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Potential Megas to be banned to Ubers


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Pfft, not really. Pretty much anything that runs Foul Play can deal with it, also most anything with T-Wave can cripple it permanently. It does do well if you can get it going and your opponent has no Priority or stall components whatsoever, but Flare Blitz recoil is a thing, and Fire Punch takes two DDs to pull off, meanwhile your opponent can swap to something capable of killing you

Mandibuzz especially makes a great counter. As does Air Balloon Heatran (Can swap in on a fire attack, tank a Dragon move, then smash Charizard with Earth Power before it gets a chance to EQ) Both of which are fairly common

Kangaskhan is a terrifying menace. I've had it sweep my entire Ubers team multiple times over. At times I have to sacrifice half my team just to kill it. It shreds Subs and Sturdy/Sashes, so I can't even Explode on it with Forrtress (And when it lets me, I don't even do that much damage)

Gengar would probs be okay imo... If it weren't for the fact that it can come in on something that it easily kills. And once it kills that, it exits and waits for it's next target

Don't really know much about Lucario, except that it absolutely smashes anything trying to switch in

Blaziken's mega has really turned out to be pretty lame, can't hold a Sash to guarantee a Swords Dance and Speed Boost. Can't hold a Life Orb to maximize it's damaging potential. Shore it's faster than regular Blaze, but that's about all it has over it

I'd still say that banning Speed Boost Blaziken (thus allowing the use of the mega version with Blaze Blaziken) would be the proper thing to do. But if both were to go I'd be fine with that as well

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What about Mega Mawile? It's not nearly as broken as Mega Kangaskhan, but it is in a similar position. Sure, if you WoW it, it's basically done, and it melts to Earthquakes, but it has an ability that takes Azumarill from horrible to OU material AND 105 BASE ATTACK (along with access to Sucker Punch and Play Rough.)

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I hate Mega Charizard Y much more than I do Mega Charizard X. But yeah the only one I think that is pressing at this point is Mega Charizard Y.

And it pisses me off to no end that even though I'm pretty sure Genosect was banned, it feels like everyone and their mother use it in PO

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Also, Mawile is so painfully slow and has to rely on Sucker Punch to kill things, while it does shred anything slower, it comes down to prediction with Sucker Punch for you to kill it most of the time

And even that has limited PP

I usually take it with my Mismagius in Y, which happens to be weak to Sucker Punch. I can't even recall facing one on here

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No WoW talk unless it's about WoW.

Personally a lot of the Megas now are fairly balanced. After the stages of the leaving of Mega Khan, Gengar, and Lucario, a few Megas took their place. Mega Charizard-Y, Mega Pinsir, and Mega Venusaur were very popular but eventually fell in usage due to the Meagan's adapting. Popular threats such as Tyranitar, Landorus-I, Latias/Latios, have risen around the Meta Game and has formed a natural push pull kinda thing. The only really pokemon I feel should be tested is Mega-Mawile. Despite it being a slower Mega-Medicham, 105 Attack with pure power hits HARD. It even does over 50% to defensive Landorus-T with Play Rough.

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Sry, rampardos hits HARD, does over a ton to defensive landorus-t with play rough

Mawile is not broken, it's slow, crippled by WoW from stuff like Rotom-W and Char X and relies on Sucker Punch to kill stuff, so it's not that reliable. It's walled by a ton of shit if it doesn't have the right coverage move, let it be iron head or fire fang.

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