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Who's your favorite LoL champion?


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I'm bored so I'm making a thread yay. So what's your favorite champion, design wise?

Could also be a special splash art, skin, or in-game model.

My favorite champion would be Jinx, cause she's hella cool. I like how they introduced her and how they gave her so many different and great quotes. Her infinite laugh is also a great plus. Her in game model is great, I especially like how her braids go woosh.

I also like Winter Wonder Lulu a lot. They made her face and all really detailed and stuff. Also the poro is so adorable.

I really like Resistance Caitlyn's splash art, but the in-game model disappoints me. It has black hair instead of brown, and the outfit is really plain.

Dat be it.

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Yasuo for sure. The moment I saw him my inner fanboy exploded. I really love how he will twirl his blade before sheathing it after he takes it out. His ult is also badass. The way he jumps in the air in the blink of an eye and starts slashing away is just amazing.

Varus would be a close second. He's so dark looking, yet isn't. I really love his bow, and how it's a part of him. His Q is my favorite skillshot in the game in every aspect.

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Ao was never delayed, he was never supposed to come out in 2013 or 2014 ever lol. They just shared early concept art of him and everyone assumed he would be out soon.

On topic though Zac is one of my favourites. The jump is really fun and the ult makes disrupting teamfights really fun. Cho'Gath is another champ I like to play the ult is just fun even though it is pretty simple.

Design-Wise I can't stop buying Renekton skins for some reason..........like I just like pretty much all of them.......worst part is I am horrible at playing him lol. I really like alot of the Kassadin Splashes as well, even though like all his skins in game are pretty ugly.

Yasuo is an honourable mention for me, I don't like playing him much (that might change when I figure him out). But his kit flows so well together, I like how it works together very well. He is one of the only champs I feel his kit works together with itself. A lot of other champs feel like they have that one skill you rarely use, or don't flow well into a combo.

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In terms of playing, it has to be Vi, Diana or Shyvana, Irelia is up there too. I'm assuming Quinn will be really cool to play as well.

Skins goes to Shyvana as well, especially Darkflame and Ice Drake. Lunar Goddess Diana tho

Character-wise, Jinx hands down. She's just... oh my god aaaaaaaagh.

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Depends on the aspect.

From a gameplay aspect, Akali or Zed.

From a design aspect, I used to not have a favorite, but I think Lee Sin is winning there now. Maybe Ziggs.

From a lore aspect, Karma...? I dunno here.

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Ziggs and Rammus are two champions that I love playing, are fun as hell and have quirky, interesting characteristics for me; I luv' em. Honorable mention to Fizz and Veigar.

Lore isn't something I care too much about but the general consensus is that Ziggs is like "STUFF GOES BOOM" which I like and I'm amused at how Ezreal was just like "holy shit it's a fucking talking armadillo ok"

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From gameplay, I'd say Ahri, I like her boom boom bursts~.

For the character, Jinx, durr. She's so original and so amazing. Don't know how to explain D:

For the design without skins, I'd be handing it to Nasus~. SO DOGE. SO MYSTERY. MUCH SAND.

With skins? Redeemed Riven or Infernal Nasus~! I love Redeemed Riven, just her sword, her facial expression and just everything~.

Infernal Nasus? Take original favourite.

Add fire.



BUT OVERALL? (Holy shit why am i putting this much effort)

A tie between Riven and Ahri ;3

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