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Listing of Pokemon I found especially strong for end game


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Because I know that future battles will be hard and cause I am bad I wanted to list some pokemon that have carried me and create a thread so more people can recommend strong pokemon they used in their playthrough.



Competative players didn't lie, that 2 speed over 100 really does matter. It's able to setup rocks or just attack slightly faster than most other mons which is often the difference in winning or losing a fight.



Big stall itself. In my opinion the best toxic mon available. You don't have many options for toxic since the tm is unavailable but even if it was available Toxapex would still be top tier. It completely destroys any boss encounter that doesn't heal status.



Best Aurora Veil setter. It's very useful for any battle where you can setup weather and will be even better if hail is changed to snow in a later update. Doesn't do much in battles where you can't setup weather but those are few.


Unburden, Fake Out, Normal Gem. Sneasler was not made for a game with gems and especially not a game with field seeds. Since seeds are finite I would only use them on especially hard battles.



Use it with Crest. For an ice type it's tanky. With Filter + the Crest it may as well not have weaknesses. Unfortunately if you want to use it to it'x max capabilities you will have to gamble with 70% accuracy moves.



Best spike setter with Ceaseless Edge. For being a spike setter it also hits way harder than it should. Sharpness boosted Razor Shell and Ceaseless Edge both have around 100 base power.



Only available if picked as a starter. It outspeeds a lot things after 1 turn of Speed Boost. Run protect to get a free turn then sweep with it's very good attack stat.


Mega Mawile

Huge Power 105 attack stat. Mega Mawile's one job is to hit things extemely hard. It's two job is to destroy everything with a dark weakness with sucker punch. 

252+ Atk Huge Power Mawile-Mega Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Yveltal: 456-536 (100 - 117.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO.



Especially strong against shielded foes. With Skill Link and a really high attack stat it has the power to break through multiple shields of a pokemon with a super effective attack. It's bulky too so it's low speed shouldn't be a problem



Another strong pseudo legendary dragon type. Unlike Garchomp, Hydreigon is a special attacker meaning it can run Draco Meteor effectivly. It gets good coverage options too with Flash Cannon and Earth Power.



Would be way stronger if it had access to Toxic. Even without Toxic it's still very strong being able to be easily switched against anything with either Ground or Electric attacks and using Knock Off against it's item.


??? (New Game + exclussive)

Thought I would mention this mon for anyone who has it. If you have this Pokemon you are set. It's restricted Legendary Pokemon levels of strong.


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I would dare to say Mega Gardevoir is really useful too in lategame: 165 SpA + Pixilate Hyper Voice is like an horror for Double Battles. It has Calm Mind if you ever need it and some good coverage. Also, it destroys


Obliteration Gauntlet

And, for some reason,


It tanks Spacea's Heavy Slam while outspeeding her.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Also, I would like to suggest something else for lategame that should have some spotlight. Not necessary much strong as others listed, but they can be funny alternatives:


  • Hisuian Lilligant: I thought putting Blaziken and A-Froslass in the box for this would be a terrible idea. Luckily, it wasn't. 105 speed means that this thing can be a fast Sleep Powder setter, other than hitting hard and fastly breaking screens, if there are any.
  • Cryogonal: Give it the Crest and let it enter in the realm of the SpD gods. Other than accessing to defensive support moves such as Haze, screens and Recover, it's surprisingly fast and deals with tons of enemies weak to Freeze-Dry. I never builted it in SpA and still it can give nightmares to a certain endgame battle...
  • Aevian Froslass: it would be funny if Rejuv gave you a fast Water/Grass type with Adaptibility before a Fire gym...right? Still, this lady can do her job with some "Muddy Water and Water Spout" slaps even in lategame. Also, natural Toxic.
  • Dusknoir: probably not so underrated, but...do you need a good hitter with priority? There you go: the ghost boi with its crest, which boosts weaker moves such as Shadow Sneak, Rock Tomb and others. Also, Curse and Will-O-Wisp are some of its alternatives, so...consider it.
  • MegaBanette: Prankster Curse and Destiny Bond? Count me in. It's true it could be a waste for the Mega slot...but...165 Atk with Sucker Punch? Not that much of waste, I see.
  • Flygon: I mean, it's still Flygon. You don't want to use Garchomp? This thing hurts a lot and it's your solution. Rock Slide, Dragon Dance, tons of Earthquakes...put it against Ryland and say goodbye to Excadrill. 


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Some of my favourites I've used in the last few Chapters, including .Karma files:

  • Shadow Cacturne: I've used it the entire playthrough. It has Obstruct, which makes its 115 base Atk Sucker Punch kill the majority of pokemon. Really strong, even in .karma files. It also has Fake-Out, Slash and Burn, T. Spikes, Spikes. And it doesn't really need any speed. Also works in Trick Room teams.
  • Feraligatr (Crest): With it's Crest and Sheer Force its attacks deal brutal damage. Liquidation, Ice Fang, Crunch and then Flip Turn (doesn't have any of it's boosts, so weaker!) or Dragon Dance if you want to set up. Having a guaranteed priority attack that hits VERY hard, is very strong.
  • Aevian Bronzong: Its massive defensive stats plus access to Reflect and Lightscreen naturally, make this thing invaluable for setting up for Trick Room, Set up Sweepers etc. Valubale till the end. Its typing also means that not much can damage it.
  • Aevian Gyarados: This thing is so stupid. As long as you get some speed control (webs, tailwind, baton pass, etc) it wrecks so hard. It resists a lot of damage on the first hit with multiscale, and you can sweep like stupid with Fiery Dance. Oh you also get Giga Drain to drain back up to full health with your rediculous boosted SpA to make use of multiscale again. And then you have Dragon Pulse, Scald, Thunderbolt etc. Really powerfull mon.
  • Aevian Komoo-o: Again, this thing needs speed control. But I've used it from the moment I could get it from Mr Luck's tent. Mostly with Sticky Webs or Tailwind to let it gain momentum. You could use Intercept-Z to boost defences and get an aurora veil. Then just dragon dance your way to victory.
  • Shadow Persian - Yup. Persian. It gets Technician boosted Fake Out, which is OK on its mediocre Attack stat. But it also gets Glare and Destiny Bond on a base 115 Speed stat. Used this one for many Boss fights (including the final) and also very useful for just catching pokemon.
  • Mega Pidgeot - Its really fast and it deals a lot of damage. Either use it to burst out 100% accurate Hurricanes or Heat Waves for doubles, or just to get a fast Tailwind. Mega Aerodactyl is a great physical alternative who also can set Stealth Rocks.
  • Aevian Leavanny - The fastest Sticky Web setter (I think) and it has Intimidate. Can deal decent damage, and even set up with Swords Dance or Fell Stinger
  • Kleavor - This thing hits hard with free Stealth Rocks. Can set up with Sword Dance. It just needs some help in the speed department. I like it more than Hisuian Samurott.
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I'd also like to reccomend Hisiuan Zoroark for this list. Slap a life orb on this thing with max special attack investment, and almost every pokemon in the game dies to one of it's moves. Bitter Malice is a fun opton to lower attack and allow for longevity, and through pairing this thing with something weak to either ghost or fighting (say, mega gardevoir) it becomes super useful

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Hisuian forms were thought for a different battle system from normal Pokémon games, many of these are hilarious to use, like Hisuian Electrode (which breaks the midgame) or the already quoted Lilli, Samurott and Zoroark, or even Hisuian Goodra. 

I'm not saying they're incredibly broken, but...these mons also should be considered for this list or have some sort of spotlight.

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