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Reborn Monotype Challenge


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Mawile is now in the tunnels in the Wasteland. So you can access it before Aya.

Well, Mawile stats are decent at best, it learns Play Rough and Iron Head at level 1 (As of Gen VI). So if Ame made the changes, you can have 2 SE STAB moves.

I'm tempted to start a Monotype challenge now...

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Do dark types, that would be dope though e.e

I'm going to do it then (Even if i don't like Froakie), after all, i'll be able to catch a Sneasel in the distant future... But first i'm going to look into the dark types that i can acess in 10.5

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Do whatever type suit you best i guess. I will be doing a Dark type one though, So i can use sneasel in the future cuz i feel like it ^^

I don't care about Ground type that much, but I want some variety in my pokemon and few types give me that (Flying, Ground, and maybe other). I don't want to be obligated to use 5 Special Fire type pokemon that spam Flamethrower...

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That's the cool thing though, trying to get over a major struggle

I just started and i'm already thinking how i'm going to beat Kiki...

Get lucky with Murkrow spamming Wing Attack? Dunno lol.

Just pasting here the list of all ground type atm:

Sandshrew (Before Shelly Gym, Under Grand Stairway)
Nidoran M (Before Aya Gym, Byxbysion Wasteland)
Nidonan F (Before Aya Gym, Byxbysion Wasteland)
Geodude (Before Shelly Gym, Under Grand Stairway)
Onix (After Julia Gym, Lower Peridot Ward, Event)
Cubone (Before Aya Gym, Byxbysion Wasteland)
Sniwub (Before Serra Gym, Tanzan Cove)
Phanpy (Before Corey Gym, Beryl Cementery)
Mudkip (Before Aya Gym, Byxbysion Wasteland, Event)
Camerupt (After Flobot Gym, Event, Rain)
Tranpinch (Before Flobot Gym, Casino, 10000)
Turtwig (Starter)
Wormadan Sand Cloak (After Kiki Gym, Azurine Island, Headbutt)
Shellos (After Kiki Gym, Azurine Island)
Drillburr (Before Noel Gym, Tanzan Depths)
Palpitoad (After Kiki Gym, Azurine Island)
Sandile (Before Serra Gym, Tanzan Mountain)
Stunfisk (Before Kiki Gym, Pyrous Mountain)
Bunnelby (Before Corey Gym, Beryl Graveyard)
So... I will have to solo Julia with Grotle and try to beat Flobot with just Grotle and Onix (except I get 10000 coins before her, in that case, add a Trapinch)...
Sounds fun enough
Edited by Hinaru-Sama
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So, I´m also doing a Poison Monotype Challange. So far I have a Bulbasaur, Trubbish and Stunky. For some reasen I thought there were only 3 poisen Types before Julia: Bulbasaur, Trubbish and Zubat, but then there is also Stunky and Grimer.

btw: Is Zubat still avaible at the Railnet or are there only Noibats and Woobats?

Edited by Yazmat
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Get lucky with Murkrow spamming Wing Attack? Dunno lol.

Just pasting here the list of all ground type atm:

Sandshrew (Before Shelly Gym, Under Grand Stairway)
Nidoran M (Before Aya Gym, Byxbysion Wasteland)
Nidonan F (Before Aya Gym, Byxbysion Wasteland)
Geodude (Before Shelly Gym, Under Grand Stairway)
Onix (After Julia Gym, Lower Peridot Ward, Event)
Cubone (Before Aya Gym, Byxbysion Wasteland)
Sniwub (Before Serra Gym, Tanzan Cove)
Phanpy (Before Corey Gym, Beryl Cementery)
Mudkip (Before Aya Gym, Byxbysion Wasteland, Event)
Camerupt (After Flobot Gym, Event, Rain)
Tranpinch (Before Flobot Gym, Casino, 10000)
Turtwig (Starter)
Wormadan Sand Cloak (After Kiki Gym, Azurine Island, Headbutt)
Shellos (After Kiki Gym, Azurine Island)
Drillburr (Before Noel Gym, Tanzan Depths)
Palpitoad (After Kiki Gym, Azurine Island)
Sandile (Before Serra Gym, Tanzan Mountain)
Stunfisk (Before Kiki Gym, Pyrous Mountain)
Bunnelby (Before Corey Gym, Beryl Graveyard)
So... I will have to solo Julia with Grotle and try to beat Flobot with just Grotle and Onix (except I get 10000 coins before her, in that case, add a Trapinch)...
Sounds fun enough

you forgot wooper and baltoy,

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btw if I do a bug monotype can I train a bidoof to get headbutt so i can get pineco, combee, and burmy early on?

I would say no, if you're going to use one of the Nuzlocke rules - "You can catch something if you need a field move and none of your current pokemon can learn it." The thing is that, Karrablast and Escavalier can learn headbutt, so there's no reason for you to catch something that is not a bug type... However, it is your monotype, so you can apply a different rule for yourself i guess...

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I would say no, if you're going to use one of the Nuzlocke rules - "You can catch something if you need a field move and none of your current pokemon can learn it." The thing is that, Karrablast and Escavalier can learn headbutt, so there's no reason for you to catch something that is not a bug type... However, it is your monotype, so you can apply a different rule for yourself i guess...

ok thanks, just wondering cause these pokes would be a lot more helpful than than just using butterfree, beutifly,and dustox during the early stages.

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btw if I do a bug monotype can I train a bidoof to get headbutt so i can get pineco, combee, and burmy early on?

If you don't use the Bidoof for any trainer battle and permabox it later, I don't see any problem with it.

Also, you (and me) were obligated to use an ilegal starter for the first 2 battles vs Victoria and Cain.

Also, if you need an example, I have an ilegal male Mankey (Wich is level 11 atm and I never used it) in my box and I'm searching for a female Mawile, just because I need them to breed for a Egg Move so I can beat the Arceus without much problem.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I've reached Route 1 with my water monotype, I can't beat goddamned Fern... mainly his Ferrothorn/Serperior.

Details of my current team

Azumarill (Lvl 51)
@Pixie plate
Jolly nature
-Aqua Tail
-Play Rough
Ability: Huge Power

Gyarados (Lvl 52)
Adamant nature

-Aqua Tail
-Ice fang
-Dragon Dance
Ability: Moxie

Sharpedo (Lvl 51)
Adamant nature
-Aqua Jet
-Ice fang
Ability: Speed Boost

Swampert (Lvl 52)
Relaxed nature
-Hydro pump

Ability: Torrent

Feraligatr (Lvl 54)
Adamant nature
-Ice Fang
Ability: Sheer Force

Also, I need a 6th member, and maybe a Sharpedo remplacement (a special attacker or a wall). Any ideas?

On a side note, I'm kinda happy that the monotype challenge became 'popular' again c:

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Piplup is available in episode 11 mate... Can be a good 6th member...

Now a replacement for Sharpedo? Hmm... I can't think of any, but i'll figure something in the future How about Luvdisc.. i'm just kidding, just kidding...

You have Gyarados though, what are you complaining about? Destruction everywhere!

What about Poliwrath though? A fighting coverage is always good, since Fighting covers a lot of stuff... The extra weakness to fairy nowadays is annoying, but you can still deal with it...

And last, but not least... Shellder is not available, but Binacle is... Dat Shell Smash... (But 2 pokemons 4x weak to grass? Hm...)

Good Luck ^^

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  • Veterans

I am doing a psychic mono type chalenge because why not just beat Julia yesterday.

I am going to pat infested park in obsidia right now

Current roster:

lvl 20 Kurama


Moves :

Flame Charge




Lvl 20 Liza




Charge Beam

Double Team


Lvl 21 Insanity





Charge Beam


Any suggestions for team members and constructive criticism will be appreciated

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  • Veterans

Seriously lvl 15 evolution having a fully evolved pokemon for the first gym = BEat down

Current Location Coralward PKMN Centre


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