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New stuff in 10.5



Okay, so there's a bunch of new items that have been added to version 10.5, and it can be a little disorienting considering how much has changed. Let's try and keep track of some of these new things here: (I have no idea what many of these do, so I'm gonna need you guys' help to figure this out)

-Pokesnax: Get them from: vendors throughout the city (who appear only in certain weather conditions), or from the Lapis ward flower shop in any weather. Use: They are used to get many event pokemon throughout the city, such as the Ralts, who will now not want to join you until you give him/her one.

-Floral Charm: Get them from: the Lapis ward flower shop. Use: You know those flowers in Route 1 that knock you out when you step on them? Well, step on them while one of these is in your bag, and you will battle a Flabebe.

-Dull Key: Get it in: the underground railnet. You know that room where the orphans got kidnapped by team meteor and you had to get strength to get to them? It's sitting in the bottom right corner. Use: You know that room you got Scraggy in Pre-10.5? Well now you need this thing to get in there. Also, you can get Pancham there now.

-Silver Ring: Get it in: Corey's gym, next to his bed. Use: You need it to get Corey's Crogunk, as opposed to Pre-10.5, where he would just go with you.

-Soul Candle: Get it in: Speaking of Corey's Crogunk, it's in the cave you find it, but it seems to be based either on the weather or the time of day? Use: In the Beryl cemetery, there's a Pumkin that, if you talk to it wile this is in your bag, it will become a Pumkaboo. Oh, and it has to be at night.

-Pixie Plate: Get them from: Same as any plate, by mining. Use: Same as any plate, except now it comes in fairy type.

-Data Chip:. Get it from: Dr. Connal's office, be sure to pick it as soon as you get the chance or you're screwed. Use: Remember that computer you get Porygon from? Well now you need this thing to make him appear.

-Rose Incense: Get it from: The Lapis ward flower shop. Use: Not sure if this belongs on the list because it's been in Pokemon games ever since gen 4, and we already know what it does, but it apparently does something extra in Reborn: when you have it in your bag a Budew will appear on the border between the Periodot Ward and the Lapis Ward. And it appears to only show up at night.

Okay guys, I-no, everyone needs your help here. If you find any other new items, tell the rest of us about them here, and please post any information you have on the ones that I've already listed. Thanks!

Edited by Eagleby18
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I have posted this so many times.....

the dull key is used on the door that opens up in the slums, look around you will find a locked door where you can catch pamcham and get the event scraggy

Soul candle is used to get pumpkaboo, talk to the pumpkin in the Beryl graveyard and it'll spawn a pumpkaboo

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Corey's Croagunk is in the same cave. It recognizes the ring and joins you. It won't if you don't have it, I suppose (Haven't tried). I haven't found a soul candle, though (I've just defeated Shade on the storyline).

On sunny days you may find ice cream vendors around. I don't know what to do with them, apart for giving one to a kid in the candy shop. After that he goes out and you can buy ice cream in the candy shop. I've also noticed that all the NPC hanging around in Obsidia Ward disappear on sunny day. Odd.

Edited by maturekpo
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  On 1/26/2014 at 11:14 PM, maturekpo said:

I haven't found a soul candle, though (I've just defeated Shade on the storyline).

Huh, perhaps it only appears after a certain point of the game. I'll put that in the list, although I don't know at exactly what point. Or maybe it's weather/time based? Edited by Eagleby18
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  On 1/27/2014 at 11:42 PM, luis15 said:

i can confirm that pixie plate is in i just got one by mining :)

Cool! I thought that one would take forever to be confirmed, seeing how rare plates in general are, not to mention getting that specific one is a 1/17 chance when you do get a plate.

Now, if someone could pinpoint the specifics on getting the soul candle, that would complete the current list!

Edited by Eagleby18
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  On 1/28/2014 at 12:46 AM, Eagleby18 said:

Cool! I thought that one would take forever to be confirmed, seeing how rare plates in general are, not to mention getting that specific one is a 1/17 chance when you do get a plate.

Now, if someone could pinpoint the specifics on getting the soul candle, that would complete the current list!

Based on the nature of the Soul Candle, i'm willing to bet that it appears after you beat Shade. I'm not confirming it though :x

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Okay, so finding it when asking Cain for the Wasteland key is early enough to deduce that it's probably available As soon as you can access the cave, but is either limited to a certain weather condition or time of day.

Also maturekpo, the ice cream was already there in earlier versions, it heals your Pokemon.

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  On 1/28/2014 at 7:58 AM, ghkdkd said:

In 10.5, you can obtain 'Data chip' in Dr.Sigmud's building. To get Porygon in 10.5, you need this item.

Oh wow. I'm glad i got Porygon before, otherwise i would be screwed (Can't go back to Sigmund building :x)

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  On 1/28/2014 at 2:34 PM, Shadowfoxhound said:

there is a budew event at night if you have a rose incense its on the wall over the flower shop o.o and its shiny

Well, I'm not sure the Rose incense is "new". I mean, it's not in Pre-10.5, but it's been in other Pokemon Games prior to gen 6... Ah what the heck I'll add it.

Also, I got a non-shiny when I did it, I think you just got lucky.

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  On 1/29/2014 at 10:46 PM, luis15 said:

sorry to ask i know its listed but how do you get the rose incense do you have to buy it there :unsure: because when i click to talk with the sellor nothing happens :huh:

Ame fixed that in a patch though. I don't remember where it is, but she fixed it :x

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