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[quote][Set Name]
[Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item]
Trait: [Ability]
EVs: [EVs]
[Nature] Nature
- Move 1
- Move 2
- Move 3
- Move 4

[Description of Set][/quote]
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[Bros before hoes]
[Slowbro] (M/F) @ [Leftovers]
Trait: [Regeneration]
EVs: [212 HP, 252 Defense, 46 Special Defense]
[Nature] Bold
- Boil Over
- Slack Off
- Ice Beam/Hidden Power Electric/Flamethrower
- Thunder Wave/Toxic

[Fuck your Jynxes and Lopunnies.... I has a bro. Alright, silly jokes aside, Slowbro is a total bro. He has some good HP, enourmous Defense, and decent Special Defense. Boil Over is your main attack with a chance of burning, while Slack Off is a nice solid recovery move. From there, you can pick Ice Beam to deal with Dragons, HP Electric to combat Water Pokémon, or a toally lulzy choice in Flamethrower which can do massive damage to Scizor, Nattorei, and Foretress. Finally, you have either Toxic to wear down enemy Pokémon or T Wave to slow them down.]
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  • 2 months later...
[Status Abusing Bro]
Slowbro @ Leftovers
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 216 Def / 46 SpAtk
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Fire Blast
- Yawn
- Thunder Wave/Slack Off

Similar to Bullet's set, this set's job is to piss off the opponent as much as possible by spreading paralysis, sleep, and possibly a few burns. Fire Blast is there over Flamethrower because it picks up a 1HKO on Ferrothorn which is vitally important; perhaps the only reason that it's there. Switching Thunder Wave to Slack Off is an option, but Regenerator allows 1/3 healing anyway, so switching Slowbro out is usually the better choice than keeping it in and Slack Offing. If a switch is being predicted, it's better to Yawn, Thunder Wave, or Scald anyway than to heal yourself in most cases. The EVs are there for physical bulk with a little bit behind your attacks but are completely changeable to fit your own needs.
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  • 1 month later...
Guest Mafia
Slowbro (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Scald
- Slack Off
- Ice Beam
- Thunder Wave/Toxic/Flamethrower

Great tank overall and has the tools to cripple the opponent the first 3 are standard while the last can be your choice of paralization, poison or more coverage on thinks like grass types trying to switch in on you.
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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...
Slowbro (M) @ (No Item)
- Amnesia
- Psychic
- Thunder Wave
- Fire Blast

Here's another Gen 1 set. Amnesia turned Slowbro into one of the few things that could stop Mewtwo during Gen 1. Amnesia makes Slowbro go apeshit, and then it's a rapefest with Psychich and Fire Blast. Thunder Wave is there for sweepers who want to laugh at Slowbro's speed.
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  • 1 year later...
I'm too Slow for you Bro

Slowbro (F) @ Lum Berry / Leftovers / Pecha Berry
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Scald / Surf
- Psyshock
- Slack Off

I'm kind of wondering why no one has made a Calm Mind set. Slowbro could do it remarkably well. [b]Calm Mind[/b] is actually good on Slowbro, upping the defense that Slowbro is disadvantaged in as well as boosting Slowbro's offenses. [b]Scald [/b]has the chance to inflict a nifty burn, further increasing Slowbro's walling capabilities; alternatively you can use Surf for more power (up to 45 extra in rain). [b]Psyshock [/b]rounds the appreciable STAB coverage and hits things hard that otherwise would wall Scald/Surf, unless of course the Pokemon in question is Ferrothorn. Then again, I have no idea why Slowbro is staying in on Ferrothorn, anyway. [b]Slack Off[/b] is for the abuse you take, because chances are you'll live through it. My item of choice here is [b]Pecha Berry[/b], to offer the best possible protection against Toxic without wasting a moveslot, else if you're not as paranoid as I am there's also [b]Leftovers[/b] and [b]Lum Berry[/b].
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[b][i][u]TRY THIS![/u][/i][/b]
To The Beat Of My Drum

Slowbro (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 138 HP / 252 Atk / 118 Def
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Belly Drum
- Slack Off
- Aqua Tail
- Return

I'll admit. This set is a maneater. It's totally slaughtered a few of my teams. Basically what you're doing is taking advantage of the nice fact that Slowbro has some nice Defense. It's got 75 base Attack, Belly Drum, and recovery, so if Politoed can do it, why the hell can't Slowbro? Exactly. [b]Belly Drum[/b] boosts Slowbro's Attack over 1000, which after switching it in can scare an opponent out of surprise. [b]Aqua Tail[/b] is the STAB choice. It hits harder than Waterfall, which Slowbro can't learn, actually. [b]Return[/b] actually gets some nifty coverage with Aqua Tail. [b]Slack Off [/b]patches up the hole that Belly Drum places in Slowbro's HP so it can continue tanking hits.
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  • 1 year later...

No love anymore for the Slowbro?




Slowbro @ Choice Specs

Trait: Regenerator

EV's: 252 HP, 252 SpA, 2 HP

Bold nature (+ Def, - Att) or Modest nature (+ SpA, - Att)

- Scald

- Psyshock

- Ice Beam

- Fire Blast


Take advantage of the fact that this buddy has high Def! You can just jump in, make a Pokémon faint, and get back thanks to Regenerator! This set works pretty good when combined with Umbreon's Wish/Heal Bell combo. Scald is THE move, if your opponent hasn't fainted yet, Burn it and it will soon enough. Psyshock is for the rude Pokémon with pretty high SpD. Scizor? Ferrothorn? Dragonite? Salamence? Fire Blast/Ice Beam them.

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  • 4 months later...
Welp, now that Slowbro gets a Mega, here's an ideal set for it from what we have.

Just cause I'm Slow Bro, doesn't mean I can't be Shellfish

Slowbro(M)@ (What ever Slowbro's Megastone is called)
Trait:Regenerator->Shell Armor
EV's: 252 HP, 224 Sp.A, 32 Sp.D
Modest nature(+Sp.D,-A)
-Calm Mind
-Slack Off

I believe this set is self explanatory. Calm Mind is the obvious set up move, allowing Slowbro to take Special hits while dealing its own. Slack Off is a reliable recovery move since the Megastone takes Lefties away and makes it's ability Shell Armor instead of Regenerator. Next off is stab, for whether you want Scald for a chance to burn to limit physical attackers even more, Surf for power/ Doubles, or dealing damage to the Physical Side. Second Attack is either Phychic for straight Power, Physhock if you didn't put in in the last one, or Flamethower to deal with Grass and Bug, 2 Weaknesses of Slowbro.
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