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Getting real tired of your Sh*t Loudred...


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So here is my current team.
Blaziken: 40 Blaze kick, ember, bulk up, sand attack

Gardevoir: 37 magical leaf, clm mind, confusion (psysic inc), shadow ball

Donphan: 40 Assrurance, take down, rollout, slam

Shuppet:34 sucker punch, will o wisp, hex, shadowball (recent addition/leveling pokemon)

Crobat:42 (murdering machine) acrobatics, confuse ray, poison fang, air cutter

Loudred:33 Bite, uproar, rock smash, stomp

So I've been trying to get them to level up uniformly, but having the others sweep gym leader fights has leveld them faster than the rest. Im currently at the appolly academy, and just got told to climb a volcano. Loudred is infurating me, I was told he was a good team member becuse of his normal STAB bonus in early game, and brought him back because i needed a rocksmash holder. But leveling him is an absolute pain. I never fight anything that normal moves are useful against, and he just gets 1 shot KO'd by anything even a 1 or 2 level gap. So im looking for advice on a replacement, particularly one that Can afford to carry rocksmash, without resorting to a useless HM slave.

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Maybe put Rock Smash on Donphan? I mean, how much do you need both Body Slam and Take Down? And yeah, I dropped Loudred too. For a replacement, I'm not sure... Maybe a Moxie Gyarados? It's a good sweeper, plus it'll give you more type coverage. If you choose that, I'd recommend a Dragon dance set, but it comes down to personal preference. What I did to make my team was just look at the obtainables list and chose my favorites that I knew would work well together. You could check it just to see what more of your options are and go about getting them.

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I ended up getting myself an adamant, moxie garydos for now. That took way too many game reloads for the right combo to come out. He;s up to level 30 now, and that only took an hour or two. I think I'll keep with the dragon type for a while. It has been interesting getting back into pokemon knowledge, since I havent played since I beat silver when it came out. Reborn feels like a enjoyable challenge, where you have to plan your team rather than the easy smash through I found the offical games.

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I ended up getting myself an adamant, moxie garydos for now. That took way too many game reloads for the right combo to come out. He;s up to level 30 now, and that only took an hour or two. I think I'll keep with the dragon type for a while. It has been interesting getting back into pokemon knowledge, since I havent played since I beat silver when it came out. Reborn feels like a enjoyable challenge, where you have to plan your team rather than the easy smash through I found the offical games.

with the 10.5 update i believe we can now catch a noibat,, an awesome dragon..

i agree with your statement regarding planning your teams.. i remember someone here said the REBORN is the game that will made YOU THINK. :)

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If you train it on your main team from the start of the game it isn't too hard to train. My last journey I had an epic exploud with a modest nature and scrappy so it still helped with things like my gym battle against shade. You can still wait to level it up later in later parts of the game against wild pokemon closer to its level while waiting for the next release, that's what I did

Edited by EternalJinn
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^ what's a loonie? >>

Anyway, Loudred sucks overall except for the first 4 gyms. As has been said, the majority of players drop it after that (I dropped after Julia :I)

If it helps, take a look at what you get as an Exploud.

Base stats:

HP: 104

Attack: 91

Defense: 63

Sp.Attack: 91

Sp.Defense: 63

Speed: 68

So yeah. Not much to be happy for, a cofagrigus beats it in special attack and cofagrigus is used mainly for it's defense. :/ So with that in mind, it's only fair I issue you the advice to DROP THAT STUPID RAT LOOKING THING RIGHT NOW. SO many other pokemon currently in game could beat it. SERIOUSLY.

EDIT: okay, I just checked, in terms of offensive pokemon, Loudred/Exploud ranks nearer to the top. :/ but in terms of defense and speed, it ranks closer to the bottom, as exploud has one of the lowest defenses of the evolved pokemon, rivaling psychic types mainly when it comes to his defense. So as I say, get rid of it. (many of the psychic types with low physical bulk could beat it. I think some flying types do too. :/)

Edited by Lynxiechan
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why the heck did you call it loonie x.x its linoone ._. and I played emerald and sapphire ty, I really don't appreciate you judging me when you hardly know me >>

Also, you've done that twice to me now including this, the last time was on another thread concerning scraggy when you told me to 'learn my facts', I've played both episode 10 and 10.6, and while I know nothing about the previous episodes before that, you certainly do not have the right to tell me what to learn and what I don't know. I knew damn well scraggy could be obtained at level 15 after Florinia in episode 10, and at level 20 after passing through the underground railnet and getting the dull key in 10.6.

Edited by Lynxiechan
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ive kept loudred in my team dono if i will when E11 comes out, but for me uprooar was a great help in alot of situations i had problems training loudred at that point also but i knew that there wasnt much i could do with it considering that i was about to challange a fighting gym.

the tram i completed the E10 with is:

guardevoir: 54

exploud: 54

cofagrigus: 56

magnazone: 57

scrafty: 59


over all i found that guardevior and exploud were the hardest of my team to train i was stuck at noel for abit coz of that but other that that imo hes quite good its down to personal preference, given the choice i had in reborn and the ones i made im ery happy with my team. id stick with loudred once i left the academy i found him easier to train.

with the 10.5 update i believe we can now catch a noibat,, an awesome dragon..

i agree with your statement regarding planning your teams.. i remember someone here said the REBORN is the game that will made YOU THINK. :)

any idear if they added any other dragon types to 10.5 or even 11?, tinking of getting atrapinch and rasing it but not really keep on spending 100,000 poke and trying to raise it from 20 or somthing,

sorry for the posts 1 after another i just noticed the multi quote button and what it dose....

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any idear if they added any other dragon types to 10.5 or even 11?, tinking of getting atrapinch and rasing it but not really keep on spending 100,000 poke and trying to raise it from 20 or somthing,

sorry for the posts 1 after another i just noticed the multi quote button and what it dose....

Lol you could just edit your first post and stick the quote into it by copy and pasting it c: Hope that suggestion works for you~

Anyway, there are more dragons in game rather than just trapinch, theres altaria and noivern as far as I remember. I can't remember anymore being put in, the rest of them are either 2OP for Ame to be generous enough to put in or if they are in, they have worse stats than the three I've mentioned (and compared to the rest of the dragons, I say Flygon, Altaria, and Noivern need some serious stat revision on gamefreak's part. :/)

EDIT: I'd add in dragalge to the stat revision pls list but it's not in game so yeah c:

Edited by Lynxiechan
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Lynxie is right here. There really are only three viable dragons.

in Episode ten? i didnt know, only reason i found trapanch was because i was curious what was been given away, and where are swablu found? as i didnt see a single one on my way through the game, are they event pokemon? the other two dragons?

also i hope ame is planning to add more viable dragons or ice pokemon in the next episode so we arent stuck with few options without havent to grind to beat saphira

i remember some1 else saying that noibat preevolved form of noivrn would be in next episode, if they are curently in tell me where i can find them plz. also i lack one thousand five hunderd coins now so i may as well finish.

Edited by sandy
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in Episode ten? i didnt know, only reason i found trapanch was because i was curious what was been given away, and where are swablu found? as i didnt see a single one on my way through the game, are they event pokemon? the other two dragons?

also i hope ame is planning to add more viable dragons or ice pokemon in the next episode so we arent stuck with few options without havent to grind to beat saphira

Ame is cruel. She don give us jack shit. And Swablu are found in the Adventurine Forests by headbutting the trees. c:


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Ame is cruel. She don give us jack shit. And Swablu are found in the Adventurine Forests by headbutting the trees. c:


looks like ill need to get headbutt i have an idea on where it is if its not bought from within the fighting gym then i'll have to start serching. from the way im seeing things saphira being 1 of the last gym leaders we may not see her in 11 i havent played 10.5 so i dont really know if im right theres plenty of time to add more pokemon be4 having to fight here :)

i got no reason to hate ame she's given me the only fan made pkjemon game ive ever played and im loving it

Edited by sandy
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  • Veterans

Uh hey guys look at explouds gen 6 move set if you please if you look at the moves on the start area you should see BOOMBUST yeah an attack with 140 basse power with no drawbacks than having 90% accuracy yeah stab modest nature with perfect iv will murder and have scrappy on it

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