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Community Battles / Overseer Files Story Expansion Mod (In-Development)


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  On 12/17/2023 at 7:33 AM, Dred said:

It will be available when the mod releases.


I meant to submit to have your team as an NPC opponent. I believe the new Aevium mons are off limits for it if I read the restrictions correctly. Of course I'm gonna grab one to use when I play the mod.

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  On 12/18/2023 at 6:45 AM, Sovereign_One said:

So say a certain idiot didn’t read the banned Pokémon list as thoroughly as he should have and accidentally submitted a banned Mon on his team.


could I possibly re-submit or did I just shoot myself in the foot. XD


You can resubmit 

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ngl, I'm kinda interested in the teams that got denied for various reasons. just want to see what was considered over/underpowered or asked for too many team effects, stuff like that. could also be a good resource to reference when making teams, idk.


Also, was there any troll submissions? stuff like 6 FEAR rattatas or a single Arceus.

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22/12/2023 Dev Blog

Week 2, nice. Not a lot has happened since last weeks post, but we do have some things to share.
Firstly, Wave 2 submissions went quite well. We received a total of 36 new teams, and in total, we accepted 24 of those, bringing the total to exactly 100 unique, community submitted teams.
And with that, submissions are closed for the time being. I'm sorry if your cNPC didn't get accepted, or you didn't submit on time. At the current moment, we have no plans of re-opening submissions, However, this may change in the future in the rare chance that we need more cNPCs.

cNPC Battle Functions & Story Progression

The plan right now is that every cNPC is going to show up somewhere on the map. I've gone ahead and made a rough map layout of where they will all be, and I will probably share what the actual map is going to look like, once we have it properly made.

Of course, with the mod having 100 cNPCs, this may push some people away from wanting to do the actual story-aspects of the mod, so I'm going to clarify how this will work.
The mod will primarily be based around the story, and the cNPCs will act as Gym Leaders to an extent. For every tier, you will be required to battle a specific amount of trainers. Nothing is set in stone for how many, but it's going to most likely be no more than 10 per tier.

- cNPCs will be rematchable at any point depending, on your current tier. Defeating them will earn you BP, which can be spent for exclusive items.
- Fighting the same cNPC multiple times will not progress the story, you will need to battle different trainers
- All cNPCs will be subject to change, and balancing. The current teams shown on the accepted list are untested as of writing this, and will be balanced once we begin testing.
- The current concept may also change, depending on how hellish this turns out to be.
Aevian Forms

I don't have much for this week, primarily due to everyone being on holidays, and actually trying to keep some forms a secret for release, however, I decided to commission Soulja last minute for a Christmas-themed Aevian Form.
After this is posted, check our Discord, as I plan on releasing the form for people to use.
Without further ado, I introduce you to:


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Now, I know what you're thinking, Grass/Ice type, not great stats, it's bad.
Well, they cant all be good, so idk what you want from me, just let the Comfey live its life.
Also I'm giving it a Crest, so it can actually do something. Please give Comfey some love.

Also, here is a little showcase for one of the maps. I'm not dropping any names for it yet.
Art by: IronicOmens
Dev Team Updates

We have one new dev-team member to introduce this week, who will be helping out with mapping, and eventing

If you saw in the Discord server, they made the Carl Airlines terminal, which will be the fast-travel posts around the Pinnacle.
We will showcase some more maps as they are made

In terms of everyone else, we've all been taking our time. As it's almost Christmas, almost everyone is taking some time off to enjoy it with their friends and family, myself included.
We had more planned for this post, but decided to wait until next week, so we weren't rushing anything.


Wave 2 Submissions


As mentioned before, Wave 2 brought a handful of new teams that are being added. We've gone through all of them, and updated the accepted list:

Aevian Form Vote Results

Last week, we also did a poll for a new Aevian form, which was between 3 Water-types, being Florges, Coalossal, and Sandaconda.
And the results are in:

Aevian Florges is the winner of the vote.
We will reveal the design, and sprites once they are ready. 


That's all for this week.
We aren't too sure if the next dev blog will be out next week, so if it isn't, we will see you in the new year!

Make sure to check out the Discord for teasers, and mod announcements
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Here is the Aevian Comfey like I promised.
You can pick this up from a strange NPC on Evergreen Island, on the left side of the beach.
To install, take the contents from the zipped file, and put them into your games main folder, and click replace.

Merry Early Christmas


edit: i didnt notice how overpowered that thing is in doubles... woops, that will be nerfed on release.

Aevian Comfey.rarFetching info...

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29/12/2023 Dev Blog
Lets get started.
Week 3. The team have been working extremely hard, and a lot has been done internally, so lets get to the stuff that I can reveal for you all.

The biggest hurdle that we have been dreding I'm not sorry
As mentioned last week, we had an exact total of 100 accepted teams. With the combined efforts of Anxee, Judaes, and myself, we managed to get all 100 teams added, and tested this week. It was painful (Literally, my wrist is killing me rn), but it is done, and I never want to do it again.
Here are all of the teams lined up, and organized by field type (Starting at Electric Terrain on the top left, and moving right).

I plan on organizing it better, but for now, this is the hub for trainer testing down the line.
Every cNPC submitted with custom sprites should have them in this image. The large amount of green-hair ladies are placeholders for cNPCs that had invalid sprites submitted. Expect a PM from me at some point regarding it.

You can continue to update your teams in the Discord server for now, and we don't have any other updates on if/when we are re-opening submissions at this time, but I am heavily considering getting 3 cNPCs for each field, and calling it a day. I don't know yet though, so stay tuned.
Aevian Updates

Alright, it's time for your weekly Aevian Form updates.
Last week we revealed which form had won the vote, being Aevian Florges. This week, we have 1 of the forms to showcase in art form. The sprites will be revealed at a later date.
And yes, I said 1 form of the Florges. We currently have 2 designs in the works, being done by Omens, and Candii.

On top of the Florges art, we have one more Aevian form to reveal. This may be our last one for a little bit, outside of teasers of course. We want to keep some surprises for the release.
Without further ado, here they are.

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Story Character Introduction


Time to talk about the story! 
As I mentioned at some point before, we will be introducing new characters into the story, on top of the cNPCs.
This week, we are here to show off, and give some lore for two of the main accomplice's that will assist you, or be your enemy in the Overseer Files.

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And that's it for this week.
From this point on, dev blog posts will be posted every 2 weeks.
This gives the team more time to produce content that we can reveal, and so we also aren't revealing everything planned before release.

Keep your eyes open in the Discord server as well, as we will be discussing some things in regards to the Aevian Florges shiny sprite!

Discord Invite


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13/01/2024 Dev Blog
We're back, in the New Year, and ready to get back to it.
Welcome to the 5th Dev Blog for the Overseer Files Mod. This week, we will be going over Wave 3 of team submissions, Aevian Florges shiny contest winners, story map reveal, and some other things.

Wave 3 Submissions
So, I know I said that there wouldn't be any more team submissions for awhile, however, we discussed it, and decided that we would re-open the submissions to fill out the last of the field slots.
For this submission wave, we are leaving them open until every field is full, that means 3 teams for every field, or 1 team for each tier.


Now, it should go without saying that the remaining slots will be reserved for the best teams that we receive, and will be fairly limited due to the few fields we have left, so get creative! Study the field notes, and think outside the box when making your teams.
Once all fields are full, or we are no longer receiving any more new submissions, wave 3 will be closed, and there will no longer be any new submission waves, and I mean it this time.

The documents have been updated for rules, fields, remaining mythicals, legendaries, and Silvally forms, so please read over that before sending in your teams.

Fields & Rules Doc
Team Submission Form
Aevian Florges Shiny Contest

Last week we hosted a community contest for the Aevian Florges Shiny sprite in the Overseer Files Discord. We received around 30 submissions for the sprite, each having a unique color scheme, or shiny design made by the community. This week, we announced the winners, and showcased a few honorable mentions that came close to taking the crown.

Aevian Florges Shiny
Made by: chryslelie

 And of course, the honorable mentions:
Rainbow Aevian Florges                        Light Purple Florges                      Dark Purple Florges
                  Made by: stardust036                               Made by: Ace_Stryfe                        Made by: jelly_wish                   
image.png.d8245193ae60e2705b1a64efa06fc333.png         image.png.041fe456cb5d7d93e83cc576cc5f8e74.png       image.png.ee8da94fcbe56fd0fa4d328cae0c95e4.png
Expect to see Aevian Florges on their cNPC battles!
Aevian Form

You know the drill. Lets get straight to it.

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Map Reveals
I figured I would go ahead and show some of the maps that we are working on, so, here are the Zeight Outskirts, and a snippet of the Zeight Highlands!
(Maps shown are subject to change on release. Nothing is final)
Zeight Outskirts
A small forest covered terrain, located to the east of the Pinnacle. This will be the first "route" that you traverse when you enter region.
This location will offer multiple sidequest opportunities, and some story content.

Zeight Highlands
A massive mountainous region, located west of the Pinnacle, here, the player will hike across the cliffsides, and traverse through the multi-layered mineshafts. 
This map location will offer several story events, sidequests, Aevian forms, and other unique encounters that you will discover along the way.

For now, we are only going to show a small snippet of what the highlands look like, as we are still finishing it up, and making some final changes, so this image may not be final!
This location will be the first location that you visit when you enter the Highlands.


Pinnacle Fast Travel
Similar to how each region in Aevium has fast travel points, like Truck Guy, and Noctowl/Braviary posts, the Zeight region will have their own unique fast-travel, in the form of Carl.
Yes, I am not kidding. You will be picked up, and transported around the region by a swarm of Aevian Noibats that are employed for the Carl Airlines Corporation. 



The list of locations will be larger upon release. We may or may not reveal more locations later in the dev blogs.
Dev Team Update

About a week ago, we brought on two more people to the team. The Carl Cult grows.
Welcome to the team:



These two will primarily be focusing on the scripting side of things, because boy do I know nothing about it.
Expect to see some amazing custom coded stuff on release, and in future teasers!

As of this point, we are no longer taking in any new people for the dev team, because we are now at... 15 people, oh man.
If you are/were interested in joining however, shoot me a PM on Discord, and I will note down your skillsets for if we recruit more people later on.


And that is it for this dev blog!

We will be posting more teasers in the Discord, as well as a surprise on Monday, so feel free to check it out.
The next dev blog will be posted on: 27/01/2024

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  On 1/15/2024 at 7:53 PM, Dred said:

I come with a new "form" release.
Introducing, the M6 Form.

Yep, it exists, and you can find your at the Oceana Pier! It also comes with a complimentary Reaper Cloth, I wonder what that's for?
Aevian Comfey is also included, so you can use both of the public forms. Enjoy!

Aevians.rar 1.24 MB · 13 downloads


At first I was like "What is this fish? Why the fish? What are these Dex Entries? M6?" but now I've seen myself through Renegade...and I must just ask...

What the everliving hell, Dred? xD
The ethics of this are...something else.

Edited by Varn_Yggdrasil
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The new aevian forms you guys are making look SUPER duper cool!!!! Makes me repeat that cycle where I wish fan-pokemon were in actual games XDD, but!! Getting to add Comfey and... T h a t  f i s h.... Is a really neat little treat Dred >>:DD!!! However... I'm a little new to modding, and... Sorta scared to edit the files...? If anyone has a short and simple explanation for how to maybe add the Aevian files, that would be really helpful!! Just so that I'd go in, knowing what I'm doing n all of course!!! Otherwise, I wish everyone on the Dev Team good luck continuing on this!!!!! also I would love nothing more than to be carried away by a horde of fluffy bats, that sounds heavenly frfr.

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Is the dev blog getting delayed a bit?

Also just as a side tangent; I stumbled upon your mod back when I asked about your Scizor and I must just say how happy I am that you've found so much support and appreciation for your project.

Besides that it also has gotten me to start to do my own little personal mods, like having my own Dusknoir Form, and I wish to thank you for that. Hope the development and this new years goes amazing for you Dred.

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  On 1/28/2024 at 5:32 PM, Varn_Yggdrasil said:

Is the dev blog getting delayed a bit?

Also just as a side tangent; I stumbled upon your mod back when I asked about your Scizor and I must just say how happy I am that you've found so much support and appreciation for your project.

Besides that it also has gotten me to start to do my own little personal mods, like having my own Dusknoir Form, and I wish to thank you for that. Hope the development and this new years goes amazing for you Dred.


We made a post in the Discord server in regards to this week's post. We haven't had too much going on, as we've all been pretty busy with life, so we aren't posting anything this week.


Also I'm glad to see that this project has inspired you to make your own mods, and I really appreciate the kind words! I look forward to seeing what you make in the future.

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  On 1/28/2024 at 5:55 PM, Dred said:

We made a post in the Discord server in regards to this week's post. We haven't had too much going on, as we've all been pretty busy with life, so we aren't posting anything this week.


Also I'm glad to see that this project has inspired you to make your own mods, and I really appreciate the kind words! I look forward to seeing what you make in the future.


Ah, fair enough, IRL is like that, thank you for the quick answer.

Oh its nothing major modding wise, just adding my own Pokemon, making changes, or adding mons from other fangames or vanilla if the sprites can be sufficiently spliced together etc.
I don't know how to make new abilities, moves, animations for those moves and I've very very green in the department of making pokemon sprites, gonna take some time till I can make stuff that looks as good as IronicOmens or Soulja's stuff, so I doubt my mods will ever be released to the community.

Its still nice to have a Pseudo Legendary Ghost/Dark Dusknoir or see what the game balance would be like if Rock Types actually resisted themselves or to give "life" to stories, specifically the Pokemon, I only wrote about, even if my spriting still needs a whole Runscape skill grinding session until I wont cringe at the sight of it. (Trying to make Stained Glass/Mosaic Wings for a Vulcarona or just wings in general turns out to be a nightmare...(Dont even get me started on trying to make a sprite from scratch for a Lich evo for Duskull and just staring at blank space for a day.))

You guys were who drove me to try that out, so just wanted to thank you all for that, you, the other devs, Reju & Reborn's Devs and the Community in general.

I'm really grateful for that.

Edited by Varn_Yggdrasil
I keep making typos.
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10/02/2024 Dev Blog
Sorry for the delayed post! We've been pretty busy as of lately, but we are back again to share some juicy new details on the mod, as well as content, forms, and some other things, so lets get straight to it.

Sidequests & Side Content
Aside from the main story, and community fights, one thing I haven't discussed too much on this blog yet is the sidequests, and side content that we have planned for the mod.
Similar to base Rejuvenation, there will be two types of sidequests, being stand alone one and done quests, that have no impact on the story, or how it progresses, and sidequests that will impact the story, as well as the outcome of the route you are on, battles, NPC dialogue, and more.

Sidequests will be important, and I highly recommend doing them once the mod releases, as they will provide the player with exclusive rewards, lore, and as mentioned, story outcome changes.

On top of this, we also have plans for side content as well.
Now, you're probably thinking "what does this mean?" Well don't worry, I have answers and explanations.
The side content in the mod will not be directly tied to the story, or sidequests, instead, it will be a collection of battles, trainers, and other miscellaneous things put together in one or two maps. Ever wanted to fight a 6 field Legendary with some crazy boss effects? Or re-battle a stronger story boss battle? No? Well you can do that now.
The amount of side content that is currently planned could honestly be it's own mod, so keep that in mind.

Here are a few showcases of a few sidequest fights, and side content things. I'm not going to tell you what is what, you just get to dwell on it :)
Content shown is subject to change, some sprites are not shown yet.

Submission Updates

Wave 3 has been pretty slow in terms of submissions, which is mainly why I haven't posted anything on if people have been chosen or not. I plan on going through the list, and posting which set of teams that are chosen sometime within the next few days.
That being said, there are still a lot of field slots left open, and the submissions will remain open after I clear out the current list, so feel free to send your team in.

An additional reminder that you can make changes to your submission, or pre-existing accepted team in the Overseer File Discord server as well.

New Forms

Two new reveals for you all on this post. These ones we've had made for a little bit. We've still got a good hand full of forms that are yet to be revealed, so stay tuned for those in the near future. Without further ado, introducing:


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That is all we have for this post! Sorry if it was a little underwhelming for the wait, we're all still pretty busy, and there is a bunch of stuff that we can't exactly reveal yet (for spoiler purposes), but we are working away at this project, and are hoping to share as much as we can in the future posts!
Make sure you check out our Discord for further updates, teasers, and other various things!

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Random new Community Event? Yep! Here we go.

Art contest! Now listen, I know some of you who don't specialize in art probably aren't a fan, but trust me, we have plans for you all soon.

The goal? Draw Carl (Aevian Noibat), or Aevian Noivern, and submit it in the Submissions channel in the Overseer File Discord, and let the community vote,
The reward? Aevian Noivern (or Noibat if you really want it) on your cNPC team. We will share the movepool, stats, and abilities if you win.

Please keep in mind that this event is for fun! This is not competitive, and you shouldn't be harassing people for any reason at all! Feel free to submit your art regardless of your quality, we will accept anything.
And for a disclaimer because it's a big issue these days: Your art that you submit or showcase will never be used, sold, or distributed in any way, shape, or form, unless directly specified by the original artist.



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