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The pain train

The Radiant Aeon

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Due to my little love of sadism, I'm doing this. Simple game. Plan creative ways to hurt/kill the person above you And if its Ame make it EXTRA painful.

So yeah, start with little ol' me and start from there

Oh yeah....examples. Ok, I'll use some people on my hit list for this


Eclipse: I'll torture Renzo by ect. ect. ect.

Maelstrom: I'll plant a bomb in Eclipse's bed and ect. ect. ect.

Aeon(Yes I'm on my own hit list): I'll decapitate Mael by ect. ect. ect.

Capisce? Its killing time

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Am I allowed to use completely morbid and sadistic things here? Judas' Cradle comes to mind.

Except I won't for now.

Simple, I stalk your for months maybe years, until one day I strike, dismembering your limbs and leaving you in the hands of demons that pray on your greatest fears, and after three days, you will finally die from the fear of it all.

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Ok this is a horrible thing and I'll feel bad for even typing it

I'll lock CobraKill in a sauna until he dies and he can no longer be identified except by autopsy.

This is seriously horrible, i'm sorry.

Edited by Tenshine
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I will lock Neo into a bed and chain his arms, legs, torso, and neck down. Then I tape his eyes shut and tape headphones to his ears, so he sees no light and hears no sound. Then I leave him in this extreme isolation occasionally bringing him food and water. After three days, hallucinations occur of both visual and auditory as his brain struggles to cope with the complete lack of stimulus. Eventually, with zero stimuli the brain will begin to make up entire worlds of pure fear and pain to keep itself alive. But some part of his brain will stay sane, a little part hiding in the shadows. Only then will I take pity and stop giving food to him so he has weeks left to live without food and the extreme aches of hunger set-in as his body basically consumes itself to stay alive.

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...You realize I am a floating mask with 20 hidden eyes, right? If you really want to kill me, here's a hint- I feed on emotions. Work with that, and you'll come up with something.

I will lock CobraKill in my basement for 30 days without rest. While this is happening, I will make him watch Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, every C movie ever, all the Scary Movies, and Fox News without end. At the end of those 30 days, I will offer him a choice- continue the torture, or take his own life. If he re4fuses, the cycle repeats for another 30 days. If he decides to take his own life, a noose will be presented to him from the basement's ceiling.

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I'll try something no one else did... And I will enjoy every fucking second of it... and that is...!

KameHameHa to the face, BITCH!

... then I'd just shoot you to the heart, just in case that didn't work.

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Hmmm...So much murder...not enough torture....I honestly prefer torture just to see them scream...beg for death...hehe

So what I was thinking, since you kill Magikarps, apparently, is to tie you upside-down, and dip you into a tank filled with Magikarps, which will then start tackling/splashing you. Do it multiple times and leave you hanging, though you'll die eventually. So I guess that is murder...

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thank you for this thread captain Hazama!

Psychological games sound more fun than harm...

First I would invite the person to a fake party and I'd have to invite other people to make it seem real... Give them a celebratorial wine... Except it has a anesthetic in it... Night night in less than a minute and thirty seconds!

Once they are asleep I would freak out and tell the party to leave and that I needed to take the person to the hospital.

Once we were alone I would place them in the torture room and give them serious amnesia with an overdose of Flunitrazepam! They wouldn't know what the hell they were doing! That's when the fun starts... I'd start playing with their head.

Make the puzzles they go through demoralize them, for example I'd make them have to build a key from pieces and then find a way to keep all the pieces together, which would be to use the torch in the room not only burning their hand but melting and welding the key.

Then at the push of a button the key would fall apart right in front of their face just as they're about to open the door. This would trap them and they would become extremely psychologically demoralized. But then I'd just open the door up later XD

they would continue into chamber 2

This is where things might get ugly...

Inside this chamber they would have to open the door using a sacrifice, they would either have to give their own arm or find another sacrificial arm.

Now when somebody has amnesia and they're inside of psychological game chambers they'd have some serious issues once they became psychologically demoralized, their loneliness could make them attach to inanimate objects. This is true


There are human like dummies in the room that I can make talk with the use of buttons on my control panel of course. By using these I can make the now slightly insane person even more insane due to being alone with these talking objects. It disrupts the spectrum of societal norms.

Now they're literally coocoo crazy. Talking to talking dummies crazy.

And now that they're insane enough to think these talking dummies have feelings, why should he have to use their arm to escape?

It causes their insane mind to have to decide me or friend.

That's a hard decision and we all know it.

Chamber 3 final chamber

This room is knee deep water with boxes everywhere. Suddenly a crocodile comes around the corner. The subject jumps onto one of the boxes. There are ten rooms. And two major rooms.

In the first major room there are the ten small rooms alongside the hallway. Inside of the rooms is a switch. They have to flick it and they have a time limit to get to the door at the end of the hall in time while avoiding the croc. In major room two they must avoid two crocs while using the boxes and their are no extra rooms to enter. The door to escape is at the end of the small room but their is a nozzle they must turn to open the door, it would take much longer than enough time for one of the crocs to eat them while they turn it. At the set of boxes next to the door a knife can be found, they must cut off a piece of their body large enough to satisfy the crocs while the subject turns the nozzle and opens the door and leaves.

The point of the chamber?

By inducing the feeling of helplessness to avoid death one becomes extremely insane.

And they even had to remove a limb or two to leave the chambers...

Muhahahahahahahaha..... My god I am a dark child....

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