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Funny, Interesting Things That Happened To You While Playing Reborn


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Share some funny, interesting things that have happened to you while playing reborn. I'll start, so on my second save file I decided to lead with my quagsire for some reason and run into a golbat, my quagsire only has ground moves so i try to run twice as I decide to switch out the golbat uses mean look.... On my 2nd file again after i got to the Beryl Ward I went on an all out hunt for tangela, it took me four hours to catch one even though i found four in that time period. The first one I ran out of pokeballs, the 2nd one i actually caught but than restarted because it didn't have regenerator only to remember the 3 ability glitch and I couldn't get regenerator....., third I accidentally killed with psybeam, fourth i caught and called sonofagun (even though it's a she) because I was so annoyed with tangela as a pokemon. Finally, apparently my venomoth who i randomly caught in obsidia park as a venonat on my 2nd playthrough (all the interesting stuff seems to happen on my 2nd playthrough) has flawless defense IVs. And I'm pretty sure of it, somehow my venomoth despite being one or two levels lower lived a earthquake from Fern's Krookadile.

Edited by ShatteredSkys
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My best moment on Reborn was my battle with Aya. Even though I beat Aya & Serra on my first try, I barely beat Aya,@_@ First of all I forgot to bring in my Magnezone, but I wanted to test out Aya's power first so I just kinda winged it with no level grinding after beating Fern. With Gardevoir knowing Psychic (I believe) & Ninetails (no drought ability) with Extrasensory, the battle was going along smoothly, though I used up all of my HP healing items. Sadly I lost Gardevoir & had to rely on Feraligatr & Scrafty for raw power (I had forgotten who my other 2 Pokemon were). However when it came down to the last 2 Pokemon, all I had was Garbodor & Ninetails against Seviper & Drapion. Drapion was burned with Will-o-Wisp, but still managed to beat my Ninetails while I had Garbodor raising the Defense stats with 3 Stockpile's & lowering Seviper's Special Defense down with 3 Acid Sprays. During all of that Drapion lost all its health thanks to the burn. Seviper spamming Sludge Wave & my Garbodor using Sludge Bomb, I finally managed to beat her Seviper with Garbodor, who was my last Pokemon in the red health.

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Funny thing that is happening to me right now... I'm doing a water monotype because I thought that it would be harder than my first file (where I had different types in a team), but now I'm doing better at everything lol, beat Shade and Florinia on the first try... Payback time motherf*ckers!!

Also... Aya, I'm coming for you Bl

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Hehe. I got some funny stuff from my second playthrough.

First, my first and second badges.

My first badge was like this. Technician Kricketune, go. Furycutter, Furycutter, Furycutter, kill (that was a Magnemite). Furycutter, kill. Furycutter, kill. Furycutter, kill, Furycutter, kill. Get outsped by Electabuzz, die. Go Charmeleon, Dragon Rage, Dragon Rage, win. ez.

My Florinia strategy was basically this: lead with Manectric, paralyze, then stack charge beam to victory. It was a fair strategy, I guess.

However, Manectric got annihilated by two crits in a row against whats-his-name-first-pokemon, then I had to go with Kricketune with Furycutter against a wounded enemy, easy kill, easy stacks, tons of damage. I didn't even need Charmeleon's Dragon Rage for Cradily, if I remember correctly. Turns out Kricketune won me my first two badges almost on it's own u.u

Secondly, I discovered by chance that Carvahna had speed boost as hidden ability when I got mine from the aqua gang dude. As soon I noticed I trained it for Shade, hoping that it could, at least, sweep one or two pokemanz before Chandelure Energiballed him to death. 1HKO Duskull with Crunch. Kay, cool. Second pokemon, Chandelure. Fuck. Sharpedo outsped it anyways with only one Speed Boost stack, 1HKO'd Chandelure and proceeded to sweep Shade's entire team, except for Spiritomb (he needed two crunches to fall). I was like OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS GUY WAS THAT EASY. After that he became totally useless against Kiki's guys, but whatever. RIP Sharpedo, you'll be back for Psychic Gym.

Third, Poison Gym Badge. During all the Apophyll arc I spent my time training a Drought Vulpix for Aya (Then evolved her to Ninetails, of course). I wanted to combo with my Solar Power Charizard with Heat Wave, while Ninetails stacked Nasty Plot's for OP Extrasensory KO's.

Long story short, It wasn't that good. I lost my Gardevoir to focused poison damage on the first turn, and Ninetails didn't live enough to step with Charizard in battle. Also, Manectric's best move was still Charge Beam, which is kinda meh when it deals less than half bar to a Tentacruel on the fist turn used (Even more when that Tentacruel annihilated your Gardevoir and was about to do the same to Ninetails). After trying to use Heat Wave on that Dragon-Poison-Thingy (Which does look more look like a bug, fml), my just-got-lvl-46-fuck-you Charizard, "pretended not to hear me" and died to him, when he could've easily got him with one last Air Slash.

After that, all I had left was my Gyarados and a lvl 23 Chingling (my sixth pokemon was a lvl 23 Chingling that I'm carrying to get Bulbasaur. Yeah, I was that confident with my Ninetails-Charizard combo) against Gengar and Dragon-Poison-not bug-Thingy. Kill the bug with Ice Fang. Chingling dies to Sludge Wave. Gyarados gets poisoned and has just enough to take one more hit. Gengar is full health.

Sludge Wave. Gyarados goes to almost nothing. One more tick of poison and she dies. Bite the Gengar (don't expect more than 60% damage).

Critical Hit, Oh, Yeah. Gengar faints. GG. Gyarados's poison fades away on my way to the healing thing.

Lucky Win, yeah. I guess Ninetails-Charizard will be more lucky against Ice-lady. Not strong enough for this one q.q

The last one is lvl 43 Gyarados, lvl 46 Charizard, lvl 45 Gardevoir, level 15 HM Slave Zigzagoon, Chingling and an empty slot against Kiki's Medicham. I had an empty slot to save before getting Ghastly then have him right there to check the nature. While I was getting in there, I thought "Wait a minute, I can't beat that monster Medicham with only three lvl 45-ish pokemon". I decided to give it just a try, to see what I could do. 1HKO Gyarados with Thunderpunch. 'Kay, I can't say I didn't expect that. Go, Charizard, Air Slash, yay. Thunder punch, Charizard survives with a quarter, deals 33% to Medicham. Good enough. Bye Charizard, it's Gardevoir time. Medicham uses Meditation. Cool, free damage, Shadowball. Medicham goes to 40%. MEDITATE AGAIN. OMG I'VE GOT A CHANCE HERE. Shadowball, 10% OMG OMG OMG. Meditate. YEAH. Got ya.

Ghastly turned up being Hardy. Good enough for me, I wasn't like trying again just to get Modest. I was lucky enough like that...

I hope my next big battles end up being a little weird like these.

Yeah, I do talk a lot. Deal with it...

(Seriously, sorry xD)

EDIT: I've got another one from another game. It's a hack rom from Emerald. There was this forest where you could find wild Wynauts. Thing is, these Wynauts had this passive that didn´t allow you to escape or switch and had Destiny Bond. Annoying as hell.

Edited by maturekpo
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Caught a shiny(impish) Luvdisc, trained it to level 50. When updated to 10.5 went to breed it with a ditto to get another Luvdisc to trade, then two funny things happened:

1- The bred Luvdisc was Modest (The nature I was searching on my first Luvdisc hunt)

2-The girl at Apophyl just says now "It's cute" and doesn't want to trade.

Was the girl trading Luvdisc for Darumaka moved?

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I found a shiny modest Noibat. And my shiny Manectric has +Special Attack. Awesome.

And the battle against Noel in my last playthrough. Did a critical hit against his last Pokemon, which spammed 4 Cosmic Powers which my Primeape who had 4 HP left.

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Mine was when I found two shinies in a row in the Obsidia Park... I think it was Venonat and Bellsprout c:

jelly lol shiny venomoth is one of my favorite shinies

On the topic of venomoth recently on my 2nd file took on cain and because my pokemon are so under leveled I got slaughtered, in the end it came down to venomoth vs Samurott and a half hp muk. Venomoth manages to confuse and put samurott to sleep but samurott wakes up after 2 turn but i get lucky and it hits it self twice letting venomoth take it down. When muk comes in i try to put it to sleep with sleep powder but to my surprise the muk has a lum berry, so i'm thinking well gg but than the muk misses his mud bomb and my venomoth puts it to sleep and finishes off. In the end i beat cain with nothing left but a 40 hp venomoth, Radamous is going to be tough......

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  • 2 weeks later...

Funny yet something that really pissed me off cause it made me lose the battle. So im here fighting frosslass last pokemon left on the ice gym i keep healing my Hariyama me forgetting the game mechanics are programmed to be oh hey yo used the bag once you dont need to be highlighted over it any more me have the speed hack on i forget it GOES BACK TO FIGHT OF COURSE i spam A realize shit thats fight not bag its to late i just lost the fight because it ALWAYS GOES BACK TO FIGHT AND DOES NOT STAY ON BAG. So funny/agrrevating/rant moment i just had on my second playthrough

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