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Pokemon Location Guide V2



Fifth gen and Sixth gen don't fit in the post so they will be posted two posts down.

Since Nickaboo left for Mexico the Pokemon Location guide has fallen behind and we have no real way of updating it. So here's V2 of the pokemon location guide created so we can have an up to date guide for the locations of the pokemon in reborn.


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  On 6/8/2014 at 8:12 PM, fireheart4560 said:

I noticed that murkrow dont appear during the night on a windy day at the aqua hang out anymore.

i dont recall if that was remove din 11 or 10 but that's a shame

Um... crud. I honestly don't know if the event was affected with the new episode. The Murkrow should have been there.

EDIT: How far are you into the Gang Storyline? Maybe that has to do with something..?

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Have you started a new game?

Maybe you need to progress further with the story?

Like I said I always forgot to check on it... the only difference I can see is that I'm a Magma-guy and completed Ep12, and therefore the Aqua-guys are gone.

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Posting to say that you can also find Hawlucha in the grass on Route 2, but I think only in the morning. At least, I didn't see any during the day, and found one relatively quick upon setting my clock back.

As for Murkrow, it is definitely still there- bizarrely, it appeared for me when it normally does, on a windy night. Might have something to do with Pokesnax, since I had some with me, but I don't know for sure. I hadn't even finished the Aqua Gang quest yet...

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  On 6/8/2014 at 8:31 PM, Lost Lore said:

Posting to say that you can also find Hawlucha in the grass on Route 2, but I think only in the morning. At least, I didn't see any during the day, and found one relatively quick upon setting my clock back.

As for Murkrow, it is definitely still there- bizarrely, it appeared for me when it normally does, on a windy night. Might have something to do with Pokesnax, since I had some with me, but I don't know for sure. I hadn't even finished the Aqua Gang quest yet...

Wait, wut. How did you continue with the game if you didn't finish the Aqua Gang storyline? Or are you talking about your other playthrough O.o ?

@Fireheart Try continuing with the main storyline, aka beat Shelly, and then try again.

Edited by ~Derpy Simon
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  On 6/8/2014 at 8:38 PM, ~Derpy Simon said:

Wait, wut. How did you continue with the game if you didn't finish the Aqua Gang storyline? Or are you talking about your other playthrough O.o ?

Talking about another playthrough! My main file (the one in my signature) is from Episode 10, so I've long since caught Murkrow on that.

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  On 6/8/2014 at 8:45 PM, Lost Lore said:

Talking about another playthrough! My main file (the one in my signature) is from Episode 10, so I've long since caught Murkrow on that.

Ohh, make sense >_< On your other playthrough, how far were you in the storyline when you caught it? Maybe there is a requirement where you need to be a certain spot in the playthrough in order for it to appear.

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  On 6/8/2014 at 8:49 PM, ~Derpy Simon said:

Ohh, make sense >_< On your other playthrough, how far were you in the storyline when you caught it? Maybe there is a requirement where you need to be a certain spot in the playthrough in order for it to appear.

Specifically, I'd done the whole bit Under the Grand Stairway and went to the Orphanage for the first time, and done the first Aqua Gang quest, but not fought Shelly yet. So somewhere in there is the earliest point, I guess?

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  On 6/8/2014 at 8:54 PM, Lost Lore said:

Specifically, I'd done the whole bit Under the Grand Stairway and went to the Orphanage for the first time, and done the first Aqua Gang quest, but not fought Shelly yet. So somewhere in there is the earliest point, I guess?

Hmm.. then I don't understand why Fire can't find it. Maybe you're right about the Pokesnax or there is some other criteria..

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I remember that some time ago i asked Ame and she said: "The condition for the Murkrow event changed. What condition you ask? That you can find out yourself."

Something along those lines. I'm just going to try and guess it:

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  On 6/8/2014 at 11:12 PM, I herd u liek mukipz said:

I remember that some time ago i asked Ame and she said: "The condition for the Murkrow event changed. What condition you ask? That you can find out yourself."

Something along those lines. I'm just going to try and guess it:

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Oh, figures. I knew something was up. Anyways, did anyone found out the new location for Gothita?

EDIT: Wow, that was 2 quick Vinny o_o And surprised she put it there..

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So, Cacnea can be gotten at that bulding at OnyxWard? (The one w/the rooftop garden)

If that's the case, looks like i can't get the egg. Cuz' the girl says "Take now y'hear?"

(Got the Ducklett one episode earlier.)

Hoping for the Gulpin event to be there. (Windy day on my game and gotten Mime Jr. before)

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  On 6/9/2014 at 2:35 AM, nemesish said:

So, Cacnea can be gotten at that bulding at OnyxWard? (The one w/the rooftop garden)

If that's the case, looks like i can't get the egg. Cuz' the girl says "Take now y'hear?"

Event wasn't resetted i guess...

We shall wait for dem wild Cacneas

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  On 6/9/2014 at 2:36 AM, I herd u liek mukipz said:

Event wasn't resetted i guess...

We shall wait for dem wild Cacneas

No probs with that.

From all the catchable/event pokes available (since ep. 9 -the first I played- there are only three pokes i haven't gotten: This Cacnea, Shroomish (forgot to catch it while available) and Heliolisk (no sunny days on my game yet).

I can wait.

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So, I just went to look into something... and I think my findings belong here.

I was hunting for Numel to use on this latest file for a bit, so I set the weather to stormy and went to look out by the Peridot Station (which is where it spawns now). However, it wasn't there.

I had a suspicion, though, and went to buy Pokesnax from the vendor in Peridot Ward. Lo and behold, when I came back, it was there. So does Pokesnax perhaps have an effect on certain events bothering to spawn at all?

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  On 6/9/2014 at 5:56 AM, Lost Lore said:

So, I just went to look into something... and I think my findings belong here.

I was hunting for Numel to use on this latest file for a bit, so I set the weather to stormy and went to look out by the Peridot Station (which is where it spawns now). However, it wasn't there.

I had a suspicion, though, and went to buy Pokesnax from the vendor in Peridot Ward. Lo and behold, when I came back, it was there. So does Pokesnax perhaps have an effect on certain events bothering to spawn at all?

Lost .....Where are you in that save file

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  On 6/9/2014 at 6:08 AM, Azery123 said:

Lost .....Where are you in that save file

No idea why that's relevant, but

I've just finished with the Taka/ZEL double battle and I'm about to go do a bit of grinding to take on Corey.

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Ah if you could get that in the start of the game ...well Julia would get her Chinchou back cuz Numel is literally broken for the first few gyms

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  On 6/9/2014 at 5:56 AM, Lost Lore said:

So does Pokesnax perhaps have an effect on certain events bothering to spawn at all?

Yes it does. Whismur was the same in episode 11. (and probably is now)

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  On 6/8/2014 at 10:28 AM, Cepheus said:

Timburr isn't catchable in the wild, but the puzzle is repeatable. (therefore you can get more than one Timburr).

You get a one-time Clefairy for hitting 'Powerful' in the bell-game. for every 'Powerful' after that you get a Pokedoll (it's random, keep trying)

And for Ralts... for the sake of this location guide and to stop everyone asking everywhere around the forum, heres a guide:

You need:

- Rock Smash

- able to use Rock Smash out of combat

- access to the Underground Railnet (after Shades Gym)

- the Item 'Magnet Powder' (can be found in the abandoned factory or bought in 7th Street)

Here is what you must do:

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You need a Medal and this thread needs a 'save this post' button because I need that ralts or I will cry myself to sleep. Thanks for giving dis o-o :D

EDIT: also, ignore my siggy. That was from episode 11 which was on my old comp which I broke after tripping over the charger wire x-x

  On 6/9/2014 at 6:50 AM, Sheep93 said:

Yes it does. Whismur was the same in episode 11. (and probably is now)

Oh please no Whismur get that fat stupid thing away from me it's horrible ok all it did was....
Okay it did uproar everything but voltorb/electrode into oblivion when I restarted on ep 11 but nah it still sucks.
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