragon/Electric. Ability is Cloud Nine. Looks like:



Increased Atk, Def. Ability is Aerilate. Looks like:



Increased Atk, Def, SpD, SpA, SpD. Ability is Protean. Looks like:


Post requests, and I'll find images etc.

Edited by CobraKill
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Mega Arceus

Mega Stone: 18 Plates

Arceus' mega stone is fused from 18 plates, including the previously undiscovered Normal Plate. In addition, It does not activate with the trainer's Mega Ring. In battle, when Arceus mega evolves, It will say "Arceus' 18 plates are reacting to Arceus' will! Arceus mega evolved!"

Type: Omni type

Mega Arceus is all types at once. It always has STAB.

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Mega Arceus' Judgement is also Omni type.

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Base stats:

Hit Points: 120

Attack: 140

Defence: 140

Special Attack: 140

Special Defence: 140

Speed: 140

BST: 820

Ability: Omnipotence: All attacking moves are OHKO moves.

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  On 1/7/2014 at 1:34 AM, RumbleTTT said:

Mega Arceus

Mega Stone: 18 Plates

Arceus' mega stone is fused from 18 plates, including the previously undiscovered Normal Plate. In addition, It does not activate with the trainer's Mega Ring. In battle, when Arceus mega evolves, It will say "Arceus' 18 plates are reacting to Arceus' will! Arceus mega evolved!"

Type: Omni type

Mega Arceus is all types at once. It always has STAB.

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Mega Arceus' Judgement is also Omni type.

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Base stats:

Hit Points: 120

Attack: 140

Defence: 140

Special Attack: 140

Special Defence: 140

Speed: 140

BST: 820

Ability: Omnipotence: All attacking moves are OHKO moves.

OP much? With Mega Arceus, which would be banned to mega ubers :P, all you would need is a Full IV, Full EV, Nature boosted Speed Stat, with a choice scarf, and Extreme Speed. Nothing would outspeed it, even if they had Extreme Speed, and it would OHKO everything.

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I definitely think the Mega God Pokemon should be so powerful it's banned to Ubers Ubers. And you don't need to tell me that "Every move is a OHKO move" is OP, I knew that when I typed it. :D

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Though there is a potential way to beat it. Prankster Gastro Acid?

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