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So I'm thinking about doing a nuzlocke of Platinum after I get all of my pokes transferred over to a newer game. However, instead of the typical method of team building, I'll have Reborn decide which Pokemon end up on my team. After gaining the ability to fill up my party, I'll trade over (or hack in with randomized IVs/abilities if I can't reasonably obtain them) the Pokemon that you select. One Pokemon per post, first come, first served, no duplicate species, no double posting. Make it interesting, not boring (with a bunch of overpowered pokemon) or cruel (the weakest team you can think of). Any suggestions after the first 6 will be used in order to replace fallen teammates. I'll record my travels in the OP below.

The rules that I am using:

  • Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be boxed permanently.
  • Players must also nickname all of their Pokémon, for the sake of forming stronger emotional bonds.
  • A black out/white out is considered to be "game over", even if there are Pokémon left in the PC.
  • Prohibition against voluntarily resetting and reloading the game when things go wrong. Being able to do so would render all of the other rules pointless.
  • Battle style: Set.
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If the farfetch'd is used just name it Hukuna lol, that way yo remeber this butthead who suggested it and you aren't too upset when he eventually gets blown to smithereens lol, or name it whatever you like (I usually name mine Bushido lol.)

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