Fifth gen and Sixth gen don't fit in the post so they will be posted two posts down.
Since Nickaboo left for Mexico the Pokemon Location guide has fallen behind and we have no real way of updating it. So here's V2 of the pokemon location guide created so we can have an up to date guide for the locations of the pokemon in reborn.
Sandshrew: Under the Grand Stairway, Tanzan Mountain, Route 1 (Not in the Morning) Sandslash: Tanzan Mountain, Route 1 (Not in the Morning)
Nidoran♀: Byxbysion Grotto Tunnels Nidorina: Evolve Nidoran♀, Byxbysion Grotto Tunnels, Event in the cave in front of Shade's gym Nidoqueen: Evolve Nidorina
Seel: Iolla Valley, Chance to get one from the randomized egg that the lady in Onyx Ward gives you for completeing the daycare event. (Either get a Cacnea or Seel.) Dewgong: Evolve Seel
Grimer: Fish anywhere near Azurine Lake (Old and Good Rod), Byxbysion Wasteland Grass Muk: Byxbysion Wasteland Grass, Fish anywhere near Azurine Lake (Good Rod)
Shellder: N/A Cloyster: N/A
Gastly: Axed in Ep 15, replaced by Misdreaveus Haunter: N/A Gengar: N/A
Onix: Path to Byxbysion Wasteland secret Grove, Tanzan Mountain, Tanzan Deph, hiker event in Peridot Ward
Goldeen: Peridot Ward Water House/Tanzan Cove/Aventurine Cave (Old and Good Rod) Seaking: Evolve Goldeen, Peridot Ward Water House (Good Rod), Tanzan Cove/Aventurine Cave (Old Rod), Celestine Cascade(good rod)
Staryu: N/A Starmie: N/A
Mr. Mime: Evolve Mime Jr.
Scyther: N/A
Jynx: Evolve Smoochum
Electabuzz: Evolve Elekid
Magmar: Evolve Magby
Pinsir: South Aventurine Woods Event, choice of either pinsir or heracross
Tauros: Route 1
Magikarp: axed in ep 12, never forget Gyarados: N/A
Lapras: Ameritrine Mountain
During the ice path which has two intersection; right where you surf down to the ice path which leads to totodile, and left. GO LEFT and dive in, there is the largest dive place in ametrine mountain, lapras is there, but before that you need to change your date to saturday-yanmeng92
Ditto: 7th street if you missed the event, West Peridot Ward Factory (after finishing Daycare Couple storyline) Guide:
Porygon: Computer in the Onyx Academy (Requires data drive from Sigmund's Orphanage or buy from 7th Street Vendor)
Omanyte: Find Fossil in Mining Stones, take Fossil to the museum in Spinel Town Omastar: Evolve Omanyte
Kabuto: Find Fossil in Mining Stones, take Fossil to the museum in Spinel Town Kabutops: Evolve Kabuto
Aerodactyl: Get the old amber by trading a powerful Staraptor to a boy on the 2nd floor of one of the hotels in Ameritine City
Snorlax: Evolve Munchlax
Articuno: N/A
Zapdos: N/A
Moltres: N/A
Dratini: N/A Dragonair: N/A Dragonite: N/A
Mewtwo: N/A
Mew: Hiding in the back of a moving van
Reveal hidden contents
Bayleef: Evolve ChikoritaCan also be found on Azurine Island (After saving Cain from the Breeding Facility, there will be a man who will give you an abused chikarita if you show him a Chimecho (Replaces Bulbasaur in ep 13)
Meganium: Evolve Bayleef
Cyndaquil: Starter Pokemon, Buy from 7th street pokemon dealer
Pichu: Hiding behind a tree on the rooftop in Onyx Ward
Cleffa: Breed Clefairy
Igglybuff: Enter abandoned building in West Peridot Ward at night, there will be two Team Meteors conspiring. Then, go to the house in West Peridot with the woman with Cleffa/Igglybuff. Once you defeat the Meteor members, you will be able to receive one.
Togepi: NA
Togetic: NA
Natu: Roof of Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie, Totem Pole?
Xatu: Roof of Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie
Mareep: Find in Warehouse
Flaafy: Evolve Mareep
Ampharos: Evolve Flaafy
Bellossom: Evolve Gloom with sunstone
Marill: Evolve Azurill
Azumarill: Evolve Marill
Sudowoodo: Evolve Bonsly, Aventurine Woods (Does not show up i the morning)
Politoed: Technically possible, go back to an episode where pickup wasn't updated to get get a kings rock from pickup and evolve poliwhirl with the king's rock and link stone
Hoppip: Obsidia Ward on a windy day
Skiploom: Evolve Hoppip
Jumpluff: Evolve Skiploom
Aipom: Headbuttable Tree (Beryl Ward, Beryl Cemetary), Ametrine City Morning
Sunkern: Breed Sunflora
Sunflora: Obsidia Park
Yanma: grass on Azurine Island (Morning)
Wooper: Azurine Island
Quagsire: Azurine Island
Espeon: Evolve Eevee (friendship in Daytime)
Umbreon: Evolve Eevee (friendship in nighttime)
Murkrow: Aqua Gang Hideout (Lapis Ward) nighttime on a windy day( Conditions were changed in some way)
Slowking: N/A
Misdreavus: Hide and Seek in Byxbysion Wasteland at night
Unown: Under the Grand Stairway, Headbuttable trees in Byxbysion Wasteland, Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie, Roof of Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie
Wobbufett: Evolve Wynaut
Girafarig: Maze around Radamous's estate
Pineco: Headbuttable Trees (Opal Ward, Peridot Garden, Obsidia Park, Beryl Ward, Beryl Cemetary, Aventurine Woods, probably others)
Forretress: Evolve Pineco
Dunsparce: Cave in Beryl Ward, Under the Grand Stairway
Gligar: Route 3
Steelix: Linkstone on Onix with Metal Coat (Metal Coat is where you battle Giant Steelix, also on wild magnemite)
Snubbull: Girl in West Peridot Ward will give it to you when you have two badges
Swinub: Cave in front of Shade's Gym, Ameritine Cave
Piloswine: Evolve Swinub, Route 3 Caves
Corsola: Apophyll Beach during thunderstorm
Remoraid: Fountain in Chrysolia Forest, Celestine Cascade (Good Rod)
Octillery: Evolve Remoraid, Celestine Cave
Delibird: Ameritine Caves fl 2
Mantine: Evolve Mantyke
Skarmory: N/A
Houndour: Magma Gang Hideout (North Obsidia Ward), reward of magma gang storyline
Houndoom: Evolve Houndour
Kingdra: Evolve Seadra (dragon scale can be found 5% chance of horsea)
Phanpy: Beryl Ward, Beryl Cemetary, Cave in front of Shade's Gym
Donphan: Evolve Phanpy, route 2
Porygon2: Linkstone on Porygon while holding Upgrade
Stantler: Tanzan Cove, Chrysolia Forest, Route 1
Smeargle: Mysidia Cave
Tyrogue: Trade for Dunsparce wit the guy on top of the roof at the nature center on Route 1( must be clear weather)
Hitmontop: Evolve Tyrouge
Smoochum: Event in Citrine Mountain ( the cave in front of Shade's gym)
Elekid: Trade for Elictricizer(no idea how to spell it) you find it in a cave right of the Calcenon stairway which you repair for 40k
Magby: Trade for Magmarizer(no idea how to spell it) you find it in a cave right of the Calcenon stairway which you repair for 40k
Miltank: Route 1
Blissey: Evolve Chansey
Raikou: N/A
Entei: N/A
Suicune: N/A
Larvitar: N/A
Pupitar: N/A
Tyranitar: N/A
Lugia: N/A
Ho-Oh: N/A
Celebi: N/A
Reveal hidden contents
Treecko: Starter Pokemon
Grovyle: Evolve Treecko
Sceptile: Evolve Grovyle
Torchic: Starter Pokemon
Combusken: Evolve Torchic
Blaziken: Evolve Combusken
Mudkip: Starter Pokemon, Event in Byxbysion Wasteland. Guide:
Marshtomp: Evolve Mudkip
Swampert: Evolve Marshtomp
Poochyena: Alleyways in Peridot Ward, Alleyways in Lapis
Mightyena: Evolve Poochyena, Alleways (Rare)
Zigzagoon: Event Pokemon in the Obsidia Alleyway
Linoone: Route 1
Wurmple: Perdiot Garden,
Silcoon: Iolla Valley
Beautifly: Iolla Valley
Cascoon: Iolla Valley
Dustox: Iolla Valley
Lotad: Pier in the Coral Ward on a rainy day
Lombre: Evolve Lotad
Ludicolo: Evolve Lombre
Seedot: Breed Nuzleaf
Nuzleaf: Clearing on the other side of the Beryl Ward Cave (Event Pokemon, you must fight a team of Nuzleaf/Shiftry to be able to catch Nuzleaf)
Shiftry: Evolve Nuzleaf
Taillow: Headbuttable Trees (Chrysolia Forest, Aventurine Woods)
Swellow: Evolve Tailow
Wingull: Apophyll Beach
Pelliper: Evolve Wingull, Apophyll Beach
Ralts: In the Abandoned Railnet, the part where you have to connect the tracks there are darkened sections of wall. These walls can be rock smashed down and one of them will contain a corrupted pokeball. Bring the pokeball to the pokeball store and there will be a npc in a white coat. He is a ball designer and after some dialogue referencing Missingno he will ask for magnet powder bought on 7th street to fix the pokeball. Bring the magnet powder to him and you'll get a ralts.
Kirlia: Evolve Ralts
Gardevoir: Evolve Kirlia
Surskit: Fountain in the West Peridot Ward while it's raining
Masquerian: Evolve Surskit
Shroomish: NA
Breloom: NA
Slakoth: (Headbuttable Tree) Obsidia Park
Vigoroth: Evolve Slakoth
Slaking: Evolve Vigoroth
Nincada: Byxbysion Wasteland (Rock Smash)
Ninjask: Evolve Nincada
Shedinja: Evolve Nincada with an empty slot in your party
Whismur: Empty house in Lower Peridot Ward
Loudred: Evolve Whismur, buy from 7th street pokemon dealer
Exploud: Evolve Loudred
Makuhita: Obsidia Slums, buy from 7th street pokemon dealer
Hariyama: Evolve Makuhita
Azurill:Trade for Growlithe
Nosepass: Apophyll Cave (Rock Smash)
Skitty: Give a Hyper Potion to the boy in the house next to the Coral Ward Pokemon Center
Delcatty: Evolve Skitty
Sableye: Iola Valley Event, Watch this video if you have trouble with the event
Mawile: Byxbysion Tunnels (path to secret grotto), Abandoned Railnet( The part with all the rail tracks you have to move around)
Aron: Subrailnet Cave (Headbutt Pole)
Lairon: Evolve Aron
Aggron: Evolve Lairon
Meditite: Route 2, Given by girl on the west side of the Apophyll Academy roof after talking to all the students who lecture about zen
Medicham: evolve Meditite
Electrike: Obsidia Alleyway During thunderstorms?
Manectric: Evolve Electrike
Plusle: Obsidia Alleyway, click the weird looking box and a plusle will show up, give it a pokesnax and it'll join your team
Minun: Obsidia Alleyway
Volbeat/Illumise: Chrysolia Forest (Night)
Roselia: Evolve Budew
Gulpin: A dumpster in Peridot Ward
, Water Treatment Center
Swalot: evolve Gulpin , Water Treatment Center
Carvanha: Team Aqua Storyline, Lapis Ward Alleway (Good Rod)
Numel: Peridot Train Station during rain, Pyrous Mountain
Camerupt: Evolve Numel
Torkoal: bottom of Pyrous Mountain
Spoink: Find in Obsidia Ward, then in Coral Ward Warehouses after Daycare Storyline
Grumpig: Evolve Spoink
Spinda: Chrysolia Forest
Trapinch: Chrysolia Forest Trade
Vibrava: Evolve Trapinch
Flygon: Evolve Vibrava
Cacnea: Chance to get one from the randomized egg that the lady in Onyx Ward gives you for completing the daycare event. (Either get a Cacnea or Seel.)
Cacturne: Evolve Cacnea
Swablu: Headbuttable Trees (Aventurine Woods)
Altaria: Evolve Swablu
Zangoose: Hide and Seek in all the Alleyways (West Peridot, Lower Peridot, Obsidia, North Obsidia, Lapis)
Seviper: Deepest part of Tanzan Cave (Event)
Lunatone: Under the Grand Stairway OR in the Tanzan Caves (Night)
Solrock: Same as Lunatone, except Daytime
Barboach: Lapis Ward Alleway (Old and Good Rod), Cave in Chrysolia Forest/Aventurine Cave (Good Rod)
Wishcash: Evolve Barboach
Corphish: Apophyll Beach (Rock Smash)
Crawdaunt: Evolve Corphish
Baltoy: Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie, Possible pokemon by bringing an ill fated doll to the totem pole in the grove at the end of Beryl Cemetary
Claydol: Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie
Lileep: Root Fossil bring to museum in Spinel Town to revive
Cradily: Evolve Lileep
Anorith: Claw Fossil bring to museum in Spinel Town to revive
Armaldo: Evolve Anorith
Feebas: Top of Celestine Mountain around this spot
Milotic: Evolve Feebas with a marvel scale and linkstone which you find in Citrine Mountain
Castform: Trade to a girl in Obsidia Ward for a Furret
Kecleon: Tanzan Mountain, Maze before Radamous's gym
Shuppet: Beryl Cemetery (check the tombstones)
Bannette: Evolve Shuppet
Duskull: Abandoned Factory (Shade's Gym)
Dusclops: Evolve Duskull
Tropius: Clearing for Nuzleaf event at the end of the cave in Beryl graveyard /during a Sunny Day? (event Pokemon)
Chimecho: Evolve Chingling
Absol: Route 4 event requires ill fated doll from Beryl library event or 7th Street
Wynaut: Iola Valley
Snorunt: Ameritine Cave fl 2 (4% encounter)
Glalie: Evolve Snorunt
Spheal: Ameritine Cave fl 2
Sealeo: Ameritine Cave fl 2
Walrein: Evolve Sealeo
Clamperl; Underwater
Huntail: Evolve Clamperl with linkstone and deep sea tooth(found on red basculin)
Gorebyss: Evolve Clamperl with linkstone and deep sea scale(found on blue basculin)
Piplup: Starter Pokemon, Mine a rock near the Beryl Wall and blow it up with explosive powder, a "rare candy" will be on the rock next to it. A street rat will steal it, find the street rat in 7th street and fight him to get it back. In one of the caves in 7th street there should be a guy who will trade a piplup for the "rare candy"
Prinplup: Evolve Piplup
Empoleon: Evolve Prinplup
Starly: Route 3
Staravia: Route 3
Staraptor: Route 3(?)
Bidoof: Opal Ward (Day), Peridot Garden
Bibarel: Evolve Bidoof
Kricketot: Apartment Building in Lower Peridot Ward (Event)
Kricketune: Evolve Kricketot, Adventurine Forest
Shinx: Game Corner for 4,000 Coins
Luxio: Evolve Shinx
Luxray: Evolve Luxio
Budew: Event North of Peridot Ward near the gates requires a rose incense. Appears in clear and sunny weather. Confirmed by Vinny and Darklight
Roserade: Evolve Roselia with shiny stone
Cranidos: Skull Fossil bring to Spinel to revive
Rampardos: Evolve Cranidos
Shieldon: shield Fossil bring to Spinel to revive
Bastiodon: Evolve Shieldon
Burmy: Headbuttable Trees (Peridot Garden, Beryl Ward, Beryl Cemetary, Azurine Island, Aventurine Woods)
Wormadam: Headbuttable Trees (North Aventurine Woods), Evolve Female Burmy
Mothim: Evolve Male Burmy
Combee: Headbuttable Trees (Opal Ward, Aventurine Woods)
Vespiqueen: Evolve Female Combee
Pachirisu: Save from street thugs on the Opal Bridge OR in an apartment in the Peridot Ward, Aventurine Woods
Buizel: Magma gang storyline, North Aventurine Cave, Celestine Mountain
Floatzel: North Aventurine Cave, Celestine Mountain
Magnezone: Level Magneton up in the locked room at the Abandoned Powerplant
Lickilicky: Evolve Lickatung
Rhyperior: Evolve Rhydon
Tangrowth: Evolve Tangela
Electivire: Evolve Electabuzz
Magmortar: Evolve Magmar
Togekiss: NA
Yanmega: Evolve Yanma
Leafeon: Level Eevee up near Moss Rock (Chrysolia Forest)
Glaceon: Evolve by Icy rock (not sure where it is)
Gliscor: N/A
Mamoswine: Evolve Piloswine
Porygon Z: Evolve porygon 2 with a linkstone whiles its holding a dubious disc which you find in Glitch City
Gallade: Evolve Male Kirlia with Dawn Stone
Probopass: Level up Nosepass in the locked room in the Abandoned Powerplant
Dusknoir: Evolve with Reaper cloth
Froslass: Evolve a female Snorunt with a dawn stone
Rotom: First you need the Yureyu key which you get from the the end of the area Saphira comes from at the beginning of ep 10. Next go to the back Shades Power plant in the left wing there will be a locked door open it wit the key defeat the 6 electrodes inside and a cut scene and rotom will appear.
Since Nickaboo left for Mexico the Pokemon Location guide has fallen behind and we have no real way of updating it. So here's V2 of the pokemon location guide created so we can have an up to date guide for the locations of the pokemon in reborn.
Bulbasaur: Starter Pokemon.
Ivysaur: Evolve Bulbasaur
Venusaur: Evolve Ivysaur
Charmander: Starter Pokemon
Charmeleon: Evolve Charmander
Charizard: Evolve Charmeleon
Squirtle: Starter Pokemon, Replaced Mudkip event in ep 15, even though this guide features Mudkip you should be able to use it to get to Squirtle.
Wartortle: Evolve Squirtle
Blastoise: Evolve Wartortle
Caterpie: Peridot Garden,
Metapod: Evolve Caterpie
Butterfree: Evolve Metapod
Weedle: Breed Beedrill, Glitch City Wasteland grass
Kakuna: Evolve Weedle
Beedrill: Jasper Ward/ Malchous Forest
Pidgey: Grass in Opal Ward, Jasper Ward, Rooftop in Onyx Ward, Malchous Forest, Beryl Ward, Headbuttable Tree (Chrysolia Forest)
Pidgeotto: Jasper Ward, Headbuttable Trees (Chrysolia Forest)
Pidgeot: Evolve Pidgeotto
Rattata: Grass in Opal Ward and Lower Peridot Ward. Probably others.
Raticate: Evolve Rattata
Spearow: Headbuttable Trees (Opal Ward, probably others), Rooftop in Onyx Ward, Beryl Ward, Beryl Cemetary, Rhodochrine Jungle
Fearow: Beryl Ward
Ekans: Opal Ward, Beryl Ward, Beryl Cemetary, Route 1 (Night)
Arbok: Beryl Ward, Beryl Cemetary, Route 1 (Night)
Pikachu: Evolve Pichu
Raichu: Evolve Pikachu
Sandshrew: Under the Grand Stairway, Tanzan Mountain, Route 1 (Not in the Morning)
Sandslash: Tanzan Mountain, Route 1 (Not in the Morning)
Nidoran♀: Byxbysion Grotto Tunnels
Nidorina: Evolve Nidoran♀, Byxbysion Grotto Tunnels, Event in the cave in front of Shade's gym
Nidoqueen: Evolve Nidorina
Nidoran♂: Byxbysion Grotto Tunnels, game corner reward
Nidorino: Evolve Nidoran♂, Byxbysion Grotto Tunnels
Nidoking: Evolve Nidorino
Clefairy: Get as a reward from the Agate Circus bell game, initially replaces the pokedoll
Clefable: Evolve Clefairy
Vulpix: Agate Circus Trade. The clown will want a Stunfisk
Ninetails: Evolve Vulpix with firestone
Jigglypuff: Evolve Igglybuff, Buy from Pokemon trader in 7th Street
Wigglytuff: Evolve Jigglypuff
Zubat: Byxbysion Tunnels (path to the secret grotto), Aventurine Cave
Golbat: Pyrous Cave/Volcano, Depths of Railnet, Tanzan Mountain, Aventurine Cave
Oddish: Obsidia Park, Malchous Forest, Beryl Ward, Rhodochrine Jungle, Chrysolia Forest, Tanzan Cove
Gloom: Tanzan Cove, Chrysolia Forest, Aventurine Woods
Vileplume: Evolve Gloom with leaf stone
Paras: Malchous Forest (Night), Rhodochrine Jungle (Night), Tanzan Cove, Aventurine Woods (Night)
Parasect: Tanzan Cove, Aventurine Woods (Night)
Venonat: Obsidia Park, Rooftop in Onyx Ward (Does not appear in the morning)
Venomoth: Evolve Venonat
Diglett: Under the Grand Stairway
Dugtrio: Tanzan Depths
Meowth: Grass in Opal Ward, Beryl Ward (Night), Beryl Cemetary (Night)
Persian: Evolve Meowth
Psyduck: Onyx Game Corner for 1,500 coins
Golduck: Ameritine Mountain (Surf)
Mankey: Obsidia Slums, Aventurine Woods
Primeape: Aventurine Woods
Growlithe: Obtainable after finding all five missing policemen in the Jasper/Beryl Wards
Arcanine: Evolve Growlithe with firestone
Poliwag: Tanzan Cove
Poliwhirl: Evolve Poliwag
Poliwrath: Evolve Poliwhirl with water stone
Abra:Buy from Pokemon trader in 7th Street
Kadabra: Evolve from Abra
Alakazam: Evolve from Kadabra with linkstone
Machop: Breed Machoke
Machoke: Pyrous Mountain?
Machamp: Evolve Machoke with a Linkstone
Bellsprout: Obsidia Park, Rooftop in Onyx Ward, Malchous Forest, Rhodochrine Jungle, Beryl Ward, Tanzan Cove
Weepinbell: Tanzan Cove
Victreebell: Evolve Weepinbell with leaf stone
Tentacool: Possible pokemon from the mysterious egg received from trading a Growlithe at the Police Station(1/18 chance)
Tentacruel: N/A
Geodude: Grand Stairway, Underground Railnet, Tanzan Dephs, Tanzan Mountain, Pyrous Mountain and Volcano
Graveller: Grand Stairway, Tanzan Mountain, Tanzan Dephs, Railnet, Pyrous Mountain and Volcano
Golem: Evolve Graveller with a Linkstone
Ponyta: Aqua Gang storyline, Route 1 (Not in the Morning)
Rapidash: Evolve Ponyta
Slowpoke: N/A
Slowbro: N/A
Magnemite: Abandoned Factory (Shade's Gym)
Magneton: Evolve Magnemite
Farfetch'd: Chrysolia Forest (Grass)
Doduo: Beryl Ward, Beryl Cemetary
Dodrio: Evolve Doduo
Seel: Iolla Valley, Chance to get one from the randomized egg that the lady in Onyx Ward gives you for completeing the daycare event. (Either get a Cacnea or Seel.)
Dewgong: Evolve Seel
Grimer: Fish anywhere near Azurine Lake (Old and Good Rod), Byxbysion Wasteland Grass
Muk: Byxbysion Wasteland Grass, Fish anywhere near Azurine Lake (Good Rod)
Shellder: N/A
Cloyster: N/A
Gastly: Axed in Ep 15, replaced by Misdreaveus
Haunter: N/A
Gengar: N/A
Onix: Path to Byxbysion Wasteland secret Grove, Tanzan Mountain, Tanzan Deph, hiker event in Peridot Ward
Drowzee: Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie
Hypno: Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie
Krabby: Rock Smash (Apophyll Beach)
Kingler: Evolve Krabby
Voltorb: Shade's gym
Electrode: 6 will be in the room at the back of the power plant, requires the Yureya Key also found as wild encounters there
Exeggcute: Azurine Island (headbuttable trees)
Exeggutor: Evolve Exeggcute with leaf stone.
Cubone: Byxbysion Wasteland Grass (Night)
Marowak: Evolve Cubone
Hitmonlee: Evolve Tyrouge (Attack > Defense)
Hitmonchan: Evolve Tyrouge (Attack < Defense)
Lickitung: Aventurine Woods, 7th street pokemon dealer
Koffing: Alleyways (West Peridot and Obsidia), Byxbysion Wasteland
Weezing: Byxbysion Wasteland
Rhyhorn: Route 2
Rhydon: Route 2(Rare)
Chansey: Evolve Happiny with an Oval Stone (Can be found through Mining)
Tangela: Rhodochrine Jungle (not morning)
Kangaskhan: Route 3 Caves
Horsea: Ameritine Mountain(good rod)
Seadra: Evolve Horsea
Goldeen: Peridot Ward Water House/Tanzan Cove/Aventurine Cave (Old and Good Rod)
Seaking: Evolve Goldeen, Peridot Ward Water House (Good Rod), Tanzan Cove/Aventurine Cave (Old Rod), Celestine Cascade(good rod)
Staryu: N/A
Starmie: N/A
Mr. Mime: Evolve Mime Jr.
Scyther: N/A
Jynx: Evolve Smoochum
Electabuzz: Evolve Elekid
Magmar: Evolve Magby
Pinsir: South Aventurine Woods Event, choice of either pinsir or heracross
Tauros: Route 1
Magikarp: axed in ep 12, never forget
Gyarados: N/A
Lapras: Ameritrine Mountain
During the ice path which has two intersection; right where you surf down to the ice path which leads to totodile, and left. GO LEFT and dive in, there is the largest dive place in ametrine mountain, lapras is there, but before that you need to change your date to saturday-yanmeng92
Ditto: 7th street if you missed the event, West Peridot Ward Factory (after finishing Daycare Couple storyline) Guide:
Eevee: Chrysolia Forest event. Guide:
Vaporeon: Evolve Eevee
Jolteon: Evolve Eevee
Flareon: Evolve Eevee
Porygon: Computer in the Onyx Academy (Requires data drive from Sigmund's Orphanage or buy from 7th Street Vendor)
Omanyte: Find Fossil in Mining Stones, take Fossil to the museum in Spinel Town
Omastar: Evolve Omanyte
Kabuto: Find Fossil in Mining Stones, take Fossil to the museum in Spinel Town
Kabutops: Evolve Kabuto
Aerodactyl: Get the old amber by trading a powerful Staraptor to a boy on the 2nd floor of one of the hotels in Ameritine City
Snorlax: Evolve Munchlax
Articuno: N/A
Zapdos: N/A
Moltres: N/A
Dratini: N/A
Dragonair: N/A
Dragonite: N/A
Mewtwo: N/A
Mew: Hiding in the back of a moving van
Bayleef: Evolve ChikoritaCan also be found on Azurine Island (After saving Cain from the Breeding Facility, there will be a man who will give you an abused chikarita if you show him a Chimecho (Replaces Bulbasaur in ep 13)
Meganium: Evolve Bayleef
Cyndaquil: Starter Pokemon, Buy from 7th street pokemon dealer
Quilava: Evolve Cyndaquil
Typhlosion: Evolve Quilava
Totodile: Starter Pokemon
Croconaw: Evolve Totodile
Feraligatr: Evolve Croconaw
Sentret: Obsidia Park (Day)
Furret: Evolve Sentret
Hoothoot: Opal Ward (Night), Peridot Garden (Night), Obsidia Park (Night), Malchous Forest (Night), Rhodochrine Jungle (Night), Beryl Ward (Night), Beryl Cemetary (Night), Iolla Valley
Noctowl: Beryl Ward (Night), Beryl Cemetary (Night), Route 2(Night)
Ledyba: Peridot Garden, Jasper Ward, Malchous Forest, Rhodochrine Jungle, Aventurine Woods, Iolla Valley
Ledian: Chrysolia Forest, Tanzan Cove, Aventurine Woods
Spinarak: Opal Ward/Peridot Garden/Malchous Forest/Rhodochrine Jungle/Aventurine Woods (Night), Iolla Valley
Ariados: Chrysolia Forest/Tanzan Cove/Aventurine Woods (Night)
Crobat: Evolve Golbat via friendship
Chinchou: Celestine Mountain (Underwater)
Lanturn: Celestine Mountain(Underwater)
Pichu: Hiding behind a tree on the rooftop in Onyx Ward
Cleffa: Breed Clefairy
Igglybuff: Enter abandoned building in West Peridot Ward at night, there will be two Team Meteors conspiring. Then, go to the house in West Peridot with the woman with Cleffa/Igglybuff. Once you defeat the Meteor members, you will be able to receive one.
Togepi: NA
Togetic: NA
Natu: Roof of Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie, Totem Pole?
Xatu: Roof of Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie
Mareep: Find in Warehouse
Flaafy: Evolve Mareep
Ampharos: Evolve Flaafy
Bellossom: Evolve Gloom with sunstone
Marill: Evolve Azurill
Azumarill: Evolve Marill
Sudowoodo: Evolve Bonsly, Aventurine Woods (Does not show up i the morning)
Politoed: Technically possible, go back to an episode where pickup wasn't updated to get get a kings rock from pickup and evolve poliwhirl with the king's rock and link stone
Hoppip: Obsidia Ward on a windy day
Skiploom: Evolve Hoppip
Jumpluff: Evolve Skiploom
Aipom: Headbuttable Tree (Beryl Ward, Beryl Cemetary), Ametrine City Morning
Sunkern: Breed Sunflora
Sunflora: Obsidia Park
Yanma: grass on Azurine Island (Morning)
Wooper: Azurine Island
Quagsire: Azurine Island
Espeon: Evolve Eevee (friendship in Daytime)
Umbreon: Evolve Eevee (friendship in nighttime)
Murkrow: Aqua Gang Hideout (Lapis Ward) nighttime on a windy day( Conditions were changed in some way)
Slowking: N/A
Misdreavus: Hide and Seek in Byxbysion Wasteland at night
Unown: Under the Grand Stairway, Headbuttable trees in Byxbysion Wasteland, Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie, Roof of Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie
Wobbufett: Evolve Wynaut
Girafarig: Maze around Radamous's estate
Pineco: Headbuttable Trees (Opal Ward, Peridot Garden, Obsidia Park, Beryl Ward, Beryl Cemetary, Aventurine Woods, probably others)
Forretress: Evolve Pineco
Dunsparce: Cave in Beryl Ward, Under the Grand Stairway
Gligar: Route 3
Steelix: Linkstone on Onix with Metal Coat (Metal Coat is where you battle Giant Steelix, also on wild magnemite)
Snubbull: Girl in West Peridot Ward will give it to you when you have two badges
Granbull: Evolve Snubbull
Quilfish: Celestin Mountain, Ameritine Mountain (Good Rod)
Scizor: N/A
Shuckle: Training Grounds ( Rock Smash)
Heracross: South Aventurine Woods event, defeat the Pinsir to get Heracross
Sneasel: Ameritine Mountain
Teddiursa: Hide and Seek in Peridot Ward (ends under Opal Bridge)
Ursaring: Evolve Teddiursa, Route 3, Ameritine Cave
Slugma: Pyrous Mountain, Game Corner Reward
Magcargo: Pyrous Mountain
Swinub: Cave in front of Shade's Gym, Ameritine Cave
Piloswine: Evolve Swinub, Route 3 Caves
Corsola: Apophyll Beach during thunderstorm
Remoraid: Fountain in Chrysolia Forest, Celestine Cascade (Good Rod)
Octillery: Evolve Remoraid, Celestine Cave
Delibird: Ameritine Caves fl 2
Mantine: Evolve Mantyke
Skarmory: N/A
Houndour: Magma Gang Hideout (North Obsidia Ward), reward of magma gang storyline
Houndoom: Evolve Houndour
Kingdra: Evolve Seadra (dragon scale can be found 5% chance of horsea)
Phanpy: Beryl Ward, Beryl Cemetary, Cave in front of Shade's Gym
Donphan: Evolve Phanpy, route 2
Porygon2: Linkstone on Porygon while holding Upgrade
Stantler: Tanzan Cove, Chrysolia Forest, Route 1
Smeargle: Mysidia Cave
Tyrogue: Trade for Dunsparce wit the guy on top of the roof at the nature center on Route 1( must be clear weather)
Hitmontop: Evolve Tyrouge
Smoochum: Event in Citrine Mountain ( the cave in front of Shade's gym)
Elekid: Trade for Elictricizer(no idea how to spell it) you find it in a cave right of the Calcenon stairway which you repair for 40k
Magby: Trade for Magmarizer(no idea how to spell it) you find it in a cave right of the Calcenon stairway which you repair for 40k
Miltank: Route 1
Blissey: Evolve Chansey
Raikou: N/A
Entei: N/A
Suicune: N/A
Larvitar: N/A
Pupitar: N/A
Tyranitar: N/A
Lugia: N/A
Ho-Oh: N/A
Celebi: N/A
Treecko: Starter Pokemon
Grovyle: Evolve Treecko
Sceptile: Evolve Grovyle
Torchic: Starter Pokemon
Combusken: Evolve Torchic
Blaziken: Evolve Combusken
Mudkip: Starter Pokemon, Event in Byxbysion Wasteland. Guide:
Marshtomp: Evolve Mudkip
Swampert: Evolve Marshtomp
Poochyena: Alleyways in Peridot Ward, Alleyways in Lapis
Mightyena: Evolve Poochyena, Alleways (Rare)
Zigzagoon: Event Pokemon in the Obsidia Alleyway
Linoone: Route 1
Wurmple: Perdiot Garden,
Silcoon: Iolla Valley
Beautifly: Iolla Valley
Cascoon: Iolla Valley
Dustox: Iolla Valley
Lotad: Pier in the Coral Ward on a rainy day
Lombre: Evolve Lotad
Ludicolo: Evolve Lombre
Seedot: Breed Nuzleaf
Nuzleaf: Clearing on the other side of the Beryl Ward Cave (Event Pokemon, you must fight a team of Nuzleaf/Shiftry to be able to catch Nuzleaf)
Shiftry: Evolve Nuzleaf
Taillow: Headbuttable Trees (Chrysolia Forest, Aventurine Woods)
Swellow: Evolve Tailow
Wingull: Apophyll Beach
Pelliper: Evolve Wingull, Apophyll Beach
Ralts: In the Abandoned Railnet, the part where you have to connect the tracks there are darkened sections of wall. These walls can be rock smashed down and one of them will contain a corrupted pokeball. Bring the pokeball to the pokeball store and there will be a npc in a white coat. He is a ball designer and after some dialogue referencing Missingno he will ask for magnet powder bought on 7th street to fix the pokeball. Bring the magnet powder to him and you'll get a ralts.
Kirlia: Evolve Ralts
Gardevoir: Evolve Kirlia
Surskit: Fountain in the West Peridot Ward while it's raining
Masquerian: Evolve Surskit
Shroomish: NA
Breloom: NA
Slakoth: (Headbuttable Tree) Obsidia Park
Vigoroth: Evolve Slakoth
Slaking: Evolve Vigoroth
Nincada: Byxbysion Wasteland (Rock Smash)
Ninjask: Evolve Nincada
Shedinja: Evolve Nincada with an empty slot in your party
Whismur: Empty house in Lower Peridot Ward
Loudred: Evolve Whismur, buy from 7th street pokemon dealer
Exploud: Evolve Loudred
Makuhita: Obsidia Slums, buy from 7th street pokemon dealer
Hariyama: Evolve Makuhita
Azurill:Trade for Growlithe
Nosepass: Apophyll Cave (Rock Smash)
Skitty: Give a Hyper Potion to the boy in the house next to the Coral Ward Pokemon Center
Delcatty: Evolve Skitty
Sableye: Iola Valley Event, Watch this video if you have trouble with the event
Mawile: Byxbysion Tunnels (path to secret grotto), Abandoned Railnet( The part with all the rail tracks you have to move around)
Aron: Subrailnet Cave (Headbutt Pole)
Lairon: Evolve Aron
Aggron: Evolve Lairon
Meditite: Route 2, Given by girl on the west side of the Apophyll Academy roof after talking to all the students who lecture about zen
Medicham: evolve Meditite
Electrike: Obsidia Alleyway During thunderstorms?
Manectric: Evolve Electrike
Plusle: Obsidia Alleyway, click the weird looking box and a plusle will show up, give it a pokesnax and it'll join your team
Minun: Obsidia Alleyway
Volbeat/Illumise: Chrysolia Forest (Night)
Roselia: Evolve Budew
Gulpin: A dumpster in Peridot Ward
, Water Treatment Center
Swalot: evolve Gulpin , Water Treatment Center
Carvanha: Team Aqua Storyline, Lapis Ward Alleway (Good Rod)
Sharpedo: Evolve Carvanha
Wailmer: Celestine Cascade, Ameritine Mountain, Celestine Mountain (Surf)
Wailord: Evovle Wailmer
Numel: Peridot Train Station during rain, Pyrous Mountain
Camerupt: Evolve Numel
Torkoal: bottom of Pyrous Mountain
Spoink: Find in Obsidia Ward, then in Coral Ward Warehouses after Daycare Storyline
Grumpig: Evolve Spoink
Spinda: Chrysolia Forest
Trapinch: Chrysolia Forest Trade
Vibrava: Evolve Trapinch
Flygon: Evolve Vibrava
Cacnea: Chance to get one from the randomized egg that the lady in Onyx Ward gives you for completing the daycare event. (Either get a Cacnea or Seel.)
Cacturne: Evolve Cacnea
Swablu: Headbuttable Trees (Aventurine Woods)
Altaria: Evolve Swablu
Zangoose: Hide and Seek in all the Alleyways (West Peridot, Lower Peridot, Obsidia, North Obsidia, Lapis)
Seviper: Deepest part of Tanzan Cave (Event)
Lunatone: Under the Grand Stairway OR in the Tanzan Caves (Night)
Solrock: Same as Lunatone, except Daytime
Barboach: Lapis Ward Alleway (Old and Good Rod), Cave in Chrysolia Forest/Aventurine Cave (Good Rod)
Wishcash: Evolve Barboach
Corphish: Apophyll Beach (Rock Smash)
Crawdaunt: Evolve Corphish
Baltoy: Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie, Possible pokemon by bringing an ill fated doll to the totem pole in the grove at the end of Beryl Cemetary
Claydol: Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie
Lileep: Root Fossil bring to museum in Spinel Town to revive
Cradily: Evolve Lileep
Anorith: Claw Fossil bring to museum in Spinel Town to revive
Armaldo: Evolve Anorith
Feebas: Top of Celestine Mountain around this spot
Milotic: Evolve Feebas with a marvel scale and linkstone which you find in Citrine Mountain
Castform: Trade to a girl in Obsidia Ward for a Furret
Kecleon: Tanzan Mountain, Maze before Radamous's gym
Shuppet: Beryl Cemetery (check the tombstones)
Bannette: Evolve Shuppet
Duskull: Abandoned Factory (Shade's Gym)
Dusclops: Evolve Duskull
Tropius: Clearing for Nuzleaf event at the end of the cave in Beryl graveyard /during a Sunny Day? (event Pokemon)
Chimecho: Evolve Chingling
Absol: Route 4 event requires ill fated doll from Beryl library event or 7th Street
Wynaut: Iola Valley
Snorunt: Ameritine Cave fl 2 (4% encounter)
Glalie: Evolve Snorunt
Spheal: Ameritine Cave fl 2
Sealeo: Ameritine Cave fl 2
Walrein: Evolve Sealeo
Clamperl; Underwater
Huntail: Evolve Clamperl with linkstone and deep sea tooth(found on red basculin)
Gorebyss: Evolve Clamperl with linkstone and deep sea scale(found on blue basculin)
Relicanth: Underwater
Luvdisc: Tanzan Cove (Good Rod)
Bagon: N/A
Shellgon; N/A
Salamence: N/A
Beldum: Now requires 10 badges and a data chip.
Metang: Evolve Beldum
Metagross: Evolve Metang
Regirock: N/A
Regice: N/A
Registeel: N/A
Latias: N/A
Latios: N/A
Kyogre: N/A
Groudon: N/A
Rayquaza: N/A
Jirachi: N/A
Deoxys: N/A
Turtwig: Starter Pokemon
Grotle: Evolve Turtwig
Torterra: Evolve Grotle
Chimchar: Starter Pokemon
Monferno: Evolve Chimchar
Infernape: Evolve Monferno
Piplup: Starter Pokemon, Mine a rock near the Beryl Wall and blow it up with explosive powder, a "rare candy" will be on the rock next to it. A street rat will steal it, find the street rat in 7th street and fight him to get it back. In one of the caves in 7th street there should be a guy who will trade a piplup for the "rare candy"
Prinplup: Evolve Piplup
Empoleon: Evolve Prinplup
Starly: Route 3
Staravia: Route 3
Staraptor: Route 3(?)
Bidoof: Opal Ward (Day), Peridot Garden
Bibarel: Evolve Bidoof
Kricketot: Apartment Building in Lower Peridot Ward (Event)
Kricketune: Evolve Kricketot, Adventurine Forest
Shinx: Game Corner for 4,000 Coins
Luxio: Evolve Shinx
Luxray: Evolve Luxio
Budew: Event North of Peridot Ward near the gates requires a rose incense. Appears in clear and sunny weather. Confirmed by Vinny and Darklight
Roserade: Evolve Roselia with shiny stone
Cranidos: Skull Fossil bring to Spinel to revive
Rampardos: Evolve Cranidos
Shieldon: shield Fossil bring to Spinel to revive
Bastiodon: Evolve Shieldon
Burmy: Headbuttable Trees (Peridot Garden, Beryl Ward, Beryl Cemetary, Azurine Island, Aventurine Woods)
Wormadam: Headbuttable Trees (North Aventurine Woods), Evolve Female Burmy
Mothim: Evolve Male Burmy
Combee: Headbuttable Trees (Opal Ward, Aventurine Woods)
Vespiqueen: Evolve Female Combee
Pachirisu: Save from street thugs on the Opal Bridge OR in an apartment in the Peridot Ward, Aventurine Woods
Buizel: Magma gang storyline, North Aventurine Cave, Celestine Mountain
Floatzel: North Aventurine Cave, Celestine Mountain
Cherubi: Peridot Garden (Day), Route 1 (Morning/Day)
Cherrim: Route 1 (Morning), Evolve Cherubi
Shellos: Azurine Island (Grass)
Gastrodon: Hidden Cave in Chrysollia Forest
Ambipom: Evolve Aipom
Drifloon: Near the Abandoned Powerplant on a windy day
Drifblim: Evolve Drifloon
Buneary: Obsidia Park (Morning), Aventurine Woods(Morning/ Day)
Lopunny: Evolve Buneary
Mismagius: Evolve Misdreavus via dusk stone
Honchkrow: Evolve Murkrow via dusk stone
Glameow: Salon in East Obsidia Ward, talk to a lady there, talk to the people in the West Obsidia Salon, then go back. The'll give you a Glameow
Purugly: Evolve Glameow
Chingling: Under the Grand Stairway
Stunky: Peridot Garden (Night), Alleyways, Underground Railnet
Skuntank: Evolve Stunky, Event
Bronzor: Caves in Iolla Valley, Route 3
Bronzong: Route 3
Bonsly: Obsidia Park (NOT in the morning)
Mime Jr: Trade for Sunkern with the man next door to the move deleter in North Obsidia ward
Happiny: Coral Ward Warehouse (Daycare Storyline)
Chatot: Chrysolia Forest (Headbuttable Trees)
Spiritomb: Byxbysion Grotto, you'll need an Odd Keystone which you get by mining
Gible: N/A
Gabite: N/A
Garchomp: N/A
Munchlax: Calceon City trade for Wishcash
Riolu: Event in Ameritine City
Lucario: Evolve Riolu via friendship
Hippopotas: Tanzan Depths
Hippowdon: Evolve Hippopotas
Skorupi: Byxbysion Wasteland (Grass), Underground Railnet, Azurine Island
Drapion: Evolve Skorupi, Underground Railnet, Byxbysion Wasteland
Croagunk: Cave near Abandoned Powerplant (Rock Smash) requires the silver ring you find in Corey's gym
Toxicroak: Evolve Croagunk
Carnivine: Jasper Ward, Malchous Forest
Finneon: Peridot Ward Water House (Old and Good Rod)
Lumineon: Evolve Finneon, Celestine Cascade, Ameritine Mountain, Celestine Mountain, Citirine Mountain (Surf)
Mantyke: Tanzan Cove (Good Rod)
Snover: Ametrine City
Abomasnow: Ametrine City
Weaville: Evolve Sneasl, Rejoice Vinny
Magnezone: Level Magneton up in the locked room at the Abandoned Powerplant
Lickilicky: Evolve Lickatung
Rhyperior: Evolve Rhydon
Tangrowth: Evolve Tangela
Electivire: Evolve Electabuzz
Magmortar: Evolve Magmar
Togekiss: NA
Yanmega: Evolve Yanma
Leafeon: Level Eevee up near Moss Rock (Chrysolia Forest)
Glaceon: Evolve by Icy rock (not sure where it is)
Gliscor: N/A
Mamoswine: Evolve Piloswine
Porygon Z: Evolve porygon 2 with a linkstone whiles its holding a dubious disc which you find in Glitch City
Gallade: Evolve Male Kirlia with Dawn Stone
Probopass: Level up Nosepass in the locked room in the Abandoned Powerplant
Dusknoir: Evolve with Reaper cloth
Froslass: Evolve a female Snorunt with a dawn stone
Rotom: First you need the Yureyu key which you get from the the end of the area Saphira comes from at the beginning of ep 10. Next go to the back Shades Power plant in the left wing there will be a locked door open it wit the key defeat the 6 electrodes inside and a cut scene and rotom will appear.
Uxie: N/A
Mesprit: N/A
Azelf: N/A
Dialga: N/A
Palkia: N/A
Heatran: N/A
Regigigas: N/A
Giratina: N/A
Cresselia: N/A
Phione: N/A
Manaphy: N/A
Darkrai: N/A
Shaymin: N/A
Arceus: N/A
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