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6th pokemon?


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I am preparing for my battle with Noel, but the problem is I have 5 pokemon at the moment.

1. Blaziken, Lv. 53: Double Kick, Brave Bird, Blaze Kick, Slash

2. Gardevoir: Lv. 50: Psychic, Calm Mind, Magical Leaf, Charge Beam

3. Seeking: Lv. Aqua Ring, Horn Drill, Waterfall, Water Pulse

4. Skuntank: Lv. 51: Night Slash, Flamethrower, Toxic, Memento

5. Exploud: Lv. 50 Rock Smash, Strenght, Uproar, Crunch

6. ???

I have been using different pokemons depending on the gyms.. so the others aren't really leveled up, and I thought it was time for a final team but what would be a good last pokemon for this team? Thanks in advance

The current weaknesses: Ground and Flying (my Seeking has the lightingrod ability so electric is no problem)

Edited by BlackStorm
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I would replace Seaking with Flygon or Swampert, and then get Scrafty.

Im not really a big fan of scrafty and since I already have the typing of fighting and dark covered it is not making it more attractive..

Also I plan on keeping the other five pokemon, especially seeking it has been helpful in every battle I have been in, ive grown fond of him XD.

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I forgot Skunktank was dark. Statistically however, Seaking isn't very good. Either way, I would get a Trapinch from the game corner and evolve it into Flygon, especially if you chain breed Earthquake onto it. Blazikens and a good ice or electric type attacker can destory Noel's team. I just used a Crobat and Gyrados and beat him on my first try. You could replace Seaking with Gyrados if you wanted to and then get a Magnezone, like Typhlosion said. But I know you said you want to keep Seaking so, I would get a Flygon for a straight ground and flying weakness.

Edited by CobraKill
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hmm interesting team, like how you use seaking and skunktank even though there not that good it's always nice to see people use new things ^_^ . As for a 6th team member elecktross might work it gets levitate and electric moves to counter your weaknesses but its slow, gligar is flying/ ground so it has immunity to ground and has the tankiness for physical flying types but there is no way to evolve one yet, gengar is very powerful sp atker with immunity to ground. It would great if you could be a little bit more speciffic in what you you want in a 6th pokemon, do you want something bulky, a sweeper, all out atker, etc.

Edited by ShatteredSkys
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i would replace seaking for a more bulkier water type like swampert, gastrodon, or get a poke that has decent bulk like donphan

noel's pokemon will hit very hard so either level ur pokes high enough so that they can one shot his pokemon or get bulky pokemon

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You need an Electric Type Pokemon, and someone who can take one for the team and then K.O. someone gracefully. A poke with Sturdy wouldn't be a bad choice. I recommend a Magnezone with Sturdy to be your 6th, cuz' you'll get water, flying and rock types covered in that part. And change that Double-Kick of your Blaziken for a High Jump Kick, dude. If your fighting Noel... trust me, you'll need that move to make things easier.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found Lucario to be a big help against his team since it also has the secondary steel type and has access to moves like aura sphere. You might also want to consider something with electric attacks or something good against his flying types.

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You say you need something to help against ground and flying. If I remember correctly:

Flying is weak to electric, ice, and rock.

Ground is weak to water, grass, and ice. Flying Pokemon (and Pokemon with the levitate ability) are immune to ground attacks.

So I guess I'd go hunting for things that learn learn ice type moves. That or a flying Pokemon (or one with the levitate ability) to avoid ground attacks completely.

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