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Efficiently farming Aquamarine Jenner for black prisms


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I finished karma files and have been farming Jenner in Aquamarine cave for couple of hours. I have been using Gallade to 1v6 him and one shot each of his pokemon while only needing to heal every 10 battles.

Gallade (lvl 90) - adamant - sharpness - black belt

  • Sacred sword (pp maxed)
  • Drain punch (pp maxed)
  • Psycho cut
  • Ice punch


  1. Stoutland - Sacred sword
  2. Noivern - Ice punch
  3. KlinkKang - Sacred sword first 4 battles, and Drain punch last 6
  4. Mega Appletun - Sacred sword
  5. Kommo-o - Psycho cut
  6. Porygon-z - Drain punch


Did anyone find more efficient pokemon for this?

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