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Just a simple topic that people can post obscure games in.

The Creeper World games are some of my favorite strategy games. You basically fight "water" while you build up an network to collect energy to power weapons. The water of course destroys everything it touches. They can be extremely easy or nigh impossible just depending on the map.

Edited by CobraKill
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Ikaru, that reminds me of portal.

I wouldn't call this an obscure game, but it sure as hell didn't get the love it deserved when it came out.

Custom Robo- You 'dive' into and pilot miniature robots and battle opponents (like pokemon, these battles take the place of real fights between people). You unlock new robot parts as you fight in the story mode. The story itself is pretty decent, with plenty of humor to keep things entertaining. The many, many different parts you fight against and unlock make for a surprisingly deep fighting system where you can put together parts to match your particular fighting style-

bombs and pods that can knock foes towards you and your powerful, short range gun,

bombs and pods that knock them away while you stay far away and attack with long distance, homing rounds,

high speed runners that are very nimble and deal a lot of damage but are fragile and easy to knock down

bulky brawlers that move slowly, but take reduced damage and take a lot more punishment before getting knocked down and generally deal high amounts of damage with even moderate damage weapons

bodies that glide around the stage, staying airborne as they line the stage with homing attacks and lace the trail with floating mines to deter chasing them directly

bot bodies that use teleport air dashes, perfect for creating or closing distances between you and an opponent, and juking straight through incoming attacks.

aerial bots that like to stay high in the air and fire down at everything below and have terrific maneuverability for dodging return fire.

Bombs that fly directly, or in an arc, or freeze opponents in place, create giant area blasts or a tall wall they'll take damage from.

pods that speed ahead ahead, bombs that float and wait for foes to draw close and home in for an attack

pods that flank to either side to seal off escape as you charge straight forward or as you let the wall between you keep you safe

pods that bounce around like mad pin balls or hop over walls to hit hiding foes.

What about guns that shoot around corners so you'll never have to leave the safety of a wall? They got those too.

AND SO MUCH MORE... like a drill gun. this will pierce the heavens AND your robot's armor.

The Dragon gun is pretty good too. Just sayin', Noivy.

I mean, who doesn't like a gun that puts swords in the sky that then rain down on enemies while you're far away and generally safe? http://youtu.be/MqIi0UxSNbc?t=11m7s

[granted that this guy lost to a simulation of a boss that was going easy on him...]

Anyways, a very quick intro to the game and battles done by a noob.

Well, now I'm thinking I'll get the emulator for this and start streaming it. Cuz the guys I see on YT playing the game are scrubs. http://youtu.be/vLqRJAsXSUI?t=1m12s

Except this guy. I approve of this review.

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*snickers at the acronym*

Other obscure game that I liked was a short mini on PSN called Strength of the Sword 3. It's a sword fighting game that takes the formula of tough but rewarding game play that Demons Souls and Dark Souls tried to do and makes it work by getting straight to the action.


It does a good job of starting you off with the basics and introducing to to more advanced techniques and tougher monsters as you slowly add items to your inventory and eventually add new swords and armor to choose from. As you fight, enemies will catch on to stale tactics and work together to take you down.

The game is short, but a lot of fun and had me working at it to get around bosses that like to knock your block off when you first meet them and have no idea what kind of moves they have and how to overcome them. Tip: it's in your interest to go back and defeat earlier enemies and bosses for more than just practice.

If you really think you've mastered your weapons and moves, there's always the coliseum where you fight for points until you die or time runs out. But you can use points to buy health and item refills, and time extensions, so use your points wisely to fight on and rise even higher.

I recommend that everyone with a PS3/4 give it a shot, especially since it's only like 5 or 6 bucks.

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