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Regirock help


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I'm facing the same issue, I think.

The darchlight crystals I've interacted with so far are:

- at the double bridges, with the crystal being on the left bridge (Vivian attacks the guardians because they want to keep her until she's 20)

- the room with the leftover figures (Vivian wonders why these seemingly "useless" figures are kept, she is told that the Admin may see them useful again)

- the room where Regirock and two Claydols observe her training (Vivian wonders why she has to train with Pokemon)

- the little room with the bonfire and the blue beamer pad and figures of an apple, a Seviper and a Togekiss (Claydol and Regirock discuss how Vivian is showing promise)

- the room on the down-left of the bonfire room - consisting of a puzzle - on the right side, there is the display on how the figures need to be placed (Vivian notes she needs to use her Earth Sense to get the placement right)

- on the down left of this room, there is another puzzle consisting of a Togekiss, a Seviper, a Greninja (Claydol and Regirock notice that Vivian is beginning to master her Earth Sense)


Those six are all I could find. No idea how to proceed.


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