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Is Zorua still "broken"?



As in, if you complete the gang quest is it basically unobtainable? I can see the derpy fake murkrow in Magmas hideout but can't reach it because I didn't activate it during the quest.

If so, are there any other Dark special attackers? I'm trying a mono Dark team out and Scrafty, Honchrow, Spiritomb are all physical.

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Yeah, but Ame, its a little... vexing to find it in all the alleyways, and Im not sure if this is a glitch or not, but if you end up finding Zangoose in any of the alleyways, it screws up the weather system for Zorua :/ Also, Zorua is obtainable, but you have to finish the entire magma gang/aqua gang quest first, because you need access to both gang sites as Zorua will appear in both.

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Yeah, but Ame, its a little... vexing to find it in all the alleyways, and Im not sure if this is a glitch or not, but if you end up finding Zangoose in any of the alleyways, it screws up the weather system for Zorua

...Can you say how so?

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Ame apart from the first meeting with Zorua i can not make it appear even though i have searched all the weather/time conditions and alleyways i cannot find it, even though i have watch Nickaboo92 guide on youtube on how to catch it.

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Ame apart from the first meeting with Zorua i can not make it appear even though i have searched all the weather/time conditions and alleyways i cannot find it, even though i have watch Nickaboo92 guide on youtube on how to catch it.

Same here, I finded him on episode 9, but then I stopped searching because lazyness haha. Then when I uploaded to episode 10, I wasn't able to find him at all... am I fucked? :/

Edited by Arom
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Zorua disguises itself as a number of different pokemon in the alleyway's. it only disguises itself as zangoose ONE time, thereafter if you see a zangoose, its a zangoose. i saw it as lets see. Starly, Zangoose, and Zigzagoon that i can remember offhand. but its obtainable right now, i just got one a couple days back

oh and another tip for finding it - Zangoose i always saw in trashcans, Zorua more often than not was not in them. but you pretty literally have to search EVERY alleyway to find Zorua. just remember - if you see any pokemon hiding in the alleyways for any reason... there is every chance its Zorua, not whatever it seems to be

Edited by Kyanos
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