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The type of guy i am ( or want to be :D )


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So first of all i want to thank the people that even clicked on this topic despite the Topic name (í'm not very good at naming things always was/is a weak point of mine).

This is the first time for me to write something like this at all so sorry if it does not really compel you to keep reading and my native language is not english it's dutch so if i make a mistake don't hate please :P .

So my name is Noah and i am a new member here and i thought to make this because i wanted to be a part of the community here cause it looked pretty fun and a close group of people with the same interests as me.

so what i really like is practicly all anime and manga as long as it has a bit action (for example i read al 1000+ chapters of hajime no ippo boxing manga) #pigswag

so if you want to recommend me some anime or manga go right ahead i'm open to anything,

i'm also a big gamer just started with pokemon reborn but i already am hooked to the story and the music is just pure awesomeness :D

also a big music fan you can also recommend music if you want i like all the genres of music so no problem there :P

well now i really dont know what else to type so lets just type what ever comes to mind uhm.... i am still in school doing an IT course still first year but still i am just doing what i like there XD what i really wanna do is become a Youtube commentator cause i want to entertain people and make them smile and help them through tough times cause i know some commentators helped me through tough times with family problems and the likes my friends usually call me a psychiatrist cause i can read people pretty good thats something my parents thought me and because of that i usually help a lot of people with their problems and make them smile with the kind of stupid humor i have the problem with that is i can help the people but these are only my friends and i want more than just help them i want to make a lot of people laugh well with that *RANT OVER* and with that i guess my introduction is over if you have any quistions about me or anything just go ahead and ask


this was really hard to write for some reason i guess it it because i am not used to doing stuff like this but i just wanted to try something like this so let's hope people like my style of typing cause why not post-45752-0-97313900-1388773684_thumb.gif

Edited by IIV_DarkDream_NL
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so your one of the good guys in the world...

I sense a comradary with you, just like I do with most people who end up as my friends. well, i can say I like you already.

I think you'll get along with everyone here just fine.

good luck in reborn. you'll need it from time to time

Edited by Legendaries tamer
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well i would not really say good guy's cause i have also used the people reading powers :P to manipulate people but still if people treat me normal you'll get normal in return

im afraid ive been guilty of the same a few times

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What to say, a newcomer just like me! I can say I like your attitude, so how about giving my personal welcome to this community?

Aaaaand...does that IT stand for Italian?? Are you really studying Italian? It would be amazing, considering that is my native language ;)

Welcome again to this community, dude!

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IT Tech Work. I know near nothing about except that it has to do with coding and those who study it are pretty damn intelligent. Hand someone like this genius a rubix cube and I'm sure he could solve it.
Welcome! Glad to have you!

Edited by Arkhidon
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IT Tech Work. I know near nothing about except that it has to do with coding and those who study it are pretty damn intelligent. Hand someone like this genius a rubix cube and I'm sure he could solve it.

Welcome! Glad to have you!

hahahaha well i can't solve a rubix cube i think maybe if i sit down for it but i have not got the patience for it after a while i'll just be like F*ck it and throw it around the room or just paint everything the same so it looks like i solved it

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hahaha the things we do in order to complete something a smart man once said

a lazy man finds a faster way to do stuff or something like that :P

yeah, I heard this quote ;) so Yay! I will be someone good in future, due to my laziness xDDDD

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i think everyone will have something good happen due to our lazyness :P

"This is the beginning of a new era, where laziness will dominate all over the world! Rise, lazy people from every country! Rise and join us, and we will conquer everything!"

Ok, it sounds a bit too dramatic, but it sounds epic, too.


Edited by Aessence
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"This is the beginning of a new era, where laziness will dominate all over the world! Rise, lazy people from every country! Rise and join us, and we will conquer everything!"

Ok, it sounds a bit too dramatic, but it sounds epic, too.


why do i see an image of just people on fatscooters driving in the street running everything over :P

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