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Old versions' release dates?


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According to this dev blog post


M2 is a version of Melia from an older version of Rejuvenation. Which version? I dunno, though IIRC M2 had been stuck in her broken world for six years or so.


So out of curiosity, I decided to look around for the older versions' release dates (or at least the estimates) and these are what I got so far: 

  • V1: June/July 2014 (?)
  • V2: ??? 2014
  • V3: January 2015
  • V4: March 2015
  • V5: April 2015
  • V6: August 2015
  • V7: February 2016
  • V8: sometime mid-2016
  • V9: June/July 2017 (?)
  • V10: early 2018
  • V11: December 2018/January 2019 (?)
  • V12: July 2019
  • V13: July 2021
  • V13.5: October 2023

That said, anybody know which version was released when? I might get the dates wrong in the list and haven't found those of some versions yet. 😅

Edited by SAF
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I started playing at V9 as well and I have memory of starting playing the game about 6 years ago but V9 could have been out for some time already.


EDIT: Also if you search Pokemon Rejuvenation V9 most posts and videos are from June and July of 2017.

         And from what I'm picking up V8 came out in the middle of 2016 and V10 in early 2018.

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10 hours ago, SoulN7 said:



10 hours ago, Nox Omen said:

I started playing at V9 as well and I have memory of starting playing the game about 6 years ago but V9 could have been out for some time already.


EDIT: Also if you search Pokemon Rejuvenation V9 most posts and videos are from June and July of 2017.

         And from what I'm picking up V8 came out in the middle of 2016 and V10 in early 2018.


2 hours ago, Steeldevil said:

I believe V11 came out around December 2018/January 2019


All noted. Just V2, V4, and V5 left.

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Returning to your question...


I think M2 came from V10 or V11, since she still calls her powers "light within her" and she didn't knew about the term Archetype and the effects of Genesis Syndrome. 6 years would be the exact time between these versions and .Karma Files.


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Somehow, I feel as though I have been with this game for such a long time but I have not. I started in V12 in May 2020, right at the beginning of quarantine. 


I noticed something while checking the date in my starter's profile. 


The location where he was obtained has been removed despite that it has not changed since he was my starter and considering I ditched him for his daughter a month later almost to the day it's kinda eerie. 😅

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This post inspired me to do some digging. and by that I mean A LOT of digging.

How much digging? well, i went to the Smosh games and Smosh channels to MAYBE find an old download link based off one tweet from 2015. I found a Wordpress site to get the download for V6. I went back to the Old forums. Not the pokemonreborn.com forums. The Poke-Place Forums. I dumped 4 hours of my life into this. And what did I find?


Ive managed to find every version of Rejuv aside from 2,3 and 11.

2 i have no idea where to find, 3 is lost to the ravages of time or a self nuke, and Jan self-nuked the downloads for V11 (except the PBS files oddly enough.) The only way we'd find those is if someone came forward with the files on a new download link.


Anyway here's working (for now) downloads for each old version I found. Some are MEGA downloads, some are mediafire, one is unique.


V1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/x49li0943y7y2fh/Pok%C3%A9mon_Rejuvenation_Version_1_-_Abduction.zip/file (this isn't the original download, its the one from Jans twitter. the original download is probably long gone by now.)

V4: http://www.mediafire.com/download/72tedpxbg2c1emc/Rejuv_4-4.rar (yes, a rar file.)

V5: http://www.mediafire.com/file/di1d5sd3o8th43b/Rejuvenation_Version_5-5.zip/file

V6: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9rkz9c026m9m69h/Pokemon+Rejuvenation+V6-2.zip

V7: http://www.mediafire.com/file/x5dhrehljpmlm0x/Pokemon_Rejuvenation_V7-1.zip/file

V8: http://www.mediafire.com/file/sa3ynamzei47fx2/Rejuvenation_-_Version_8.1_-.zip/file

V9: https://mega.nz/#!MUw0WTKT!5AccuAcMoy4ltN6zEOWJN3gIGbcHajsYufHXaQoEVQk

V10: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7ddlac2lmz0830h/Pokemon%2BRejuvenation%2B-%2BV10-2.zip

V12: https://www.mediafire.com/file/784pyjinnklll9a/Rejuvenation_-_V12-1.zip/file

V13: https://www.rebornevo.com/downloads/Rejuvenation-v13.0.5.zip The MEGA download is locked, but this link still works. For now. If it stops working, ask most people and they will probably have it installed.


Anyway yeah, i got the downloads, but back to the main topic, V4 came out in March of 2015, V5 came out around April 2015, and V6 came out start of August 2015, which is super fast. imagine that kind of release schedule nowadays. According to the wordpress site, the project was started in March 2014, and V3 came out January 2015. I couldn't find a single speck of info about V2 anywhere. knowing all this, M2 is likely from V9 or V10 based on her being trapped for 6 years according to OP. Although she could also be from V2 due to the lack of info about it, but thats me being meta af.

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