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Edits to PBFieldEffects.rb not working?


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EDIT: Resolved! All I needed to do was run pbCompileFields in the debug console!


Recently I've been making some custom battles in the All Gen mod, and I haven't run into too many issues with just altering the PBS files. However, when I was implementing a battle designed for Desert Field, I noticed that All Gen didn't add a field interaction for Scorching Sands on Desert, which seems silly, so I thought I'd try to add it in. Since there doesn't appear to be a PBS file for the field effects, I figured I needed to alter PBFieldEffects in the scripts, since by all appearances that's what defines what the field effects do. So I added PBMoves::SCORCHINGSANDS to the lists of moves that get a x1.5 buff and that display the "desert strengthened the attack" message, opened up the game, compiled all data through the debug menu, closed and reopened the game  for good measure, booted up the battle, and... Nothing. No message, no damage boost.


After messing around a bit more to try to diagnose to the problem, it seems like any edits I make to PBFieldEffects in general don't translate to in-game results no matter how many times I compile. I tried changing the text for both a battle starting on Desert Field, and for the x1.5 damage boost, and then tested it with a move that actually does get the buff (Solarbeam). Both messages were unchanged.


So I can think of two possible explanations for what the problem is. One, PBFieldEffects isn't actually the thing I need to edit, and I need to find some other script in order to actually make changes. Or two, using the debug menu's "Compile All Data" command isn't actually compiling ALL the data I want it to, and I need to do something else in order to actually make changes to the scripts matter. Either way, I would appreciate some help from someone who knows what they're doing more than I do!


Edited by VoidlitAudino
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