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The most morbid thing i have ever dreamed.


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So anyway like 10 minutes ago i just woke up from the most morbid dream i ever had. Which is disconcerting give i really don't like the stuff that its based around to the point i make it a fact not to watch them, which is the like yandre anime things(which is spelt wrong but you know the creepy anime killer girls like the end of school days or whatever that anime was called.)

Anyway first of please forgive any bad language i use in this cause well i am half way asleep still and i can't think of better words for it. Its starts off normaly fine which is some boy(not me) wants sex. but then it turns weird with he wants it form a much older and not attractive women(think like that evil ex-teacher who killed that little girls dogs in a episode of Hell Girl) and then it just quickly turns to the boy on a train swing a knife and beheading a girl with purple hair who turns out to be his little sister named Sakura(think the Sakura from Fate/Extra for looks). Then he takes the head back to the lady and then she has him bury the head. Then it turns to his mother crying about who could do such a thing to her daughter. And then switches to the the boy falling to his knees at the place he did the beheading laminating about what he did it for. Then i woke up.

So yeah i never have dreams like this then again i don't usually remember any dreams i have. And when i do it usually form playing video games to late and then sleeping so the dreams are ususally about said game so i have no clue where this came for i have i actually went to bed early though and thats probably why i dreamed in the first place. its not like i trying to analyze said dream or anything i just thought i would share the most morbid thing i have dreamed with y'all(mainly so i can get it out of my mind so i can go back to bed) so any way good night everyone and avoid walking near train tracks.

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Thats NOTHING compared to what I had! I remember when me and this random guy were walking in a dark house for some reason but then he knocked me out with something and im on a table strapped down and he took a giant knife and started cutting into my flesh to open up my skin nice and slow to show my organs and bone and muscle. And while my body had its skin peeled off the bastard took a container of acid and pored it into the open bone and organs and muscle and I was melting nice and slow and I screamed for him to stop! then I woke up. If that bastard shows up again in my dream im kicking his ass!

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I had a dream that I was being chased by a creature that ended up attacking me ferociously against a tree slashing my chest to bits... Bleck....

I once had a dream that I couldn't wake from, it's hard to remember but it was like Nightmare island... Every fear ever all in one dream...

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The most morbid thing that I ever dreamed of was of a clown with a chainsaw coming at me when I was in school, and he killed almost every person I've known there. Dem Nighmares... ;n;

Btw... Last night I dreamed that my whole family and me were smoking weed in a park and everyone were coming at us so we could give them some too xD

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