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So close to a penta... :(


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I've been screwed out of a lot of penta kills myself, it sucks :(. Probably not as much for me as it does for you, I have been fortunate enough to get a number of pentas myself, most recently with Yasuo.

All that can be said is that cliche line "If you at first you don't succeed..."

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Had a friend on who penta'd the the enemy team on Vayne like pretty early. As soon as they came out of their base again he penta'd them again. It was around 18 minutes in. Needless to say once 20 minutes came around they instantly surrendered.

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hahhahaha scrubs
lrn 2 penta
Just kidding I'm here to discuss my missing pentas too.
Almost got one with Jungle Diana, but draven took the last kill It was k though :D
Let's see, oh yeah I've almost gotten one with Draven and uhh
Pretty much it.

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Twitch was my first Penta as well, although that was a troll game. Our team decided that we should all pick ADCs with smite, so we just kind of roamed around together taking buffs and killing people before they could get close to us.

Also gotten pentas with Nidalee, Syndra, and three with Ahri. Some other random things on ARAM but I really don't count ARAM.

Don't worry about not getting them, guys, they kind of just happen. You should be more focused on what needs to be done to win rather than getting an arbitrary accomplishment like this.

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Twitch was my first Penta as well, although that was a troll game. Our team decided that we should all pick ADCs with smite, so we just kind of roamed around together taking buffs and killing people before they could get close to us.

Also gotten pentas with Nidalee, Syndra, and three with Ahri. Some other random things on ARAM but I really don't count ARAM.

Don't worry about not getting them, guys, they kind of just happen. You should be more focused on what needs to be done to win rather than getting an arbitrary accomplishment like this.

Well, we won if that matters :) If we hadn't won that teamfight, we might have lost, but if you saw the video, Orianna landed a PERFECT ult + zhonyas :)

But yeah, that's why Ori and Zilean were so focused on me getting the inhib rather than chasing Lucian.

Edited by Succession
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My first Penta Kill was with Ashe. I wish I had LoLReplay at the time because I got the last kill by ulting the enemy Cait. It hit her at her spawn as she just hit base.

I have

12 on Riven, 1 on Syndra, 1on Karthus, 1 on Quinn, 2 on Jinx, 3 on Irelia, 1 on Susan, 1 on Syndra, 2 on Ahri, 6 on Zed I think that's it.

But yeah, what Ame said. Team objectives are much more important than your personal KDA but its still a great feeling when getting your first Penta.

Edited by WanderoftheColossus
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Do you still play Riven after her earlygame nerf? :)

Speaking of "successful" pentas, I've gotten a few on Riven, one with Caitlyn, and two with Lucian.

Of course. She's still my main and has been before she was flavor of the month. Seen many riven's come and go, my ign used to be brokenblade24 because I mained her haha. Her early game isn't really nerfed that hard, its balanced and more forgiving. She definitely deserved the nerfs she received but shes still really really strong in soloqueue.

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One; is that the Stig in your profile picture? o-o

Second; I've had two Penta's (both in bots tho, one with Sivir and one with Quinn)

And four Quadras in PvP. Katarina, Teemo, Diana, and Jinx.

thirdly and last? Riven isn't even nerfed too hard, honestly; i feel like they more shifted her power to late game and mad eit so she couldn't faceroll ealry game without effot.

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One; is that the Stig in your profile picture? o-o

Second; I've had two Penta's (both in bots tho, one with Sivir and one with Quinn)

And four Quadras in PvP. Katarina, Teemo, Diana, and Jinx.

thirdly and last? Riven isn't even nerfed too hard, honestly; i feel like they more shifted her power to late game and mad eit so she couldn't faceroll ealry game without effot.

It's a picture I took in Gran Turismo 5, and it's my character wearing the Stig outfit :)

Love Top Gear :D

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