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>less then six hours to 2014

>not making 2014 resolutions that you will never follow


Here, I'll start off-

1. Learn to handle spice. (I can't take Macdonald's packet chili and it makes people laugh about it :(how rood )

2. Learn to Jumpstyle. (i got shuffling mastered and all but fuck that everyone knows jumping is the way to go)

3. Have cash. (basically stop spending $999999999 on useless shit)

4. Have irl friends. Self explanatory.

4.5 shoot for gf (lol jk i will never have a gf ;-;)

5. Learn to draw. (preferably cartoon style)

6. Be nice to everyone i meet so i will probably win jack frost next year :)

7. Do my homework on time and avoid teachers and their whatever shit they pull out.

8. Be less of an ass.

9. Try to save up $600 so I could probs get a new phone at 2015

10. Be a man.

yeah i'll probably only follow up 1 of them but it's good to make a list once in a while.

what's your resolution?

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Yeah lists of stuff we're never gonna do! I'll join in, son.

  1. Improve drawing more, ask art teachers for good supplies and artist references.
  2. Actually study for my tests so I get good enough grades to get a better education thing.
  3. Maybe get a job. I doubt it because I hate interacting with strangers.
  4. Tell my parents about my relationship when we reach our 2nd year.
  5. At least get enough money in some way to buy a flight ticket to Amurrica.
  6. Meet up with my buoyfrond. (Because I've been getting more and more depressed over the distance and I don't know if I can go another year just talking over skype.)
  7. Watch all LOTR movies. All of them.
  8. Change crying once a week to crying once a month perhaps once a year.
  9. If I do cry rub my tears over my face because apparently that does miracles for your skin and I need to try.
  10. Experiment with grilled cheese so I can make the best grilled cheese without burning anything.


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For me it's like 15 hours till new years so yea. My resolutions that I will never accomplish because I am a lazy butt are.

1. Get job

2. Get better social life this is one I'm never doing

3. Learn to drive

4. Plan education

5. Learn moar pokemon

6. Do something productive

7. Branch out to more different types of anime

Also I feel you summer I ain't prob gonna get a gf in like ever, I'd put it on my list but why bother.

edit: Just thought of another one

8. Maybe start working out for muscledoka/crossdress cosplay for the cons

Edited by personwithbanana9870
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Around 3 hrs 15 mins until 2014 for me.

  1. Try to exercise more.
  2. Try to socialize/network more (I suck at both and I hate people).
  3. Try to save more money (I am doing fine with this but I'd like to save more).
  4. Do better in school.
  5. Be less lonely.
  6. Do better at the things I am into (like photography).
  7. Be less sad.
Edited by garchomp550
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14 hours here....

1. Actually go to the gym. I have a membership but.....

2. Practice lacrosse outside of practice

3. Do my homework, instead of skirting by.

4. Help my Dad more

Otherwise I'm pretty happy. I'll post more if I think of some. I'm bad at this kind of stuff.

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1. Learn to handle spice. (I can't take Macdonald's packet chili and it makes people laugh about it :(how rood )


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In honor of 2014 here's 14 gaming resolutions (in no particular order):

Finish Legend of Zelda: A Link to the past.
Finish teen Titans 2 .
Finish Nintendogz.

Finish Final Fantasy 6

Finish Final Fantasy 8

Finish Final Fantasy Tactics

Finish Final Fantasy Chocobo's Dungeon 2.
Finish the Final Fantasy Legend 2.

Finish Tales of Graces f

Finish Tales of Xillia

Finish Tales of Destiny

Finish Tales of Eternia

Get Tales of Xillia 2 when it gets localized.
Get Tales of Symphonia Chronicles when it gets localized.

That should be enough to keep me busy for a year.

Edited by Marissa
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Well, if there's resolutions to start/finish games we own...

Start FF6

Start AC5

Finish KH final remix and move onto CoM and 258/2

Plantinum Soul Sacrifice (only 2 more trophies to go, and just an easy grind for those two)

Finish Portal 2 single player campaign, do free DLC coop with Godot/steam people

Start SMT5

Finish Project X Zone

Finish the last few character stories in P4A

Finish playing through P4G.

Eventually transfer over my stuff using poke-transfer and re-EV train everything I plan on using, breeding, etc.

Maybe finish playing ToA, ToG, but not really feeling those games at all.

Finish ME:2 and upload clear data to ME:3

Finish FF13, then play FF13-2 if I like the first one at all.

Finish paying off the final house upgrades in New Leaf

Try out Malicious

Try out Uncharted 3

Finish Zone of the Enders HD collection

Perhaps replay MGS4 so I remember all the important stuff that happened in MGS1 and 4 all at the same time.

Finish SMT Soul Hackers

Finish new restarts of pearl, platinum, soul silver, and white. Finish playthrough of X.

Finish Super Paper Mario

Finish virtual console play through of LoZ: Oracle of Ages

Finish KH 3DS

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