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Your favorite/least favorite champion?



37 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is your favorite champion?

    • Blue
    • Lance
    • Steven
    • Wallace
    • Cynthia
    • Alder
    • Iris
    • Diantha
  2. 2. Who is your least favorite champion?

    • Blue
    • Lance
    • Steven
    • Wallace
    • Cynthia
    • Alder
    • Iris
    • Diantha

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If you mention League of Legends I will cut you

My favorite is, of course, Cynthia, though Steven gets an honorable mention. She has a good team and an interesting character and I want her hair.

Least favorite is Alder, but that's just because of his theme not fitting a champion+I don't like Gen 5.

Edited by KingMurdoc
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But DotA 2 is better and Jakiro es best Hero huehuehue

Shame my laptop isn't good enough for DotA 2 anymore. ;~;

But my favorite is Alder. For one, Volcarona is both of our signature mons~ For two, I LOVE his laid back attitude... plus he actually tried to do something against Team Plasma, just like Cynthia did with Galactic.

Least favorite is Diantha. Too easy of a fight, and she barely was shown at all except for one or two times but only one of those times had significance.

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Steven's my favorite champion by far. Cynthia would be the competition for that, but I think they both exemplify the qualities of a champion, they just have that "cool" look about them and their music :)

The reason why Iris is my least favorite is because she doesn't seem suited to be a Champion - she's quite young, and her music seems too "happy" to be an end game battle.

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I have a hard time picking ones I like and dislike the most with these sort of things, but I've made decisions for both. Not solid ones, but still decisions.

At the moment, Diantha is my favourite Champion. You don't really know much about her despite the fact she's a celebrity, and while that is odd, I kind of like it. Plus, with how little you see her and the way she describes battling as a "side-thing" (or whatever it was she said) would convince anybody who didn't have the games spoiled before they came out that she wasn't Champion. While I had it spoiled, against my will I might add, I still found it to be a pleasant surprise when I saw she was Champion. She also has my favourite of all the Champion themes. It's such an amazing piece of music to me. One thing she REALLY needs to fix though. Well, two - She needs to be a stronger opponent or get better Pokémon, because she was one of the easiest Champions if not THE easiest. Secondly, she really needs to trim her eyebrows. They're disgusting.

I'm kinda stuck between Wallace and Iris on this one, seeing as they're pretty much in the same boat, but I ended up choosing Wallace. They're pretty much the same for me though. They're both Gym Leaders of the final Gym in their respective games that took over the Champion title for absolutely no necessary reason at all. Steven was a potent Champion (at least, the first time round he was) and while Alder's theme seemed stupid and he seemed a bit too care free for a Champion, I think that suited a Champion, because it shows that he is calm in any situation and he's ready to take on anybody who wants to take his title from him. At the end of the day, the music that plays to the Champion battle is the Champion's theme, and that theme suited Alder. I'm getting off point though - Wallace and Iris had no reason to take over. They're both still pretty strong Champions, but BOTH of the previous Champions to the pair are arguably better in both difficulty and character, and it was never even explained why they took over to begin with. It can be argued that the two previous Champions wanted to explore and quit or something, but whatever the theory, it's not canon and it never will be because Game Freak will never explain. I'm fine with them being Champions, I'm just baffled as to the point of their being there in the first place.

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I liked Wallace the most because he was just SUPER FABULOUS, and he actually stuck to a strategy when battling.He also started as a gym leader in Ruby and Saphire. My least favorite had to be Diantha, just because the reveal for her being the league was sooo disappointing, unexpected, but sorely disappointing. Not to mention Mega Gardevoir just looks plain silly.

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you trippin' on my mega gardevoir imma be trippin' on yo face

Wallace was my favorite male champion so I'm a bit sad that people don't like him. He was really cool though. Favorite over all goes to Cynthia though.

Least favorite- I almost picked Alder but I know nothing of his personality in English since I only played BW in Japanese so that wouldn't really be fair. Excepting him, I'm kind of tired of Lance. He's like, lol i like dragons and they are t3h powerfulz therefore i am champion and that's boring.

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my favorite is stephen, he has a really great steel/rock team, and he's the strongest one at doing so, unlike cynthia or green that need normal teams to succeed, he sticks with what he likes and he rocks because of that.

my least favorite is lance... really? he's just a typical strong guy, that is only the champion because green got owned, he's a dragon master that doesnt even use dragons, and his personality is lackluster

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my favorite is stephen, he has a really great steel/rock team, and he's the strongest one at doing so, unlike cynthia or green that need normal teams to succeed, he sticks with what he likes and he rocks because of that.

my least favorite is lance... really? he's just a typical strong guy, that is only the champion because green got owned, he's a dragon master that doesnt even use dragons, and his personality is lackluster


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I picked Steven as my favorite, simply because of the first, true run most people make on a Pokemon game. I still remember getting to him, remembering the three (I think) times he helps or talks with you and just losing my mind that he had been champ. Not to mention his battle is tough if you're not prepared for the beef of his team. I still remember my issues with Metagross over any other Champion's pokemon. The only one who ever came close to his initial difficulty is Cynthia. Diantha was sadly easy on my playthrough (though I am a lot older now, so I simply had a more prepared team) of both X and Y, but she didn't earn my worse champion.

At first, I considered picking Lance for my least favorite, but as stupid as he is, it doesn't compare to the sheer simple fight that Wallace provided. At least when I fought Lance (both as E4 in the original games and later as champ in the gen 2 and remakes) I had to actually be smart about using my pokemon for rock moves. Wallace's team, while full of defensive/strong pokemon, was utterly a WAY easier sweep than Lance. I had a Minun already ahead in level in my playthrough of Emerald and destroyed him with his own set-up of Rain Dance. The Thunder and Thunder Wave with the rain had him on the floor in no time.

TLDR: Wallace was a cool story, but Steven is clearly Alpha-Gen 3 Champ.

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My favourite is Alder, I just really like the dude, I have no freaking clue why, but I do lol.

I really hate Wallace though....it was really weird adding even more water types for you to fight at the end of Emerald, like the last half of that game was pretty much just water types, and then they removed Steven for Wallace. This made the fight entirely too easy since you most definitely had something to take care him at that point, like if you didn't have a high-level Grass/Electric type by this point something was wrong lol.

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Steven was definitely my favorite champion. Because dem steel types ^^ (And the rnadom Armaldo and Cradily).

My least favorite was Lance. In R/B/Y he had a level 60 Dragonite. So why in G/S/C he has three underleveled Dragonites? --'

Edited by Vinny953
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I have a lot of respect for Alder's character, and I honestly think he doesn't get as much credit as he should as character.

it's also kind of funny too because most of my favorite characters in the main series are the old wise guy styles. Clay, Wattson, Alder, just to name a few.

But honestly, Wallace was kinda a spit in the face for me. I do like Juan, his replacement leader though.

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Dude Blue is my favorite, mainly because he was the biggest douche, and smacking him down from his throne was so satisfying. Not to mention the music was very awesome. Also Blue learns an important lesson that is shown in pokemon gold/silver. I mean he isn't a total douche anymore. Diantha was another close runner up, because mega-gardevoir.

Least favorite would have to be Iris, her music was aight, but she was yet again another "dragon master" and that was disappointing because Alder was a way cool champion.

Edited by Fiendlord Maus
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I played RSE only once each, it was a long time ago, and Gen 3 is my least favorite generation, so I don't really remember Steven. But he's classy and share almost the same name than me, soooo I like him, but ...

... Cynthia is by far my favorite Champion ! She so classy, and mysterious, and I love her team, and her battle music is just AMAZING !

And my least favorite is Diantha, just because I can't stand her face ! And I hate her even more because I don't like her and she's the champion in a game that is inspired by my country... :@ ! (I didn't actually played XY, but who cares, she's UGLY)

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Diantha looked like a man, and her MGardevoir tore through my hilariously under-leveled team. :[ (My highest level was about 14 levels below her Hawlucha.)

My favorite would have to be Cynthia; I loved her battle theme and her team was fun to battle against. Pretty much all I could ask for in a champion.

Edited by Pryze
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Cynthia since I have a thing for strong women, and the fact she's pretty likable, along with the fact she has a decent team, and is a challenge. And she actually DID STUFF unlike Dianthia

Dianthia is just the opposite, and the fact by the time you get to the E4, you can pretty much steamroll through everyone, even the the champ (Seriously at least add a difficulty spike GF you trolls :/ ), along with the fact she's just there....she doesn't do much but look pretty (Not even that since her design is meh). I mean if she knew Lysandre...she could have you know...tried to reason with him.

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