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Reborn Monotype Challenge


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Since I'm kinda lacking games to play, I was thinking of starting a new file and monotyping Reborn with the new update, and since I don't know what type to choose (I was thinking fire but I don't know...), I wanted some suggestions. I don't want it to be extremely easy or extremely difficult though... Thanks in adavence for the suggestions : D

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Maybe Water?

You have a strong first pokemon as a starter (now even more with Greninja) but furthermore, you have to deal with kind of crappy pokemon like Finneon or so since Magicarp is now harder to get concerning Ame. So I think it is a good possibility. Here I would recommend you to pick Mudkip, otherwise you'll have a bad time facing the first gym :D

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Bug is a hard, but fun type of playing... good luck in the first gym.

Normal can give you a lot of alternatives and a pretty excelent variety of pokemon to choose... and makes BIBAREL (Yes, the derpy thing) a cool team member 'cause of it's water typing.

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Water sounds interesting, but since there are lots of good water types... I feel that it might be a little easy... but interested regardless,

As for bug types... I don't think it would be a lot of variety... and I would get destroyed a lot since most good bug mons apear late game IIRC and I'm not really a big fan of normal types... so I'm not that into it...

Now grass types, grass seems interesting enough to try actually, almost as interesting as water... Now thats 2 possible types

Poison types might be better now with fairies lying around, but honestly, the only poison types that I like are Gengar, the Nidos and Crobat and maybe Venusaur but I consider it more grass than poison... But still it might be pretty unique to do one.

The ground type seems cool too, but like with poison types, I have very few favorite ground pokemon so I don't know...

I was thinking in a dark type monotype too, but if I remember correctly, there are few dark types in the game...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys, decided to do one too, the first who tell me a type is the one I will be using (The only thing that are forbidden are if I can't get one pokémon of that type before Julia and Dragon, because I don't want to do mostly all the gyms with just Noibat and the pretty much expensive Flygon).

Edited by Hinaru-Sama
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For reference, I think the only types that can't be gotten before Julia are Ghost and Ice

Thanks Ame!

If you tell me to do so I won't cry about it, but try to choose a type that gives me at least 2 or 3 pokes before Julia, becuase having to solo her with all those explosions, acrobatics AND Electrode would be a pain.

Make a Fire type one. Because the gyms that's going to fuck fire types are yet to come. "Easy" time now, hard time later...

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Good luck. Hopefully Shelly is not going to cheat again, AND hopefully you're not going to play my save file (It rains 25/8)

Well, my save file wasn't that harsh, it was like "I wont rain for 5 or 6 days, but when I rain it would be for 3 at least".

Really Ame? Where is Reborn? In London? Also because of the poison water and all that rain we should be long dead.

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Hey guys, I know I shouldn't be doubleposting... but help me chosing the starter.

Infernape because Fire/Fighting, lack of good physical fire attackers, and excelent speed.

Charizard because we have to wait for Talonflame, and possibly Mega.

Delphox, because it's the only Fire/Psychic in the game (Yet Magmortar can learn Psychic also when the TM s out, and it's stats are mediocre at best).

Emboar (Who is just worse than Infernape in mostly everything).

I won't use neither Typlhosion nor Blaziken, because I don't want ANOTHER pure Fire, and Blaziken is just overused and OP.

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Yeah i would choose a Delphox otherwise your going to have too much trouble with Kiki, Corey and Aya.
And I know this is a bit off topic and I don't know how the community may react to such a suggestion but if your really that bored you should have a look at Pokemon Obisidian by Atomic Reactor. The fakemons are pretty dope and its a really quality hack almost as brilliant as reborn!

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Why don't try a steel one? It would be difficult (cuz there are not many of them) but hey it's METAL!

Fairly impossible to do this one, even if I tried I would have to solo Julia with a Prinplup that cap in lvl 19... and I don't think it will 0HKO all her pokes or tank enough Charge Beams...

And even if I beat Julia, trying to beat Flobot with just Prinplup AND Onix is just has bad... if I survive all this (Plus Corey and Shelly) then my team would start looking cool having the possibility to catch Magnemite and Klink (And Metal Coat for Onix)... I may be forgetting another steel type pokemon, but a 4 man run seems boring, repetitive, and seeing the gyms that are out atm it's very, VEEEEEEEEEEERY difficult.

EDIT: Just searched a bit more: You can get Aron pretty much late to make the difference, Mawile also comes late, it's weak atm and very rare, you can get a Nosepass before Kiki, but to evolve it to Probopass you have to wait to EP10, and Drilburr only comes in the late EP9... don't change the equation that much, you will have to suffer 4 gyms with just 2 pokes and you will only get a full team after Aya...

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Right, beating Julia with just prinplup is borderline impossible, somehow i thought there will be more steel types before the first Gym, but are you sure that you get Onyx only after the battle with her?

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Right, beating Julia with just prinplup is borderline impossible, somehow i thought there will be more steel types before the first Gym, but are you sure that you get Onyx only after the battle with her?

Both Flobot and Julia are near impossible and most probably will wipe me, after that we will get a easy time with Shelly and the only thing you need to be scared about Shade is his Chandelure, and after that we got the always troublesome Kiki... but after we pass Kiki we can say that the rest wont be that difficult.

Even so, I just started the Fire one.

Vs Aya = gg

Forget that, you can always catch Mawile...

Isn't Mawile in the part of the Railnet after the Yureyu building? If I'm not wrong, vs Aya you will only have Gardevoir, Swirlix, Spritzee (You have to choose between Slurpuff and Aromatisse 'cause Linkstone), Grandbull, Mr. Mime, Togekiss, Clefable or Wigglytuff, Azumarril and Whimsicott...

Also, with Mawile stats and the lack of any SE moves to poison... I don't see it living long enough.

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Isn't Mawile in the part of the Railnet after the Yureyu building? If I'm not wrong, vs Aya you will only have Gardevoir, Swirlix, Spritzee (You have to choose between Slurpuff and Aromatisse 'cause Linkstone), Grandbull, Mr. Mime, Togekiss, Clefable or Wigglytuff, Azumarril and Whimsicott...

Also, with Mawile stats and the lack of any SE moves to poison... I don't see it living long enough.

You're forgetting one little detail, Poison Types are also weak to Psychic moves. I honestly just need to keep Gardevoir alive. And as for Slurpuff and Aromatisse, I can get a total of 4 Linkstones in the game so far.

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