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Reborn Monotype Challenge


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Piplup is available in episode 11 mate... Can be a good 6th member...

Now a replacement for Sharpedo? Hmm... I can't think of any, but i'll figure something in the future How about Luvdisc.. i'm just kidding, just kidding...

You have Gyarados though, what are you complaining about? Destruction everywhere!

What about Poliwrath though? A fighting coverage is always good, since Fighting covers a lot of stuff... The extra weakness to fairy nowadays is annoying, but you can still deal with it...

And last, but not least... Shellder is not available, but Binacle is... Dat Shell Smash... (But 2 pokemons 4x weak to grass? Hm...)

Good Luck ^^

Ohhh right, Piplup! I completely forgot about it lol. And it actually works as a special attacker and wall (well... sort of).

The problem with Sharpedo is that it basically dies in 1 hit most of the time... and Gator covers the same as him, so there's no point to have it anymore.

That's actually the point lol, I don't want Gyarados to carry the team all the time, I like variety e.e

If I remember correctly, Swampert learns Hammer Arm at some point, I have Superpower on Azumarill and Dark/Steel/Normal/Rock aren't an issue for the moment. Besides, all my pokemon are physical attackers lol

Again, I have plenty of physical attackers, and another 4x weakness to grass is, as you said, not very attractive considering I have problems (for the first [and last!] time) with Fern...

Thanks though, Piplup looks like a very good option! (Dat Water/Steel typing).

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I think a poison type run would be interesting. You could easily get a Wally (see what I did there) team. Get a Muk and give it a ton of evs in special defense and attack and get a weezing and give it a ton of evs in defense and special attack so you can wall out just about every pokemon you run into until you get to Radomus' gym. Also, find a foongus and give it hp evs and whatever other evs you want so when you get Amoongus you will have a **** ton of hp.

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I think a poison type run would be interesting. You could easily get a Wally (see what I did there) team. Get a Muk and give it a ton of evs in special defense and attack and get a weezing and give it a ton of evs in defense and special attack so you can wall out just about every pokemon you run into until you get to Radomus' gym. Also, find a foongus and give it hp evs and whatever other evs you want so when you get Amoongus you will have a **** ton of hp.

I'm doing a Poison Monotype of sorts right now, and let me tell you, it's a blast. I was using Grimer, but benched it because there's a ton of great Poison-type attackers and Arbok has a ridiculously great supporting capabilities. Curiously enough, Reborn gives you all but 5 evolutionary lines of Poison pokemon. You can check my topic, i just beat Kiki and have no idea what to do now because there's so many possible team members.

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Curiously enough, Reborn gives you all but 5 evolutionary lines of Poison pokemon. You can check my topic, i just beat Kiki and have no idea what to do now because there's so many possible team members.

Guess that makes sense considering how f'd up is the Reborn region right now.

I should do a monotype sometime soon... Hmm...

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Reborn's swarming with Poison-types. I guess they, at least, can find some use for the toxic lake and the filth of the city.

I did a Dark mono-type (...I'm actually caught up with that but never updated my topic) and I want to do a Psychic one once Episode 12 comes out. (I'm asking for trouble, I know.) Probably won't do any more after that, though. Two is enough for me.

...That's assuming I can complete the Psychic one because I've done a bit of planning, and I have no idea how I'm going to get past Shade. >>;

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I'm also considering a Monotype once I completed Ep12 in my normal run (currently I don't have the time for it... because finals...)

The thing is... I cannot do a mono-type with my favorite type which is Ice, because there are no Ice types in the beginning (only after first Gym). And there are so few available...

I'm currently thinking:

- PURE Normal (NO Dual-Types!!!)

- Flying

- Grass

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I'm also considering a Monotype once I completed Ep12 in my normal run (currently I don't have the time for it... because finals...)

The thing is... I cannot do a mono-type with my favorite type which is Ice, because there are no Ice types in the beginning (only after first Gym). And there are so few available...

I really wanted to do an Ice one too... But unfortunately, i'm guessing most ice types are going to be confined in one place. So, there's no way to do a "reliable" one. Oh well.

I'm currently thinking:

- PURE Normal (NO Dual-Types!!!)

- Flying

- Grass

why not pure flying?




Oh wait...

I'm probably going to try a Budew monotype soon. (5 budews and 1 Roserade. Yeah.)

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Remember Mr. Shadow you can always edit your original post so you don't have to have an unnecessary post following its original.

So, surprisingly, Corey has been a lot harder than I expected for my psychic type playthrough. Half my team is fairies so venoshock from that Crobat ruins me. So instead, I'm grabbing a Spoink so I can abuse its sky high special defense so I can destroy that crobat ^_^.

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