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Mayby's new location



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Every pokemon will eventually be available one way or another- Magby was moved because it was too good for how soon you got it, much like a few other things that are now harder to get or (currently) removed

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I dont see why they removed starly though, that stupid bird was useless to me >> ruined half my game training it and Kiki's MACHAMP fucking destroyed it, I was so mad lol >>

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  On 1/20/2014 at 9:15 PM, Lynxiechan said:

I dont see why they removed starly though, that stupid bird was useless to me >> ruined half my game training it and Kiki's MACHAMP fucking destroyed it, I was so mad lol >>

But when it evolves into a powerful Staraptor, it's actually really good especially if it's trained right.

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  On 1/20/2014 at 9:15 PM, Lynxiechan said:

I dont see why they removed starly though, that stupid bird was useless to me >> ruined half my game training it and Kiki's MACHAMP fucking destroyed it, I was so mad lol >>

Cobra's pretty correct here. Staraptor is relatively competitive compared to other early birds that aren't named Talonflame, and I realised that the Starly event was very weak. It'll be more interesting to find a better event for it later.

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Certain removed event pokemon like Starly and Magby as mentioned do have uses in a team, and early game team members like those can carry players, like vs Florinia. (Though I find little problems with her except for Cradily) As for how Reborn plays, it really requires a competitive mindset as designed. Hell, Krickitune has its uses through Perish Song sets (Damn Garchomp) Its well designed, basically saying "Make do with you have now. There are more to come." Making the player allured to new things and plan for the future.

Anyways, on topic. With all the new changes in 10.5 that makes a stronger early game, namely fairies, gen 6 pokes, ect ect, removing/replacing Pokemon is a good way to make room for new gen 6. I'm sure Magby will return, someday at least.

  On 1/21/2014 at 4:08 AM, Amethyst said:

Cobra's pretty correct here. Staraptor is relatively competitive compared to other early birds that aren't named Talonflame, and I realised that the Starly event was very weak. It'll be more interesting to find a better event for it later.

Was that a pun? If it is, I hate you so much.

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  On 1/21/2014 at 4:35 AM, Lunar081 said:

Certain removed event pokemon like Starly and Magby as mentioned do have uses in a team, and early game team members like those can carry players, like vs Florinia. (Though I find little problems with her except for Cradily) As for how Reborn plays, it really requires a competitive mindset as designed. Hell, Krickitune has its uses through Perish Song sets (Damn Garchomp) Its well designed, basically saying "Make do with you have now. There are more to come." Making the player allured to new things and plan for the future.

Anyways, on topic. With all the new changes in 10.5 that makes a stronger early game, namely fairies, gen 6 pokes, ect ect, removing/replacing Pokemon is a good way to make room for new gen 6. I'm sure Magby will return, someday at least.


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  On 1/20/2014 at 11:41 PM, GrayKun said:

if u want a decent firetype early game u can always get the Litleo by trading in the guy in peridot ward for a bibarel,

litleo is pretty strong, i almost sweeped with litleo when i battled Julia

LITLEO YAY thanks I know where it is now HAHAH

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  On 1/21/2014 at 4:37 AM, Amethyst said:

Would you say that a joke like that just doesn't fly?

(a little off topic now) OOOOOOOOHHH!!!!!

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  On 1/20/2014 at 11:41 PM, GrayKun said:

if u want a decent firetype early game u can always get the Litleo by trading in the guy in peridot ward for a bibarel,

litleo is pretty strong, i almost sweeped with litleo when i battled Julia

so he has a litleo now, i should trade with him then

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Am I the only one who did the Pansear event and got Magby anyways? I was like "Meh, ima get a Pansear for lulz. Lel, I got a Magby."

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  On 1/26/2014 at 6:20 AM, maturekpo said:

Am I the only one who did the Pansear event and got Magby anyways? I was like "Meh, ima get a Pansear for lulz. Lel, I got a Magby."

Ame probably only changed the overworld sprite and not the pokemon. Meh, just wait for the next update (Although magby is better, IMO).

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  On 1/26/2014 at 6:20 AM, maturekpo said:

Am I the only one who did the Pansear event and got Magby anyways? I was like "Meh, ima get a Pansear for lulz. Lel, I got a Magby."

No, I've got a Magby too, instead of a Pansear,, Lolz

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  On 2/1/2014 at 9:12 PM, Yoshi said:

I caught magby and elekid but I didn't have the item to fully evolve them, so to me they're useless anyway. nobody wants a magmar that cant evolve at least I don't.

I just hope the Magmarizer and Electirizer (Among other items) will be on the higher floors of the Dept. Store...

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