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Pink's 2024 art and fic thread!

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Rebornverse ocs refs!!

You (probably) know them, you are forced to hear about them.

Miles, Mavis and Marble!

My beloved pink loving golden oc, goth man who has been through 50 million design and personality changes and the guy who's last drawing was literally their old ref which I made over a year ago! <3

They're part of what I call the TraiMerverse, which is just the timeline/au they're all apart off.

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My Digifake ocs! Inspired by Lillymon and Lilamon.

Info (taken from the images):



Tulipmon info:

Level: Perfect
Type: Fairy
Attribute: Data
Field: Jungle Troopers
              Nature Spirits
              Wind Guardians
Min Weight: 16g

A fairy Digimon who is treated like a prince
by many plant and fairy Digimon. Its loving
persona, alongside it's elegance appearance are loved
by many. Tulipmon uses its Petal Fortress to protect and heal Digimon
in danger.
Despite its princelike and loving nature Tulipmon is easy to anger.
If it loses its patience it gets pouty and acts like a  brat. Although it would
never leave a wounded or scared Digimon in need it will act
coldly if they have upset it.

Official Digivolution: KingTulipmon

Other optional Digivolutions: Marine Angemon,
                                                                      Holydramon (Magnadramon)

Infinite Whip
Using the vine around wrapped around its body it
uses it as a whip, this vine can extant as
long as this Digimon wants.

Petal Fortress
It summons a giant magical flower from the floor
that protects itself and its allies.
When inside the flower can also heal wounds.


Kingtulipmon info:
Level: Ultimate (Mega)
Type: Fairy
Attribute: Data
Field: Jungle Troopers
              Nature Spirits
              Wind Guardians
              Virus Busters
Min Weight: 20g

A fairy Digimon who is wise, brave and loving.
it is looked up to by many  plant and fairy Digimon,
many seek its knowledge. It has a lot
of patience and is always ready
to help those in need. Kingtulipmon is
the defender of forests and its inhabitants,
although it is a pacifist and prefers to talk
things out it will fight if needed.
Its Delphinium Blade is known to take
down many opponents.

Official previous Digivolution: Tulipmon

Floweret Curtail
Using the Delphinium Blade  it blasts an energy slash towards the energy.

Blooming Of Beginnings
It gathers all the magical energy it has into the Delphinium Blade and stabs the blade
into the ground  causing nature to grow around it in a 50 ft radius, healing its allies
and giving them a boost in strength.


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New rejuv oc. (Paragon)

  • Andri
  • He/Him
  • 23
  • Has a resting bitch face and a cold demeanor but has a hard of gold and is actually a softie.
  • His team is winter themed. (Was originally trying to make hail teams and gave up.)
  • Uses primarily great, glitter and moon balls.
  • Spoiler

    The coat he wears is the same one Melia and the protagonist characters wear in the failed/ruined future part!


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