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New Things in 10.5


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K. So as far as I know, you can get a TM from the Adventurine Cave. Three new TMs are also available at the Game Corner.

The Vulpix event was also reset, so you can get a second one, but the event changed. Instead of getting it at the salon, it runs to the house north of the salon (the one connecting to the underground railnet). Once you enter the house, head down the stairs and you'll fight a lvl 45 Klinklang.

For Magikarp, you have to pay the fisherman $500, then you have to head to north peridot ward and enter the empty house next to the giant locked door. Pay the guy an additional $5000 to fight a fletching and clawitzer. You're rewarded the oh-so mighty lvl 1 Magikarp.

You can also find a moon stone in the area with the Scraggy. The Scraggy room seems to have changed; instead of a room with piles of boxes, it's a room with less boxes and a locked fence. I don't know how to get through though.

I know you can get a Gogoat on the vertical section of Route 1 (not sure if it's for the whole route). You can also get an Espurr in the alleyways near the nightclub (not sure if it's for that particular alleyway only). Hopefully, someone makes a new thread with the locations of all the new Gen 6 pokemon...

Now, I'm not sure if this was in 10.0, but you can get a Silver Ring in the Heather's dad's gym. Not sure what to do with it.

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Pickup seems to have changed as well. My pickup team (lvl 51-59) isn't supposed to pick up repels and great balls, but I've gotten at least 3 of each. I'm wondering if Reborn's pickup ability is still based off of the pickup from Black and White 1 or if it's completely different. I should also mention that I got a Chocolate Ice Cream from pickup....

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Reborn's Pickup is now no longer based on a canon game's. This was the change I made to it before Episode 10 that accidentally broke it.

However, I did promise I would post the list of what was available, so let me do that, and remember kids, eating ice cream off the ground is actually a BAD idea.

Oran Berry




Common Candy


Pokesnax (not as of 10.5 but as of 11)

Escape Rope

Super Potion

Great Ball

Heart Scale

Chocolate Ice Cream


Full Heal

Strawberry Ice Cream





Max Repel

Ultra Ball

Hyper Potion

Full Restore

Max Revive

Rare Candy

Lucky Egg


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Hmm, I know you dont like to hand out specific info all the time. So just generic mechanic question. Is the item lists still in a similar probability listing based off levels like the item charts here, http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pickup_%28Ability%29? Or have you made your own randomness with those listed items we will need to figure out ourselves?

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So, no King's rock/Prism scale?

Guess I'll have to deposit my Pickup Army then and start grinding for Ep.11.

(Don't care about Heart Scales since I got a lot from catching/Covet-ing Luvdiscs)

Edited by nemesish
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Now that i see

  On 1/23/2014 at 8:25 AM, Amethyst said:

Reborn's Pickup is now no longer based on a canon game's. This was the change I made to it before Episode 10 that accidentally broke it.

However, I did promise I would post the list of what was available, so let me do that, and remember kids, eating ice cream off the ground is actually a BAD idea.

Pokesnax (not as of 10.5 but as of 11)

Are you sure? Because i've got a lot of them from pickup. Did you change that in one of the last patches you posted?

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I haven't been playing for long, so I don't know too much about the differences between 10 and 10.5, but the silver ring can be used to catch a Croagunk, presumably Corey's. Just go to the Broken Cave south of the Yureyu power plant, which itself is east of the Beryl Ward, and rock smash a boulder to gain access to the cave. There, you'll find Croagunk, who will join if you have the silver ring without a battle, and, strangely enough, doesn't have rock smash.

You could also totally disrespect the memory of Corey and his wife by tossing the silver ring or by giving it to a pokemon.

Incidentally, you can also find a soul candle in that cave. Bring it to a pumpkin in the Beryl Cemetery (this happened to me with the first pumpkin I encountered; I don't know if it applies to all of them, though you'll this will consume the soul candle), and you'll battle and can capture a Pumpkaboo.

Edited by Velocirapture
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  On 1/27/2014 at 10:24 PM, Vinny953 said:

Now that i see

Are you sure? Because i've got a lot of them from pickup. Did you change that in one of the last patches you posted?

Oh, true. At the time I posted that I wasn't planning on re-uploading again, but since I did, yes, you can now get Pokesnax from Pickup.

I wonder if your Pokemon sometimes find snax and just eat them instead.

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Ame i heard you were changing up the TM's to fit with new gen, will the ones already in our inventory change or will only the numbers change to reflect your fixes? If I dont reset will I have to go back and pick up any new ones you've put in?

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If you got Ally Switch, it'll become Steel Wing. I think that's the only one that changed though. But yes, if you want other TMs you can go back and get them; I reset anything that was new or moved. So you might end up with a lot of duplicate TMs but you'll have a few things you didn't have before

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  On 1/30/2014 at 8:20 AM, Seehan said:

Does anyone know if the new TM's are worth going back and searching for? I don't want to spend hours combing Reborn to end up getting Confide D:

Meh. The TM's available right now aren't that good. However, i am a freak for completing things, so i went back. Unless you want to complete the TM list, it might not be worth it.

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  On 1/30/2014 at 9:38 PM, Seehan said:

The gen 6 TM's arent bad, which ones are available in reborn atm?

Here's what i have, at least: Hidden Power; Roost; Safeguard; Shadow Ball; Sludge Wave; Torment; Steel Wing; Charge Beam; Quash; Embargo; Struggle Bug; Psych Up; Frost Breath; Grass Knot; Rock Smash; Cut; Strength. (I am missing the three tm's from the game corner, and i have to battle Radomus again). If there's one missing, i don't know :x

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So heres a funny thing: I used icicle spear from a togepi metronome and the first hit was the normal icicle spear, then there was a puff of smoke, then there was a burst of flames (hit 3 times) kinda funny

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  On 1/30/2014 at 10:48 PM, Vinny953 said:

Here's what i have, at least: Hidden Power; Roost; Safeguard; Shadow Ball; Sludge Wave; Torment; Steel Wing; Charge Beam; Quash; Embargo; Struggle Bug; Psych Up; Frost Breath; Grass Knot; Rock Smash; Cut; Strength. (I am missing the three tm's from the game corner, and i have to battle Radomus again). If there's one missing, i don't know :x

DAMMIT. I thought you wrote that we could find sludge bomb. Now I want to cry. qq

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  On 2/7/2014 at 10:31 PM, Lynxiechan said:

DAMMIT. I thought you wrote that we could find sludge bomb. Now I want to cry. qq

I forgot Fling and Calm Mind. So no Sludge Bomb though which renders my Gengar's poison type useless for now

On a side note, after something like this:

  Reveal hidden contents

The itemfinder has to be in 11. All dem hidden items are driving me crazy...

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