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A bit of a weird reason for wanting a Crest to be a thing... (Spoilers for the Terajuma Arc)


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I'd like Noivern to get a crest for three-ish reasons. One being it's one of my favorite mons, and while it's perfectly usable throughout the game it's in a bit of an unfortunate spot in terms of stats when it comes to competing with all of its much more powerful dragon cousins.

But also, specifically in the context of Rejuvenation's narrative and characters, Jenner gives Melia his Noivern as an expression of fatherly love in a dire time in both their lives. She uses it for exactly one major battle in the game (possibly more, but the only time I remember seeing it is the final Zetta/Geara battle atop Mount Valor).... And then she boxes the thing, a gift from her now deceased father, primarily (and I'm speculating here, but given the caliber of the rest of her team, I think I'm on the money) because it's just not powerful enough for a character as skilled and capable as Melia to use after Terajuma. I know that Pokemon teams as exposition or character expression isn't the be all end all, but it does feel a bit bad that she has something so tangible and meaningful to remember Jenner with that gets tossed to the wayside.

I understand that this was also a 13.5 addition, so it's possible some rebalancing would need to be done in later chapters if she were to use it more consistently... which is another reason I think a Crest for Noivern would pay dividends. She gets to keep her dad's gift throughout the game, I get to use one of my favorite B- tier mons without having to worry about a team slot being "wasted", and one of the coolest dragons in the game would finally get its due.

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